
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Feeding the Crazy Machine.

I do believe that the worse thing we have ever allowed to do regarding Mass Shooters was the not mentioning of his name so other deranged individuals would not follow his example. I read somewhere that 30% percent of the shooters mentioned previous shooters as reason (partially or whole) why they decide to commit their sprees. That means 70% of them did not give a crap about past shooters.

Here is a test: How many of you can mention the names of Mass Shooters without looking them up? I bet that even the Parkland Shooter will take you a few moments of effort to remember. and I also bet most of you don’t remember the Sandy West shooter or many others from the past 20 years. Now imagine the average Joe and Jane and what do they hear in the news about being responsible? The NRA, its members and Gun Owners and general.  That is one strategy the Opposition has played so beautifully that nine weeks after the Parkland shooting, most people will not even remember the name of County Law Enforcement Agency that dropped the ball so miserably and so many times or that even the School Board was accomplice.

In allowing ourselves to be blamed, we have allowed to make the crazed shooters understand that no matter how heinous their crime, the will not be blamed for it and that even a smidgen of pity will be addressed their way. We are reaping the results of “It is not your fault” culture and we are getting screwed by it.

Bouche said he grew up surrounded by violence and mental illness, neglected but not physically abused, and felt the shooting was “pretty much” his only way out of the situation.
“My first memory is violence and conflict,” he said. “That’s my first memory. And no one will believe me. That’s one of the reasons people don’t think I’m serious.”
On Friday morning, Bouche said he woke up, chambered a round in his sawed-off shotgun and then put it away. At that point, Bouche said, all he could feel was “this adrenaline rush.”
“It’s not anger, it’s not hatred, it’s an adrenaline rush that, you know, I’m about to do something. I spend most of my time in a room alone so I’m getting this rush, so that’s what I was feeling,” he said.
He stopped because a girl was there and she didn’t run from him and she was crying.
That made him throw down the gun, he said, “I could’ve shot her, but I just, I don’t know, I just couldn’t do it.”
After that, he surrendered to a teacher.

Forest High shooter: ‘My first memory is violence and conflict’

Have you seen anywhere in Regular or Social Media anything that comes close to the level of hate that the NRA and Gun Owners get for the actions of theses deranged assholes?

No. And we are at fault for playing the No-Naming Game. They want us dead and we allowing them to write our obituary.


“We don’t want to take your guns, we just want to take your guns that we don’t like.”

So Fidelista Emma does advocate confiscation after all.  And you want to know something? I am sure she is not including her family’s semi automatic weapons in the mix. Cuban family without a machete and a pistol hidden around the house is sent back to Cuba by its peers.

She was addressing the Waffle House shooting in Nashville where a man killed 4 people and had his rifle wrestled away by a patron. This tweet from Emma was just too funny.

Given that the shooter, one Travis Reinking, (who believed singer Taylor Swift was stalking him) was only wearing a green jacket and nothing else at the time of the shooting either makes him crazy or a Hippy.  And Emma wrong…again.

PS: Waffle House has a No Gun policy and IIRC, in Tennessee the signs do carry the weight of the law unlike Florida.

David Hogg speaks with forked tongue.

The Waffle House Shooting in Nashville. This time from David “Junior Goebbels” Hogg:

So he is celebration that an unarmed man (with surely a bigger testicular set than his) wrestled the gun away from the shooter.  And it is cause for celebration indeed, first because we must congratulate people with real valor, and second because dear Hogg contradicted himself from a previous statement he made about people facing a shooter with an AR 15:

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg came to the defense of the armed resource officer who never entered the Parkland, Florida school where 17 people were killed in a mass shooting, asking, “Who wants to go down the barrel of an AR-15, even with a Glock?”
In an interview Saturday on MSNBC, Mr. Hogg insisted that the officer, Scot Peterson, “just like every other police officer out there at heart — is a good person.”

David Hogg defends officer Scot Peterson: ‘Who wants to go down the barrel of an AR-15?’

Freedom Canisters

I forgot to share the small lot of S&H mags AKA Freedom Containers. They are still available at Palmetto State Armory, but if they are suddenly out of stock, just wait, they will bring them back. At $8.99 they are selling like crazy.

Now, improve the ammo quantity till it is enough to send the Brits demanding help from NATO.  OK, the Brits do freak out for basically any amount of ammunition found in the wild, so perhaps a minimum of two rifle classes?

OK, a couple of thousands… geez.

Fanfare for the Common Man – “The Presidents Own®” U.S. Marine Band®

I have this video in my favorite’s roster. The execution is just perfect and that lies directly with the quality of the performers. And as retired audio engineer, I can tell you that whoever was working the sound, was smart in recognizing it: He or she only used 2 microphones for the whole section.

The performers have to be really good for an engineer to take the chance of only using 2 mikes. That is our unicorn, just two transducers to simulate ears and capture the music as it come out of the instruments. And a live performance? Brass balls the size of church bells since they either perform perfectly or there is no way for you to maybe pull one of your tricks and “fix it in the mix.”

It seems I have offended people with my lack of English Language skills.

From a comment left on the previous post.

And I replied to his comment, but I thought, “Hey’ let’s give this whole thing a bigger spotlight. It may get lost in the clutter and it would a shame.


““Wanna”? “Gonna?” is that the kind of illiteracy you “wanna” use to represent a literate constituency? If you pretend to represent firearms owners, I would hope that you would be more literate, at least! “

I am so sorry to have caused offense your honorable Grammar Hauptscharführer. My only excuse is that English is not my native language, only the third and I learned it well into adulthood.

“We are already dealing with a liberal constituency which tends to typify us as knuckle-draggers; “

I have posted this before: That they consider us stupid is the best thing it could happen. They never see us coming because they think we do not have the mental preparation to beat them.

“the least you could do is to use proper English skills if you expect to represent us …”

Then again you can open your own blog and write in the “proper” English, just make sure your spell checker is set for British English and let’s hope that using that particular side of the language does not show how much of an asshole you are.

“especially when discussing the manner in which high-school students perceive us.”
One thing I learned the hard way was that I should not care what other people think about me, specially those who still do not know squat about life nor pay my bills. Now, you wanting to appear cool to kids is kinda creepy. Do you hang around much with kids so young? Do their parents know? Are you a catholic Priest?

“It’s bad enough that we are all, as Americans, dealing with the slaughter of teen-agers”
Elmer? Is that you? next you?

“the least you could do is to allow us to be portrayed as literate adults.”

Maskirovka, baby!