From CNN:

Los Angeles County ambulance crews are told not to transport patients with little chance of survival

Imagine having cardiac arrest and getting picked up by an ambulance that won’t take you to a hospital.

“This order that was issued by the county emergency medical services really is very specific to patients who suffered from cardiac arrest and are unable to be revived in the field,” said Dr. Jeffrey Smith, chief operating officer of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

“Those patients have a very low rate of survival each if they are transported to the hospital. So at this time, it is deemed to likely be futile.”

“Effective immediately, due to the severe impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on EMS and 9-1-1 Receiving Hospitals, adult patients (18 years of age or older) in blunt traumatic and nontraumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) shall not be transported [if] return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is not achieved in the field,” the agency said.

I don’t know which governor is more cruel and evil, Newsom or Cuomo.  These two states are operating as death camps by neglect.

They decide who doesn’t get vaccinated, who doesn’t get to go to a hospital, who gets to be neglected to death.

I guess we can’t have our Great Reset without mass casualties.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “California mandates EMTs let people die”
  1. So, it turns out that Gov. Palin’s predictions of “death panels” deciding who would and would not receive medical care was erroneous. There are no panels, it’s all being decided by one man.

  2. It’s not quite that. There is a disconnect in how it was reported vs. what they are actually doing. With a few exceptions (the big one being most pediatric patients), patients who are in cardiac arrest are only transported to the ER if there is a Return Of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC). This has been the standard of care for several years where I work as a Paramedic. It is also what is recommended by the American Heart Association in its Advanced Cardiac Life Support Class. The studies have shown that most patients who are not successfully resuscitated in the field are not successfully resuscitated in the ER. For a run of the mill cardiac arrest, the care provided in the street is NO DIFFERENT from that provided in the ER. It appears that Los Angeles has adopted this standard a bit late in the game.

    1. I would feel a lot better about this if the policy was coming from the hospitals and EMTs, rather than from a politician.

    1. The funeral home comes and gets them, if the sheriff doesn’t put a hold on it. We pull the hoses and tubes, put them in bed with a blanket, and usually wait till a friend or family member gets there.

  3. Please understand clearly what is being said here. They are not “letting them die”, that patient is allready dead. Without a return of sinus rythem, they have no chance. Period. End of story. The cardiac arrest did not kill him…..the 35 years of cheese burgers did.

    Street Medic is absolutely correct. Here in my county we have been doing that for years. Most cardiac standards are literally written here. LA is late to the game, and the story is slanted to make the “worst disease evah” look bad.

    1. I want to go ahead and confirm that for Florida as well. This policy has been the standard in Florida since about 2004 or so. There is no difference between what is done in the prehospital setting and what is done in the hospital, and if ROSC isn’t achieved in the field it isn’t in the hospital 20, 30, or even 90 minutes later, either. (There are exceptions to this, and they are part of the protocol: cold water drownings, etc.)

      We used to haul every cardiac arrest into the hospital, but many studies were done and they all showed that the risk of killing someone when the ambulance gets in an accident on the way to the hospital was greater than the chances of saving the arrest victim.

  4. Again, Ish nails it. Likely, Gabbling Nuisance is part of the Orange Man Baaaad! cabal, and figures that presented in this manner, this decision can, as another commenter observed, make things appear even worse.

    BTW, anybody find any data ref excess mortality in 2020? My feeling (yes *exactly* that precise!) is that, outside of CA and FNY, there does not appear to be any.

    But, as always, facts are welcome.

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