Cal Con Con is an initiative of hyper-progressives that want to hold a second Constitutional Convention.

We believe that when a Community is in integrity with itself, it becomes natural to prioritize and protect People and Planet… from there, we believe that Peace is naturally restored. Our initiative celebrates the dignity of life and wishes to protect the delicate relationships inherent within it.

Although we believe in a free market economy, we also believe that there are many alternate kinds of economy that can, and do, belong in a shared society. Diversity is natural and powerful. We see the advantage of Time Banking, Job Sharing, Profit Sharing, Community Stakeholders, Cooperative Living, Cooperative trading, Organic Rural and Urban Farming, Renewable Energy Sources and transitioning away from extraction models, with immediate effect. We believe this is the only way to mitigate Climate Crisis and secure the potential for a livable future with our Planet.

We believe all humans – and all living species – should be able to rely on clean water, air, and food. We also believe that people should have reasonable and affordable access to reliable healthcare, superior education, and a home: regardless of race, creed, gender identity, age or religion. We need to restore our planet’s healthy systems to make it safe for inhabitation again, to restore home to all ecological systems and communities.

This is our shared future. We are living a shared story. And we are gliding toward a precipice. Our initiative seeks to recognize and restore the dignity of all life by finding new, bold and inspiring ways to collaborate across many rivers to support this one truth: that all life must be respected if we are to survive.

It is our vision that we change the Constitution of the USA to protect civil liberties, restore and secure our healthy ecosystems, and return to a state of gratitude, and generosity. We need a future that is livable and safe for all future generations. We would love to see this policy adopted in all developing Countries.

That is some kooky bullshit right there.  It is totally unfeasible to somehow mesh a free market with total Communism and radical environmentalism, and get anything other than poverty and famine as a result.

But by golly, they are going to try.

They even have a new Bill of Rights they want to implement.

The Earth, its ecosystems and other species must be protected from the irresponsible use of the powers which people, as individuals and as groups, have at their disposal. Thus the exercise of informed responsibility becomes as necessary a part of the use of humankind’s individual and collective powers as the enjoyment of rights.

​Oh goody, collectivism.  

Civil Rights:

1) Protect the people’s right to privacy from surveillance without due process, related to proveable emergency concerns that such people are verifiably a danger to the public.

Okay, I’m all for the current 4th Amendment.  The whole “proveable emergency concerns” is some scary language.

2) Protect all people’s right to be joined in a mutually consenting marriage, no matter the gender or sexuality of each party.

Was Obergefell and the 14th Amendment not good enough?  I’m concerned that this is going to pave the way to child sex grooming and other perversion.

3) Provide free, reliable and safe Universal healthcare for all citizens, regardless of medical history.

Nope.  The Soviet Union couldn’t do this with food.  Every national healthcare system in Europe is bankrupt.  This will fail.

4) Ensure that all US Citizens are legally protected and actively safe from harm from people owning guns or weapons that can cause willful or accidental damage to themselves, or others – individual or collective.

They want to put the collective punishment of gun owners in the United States Constitution.  It is impossible for the goverment to protect all the people all the time.  Police can only act as a deterrent to crime.  People will still get killed with this in place since we know bad people will do bad things.  Now they want to make sure that when a criminal shoots someone, collectively, we are to be prosecuted because we own guns.

5) Abolish Electoral College.

Nobody should ever get elected to president if California doesn’t agree.  California gets to play Kingmaker.

They want slavery and collective punishment in the US Constitution, by virtue of flowery, feel-good language.

They have a whole set of other ideas, I won’t cover all of them, but a few stick out to me as being hyper-repressive.

Wages: All things being equal, require all people of equal skill to receive equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender, age, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation or race.

So we’re going to have to set up a MinPay to quantify that?  I believe in equality, don’t get me wrong, but once you do this you have to come up with a universal metric and that is impossible.

Protecting the dignity of all life:

Nature’s Rights: Declare that Nature is a freely living being with inalienable rights, and that no individual, business entity, government, “owner” or organization shall inflict violence or servitude on her.

Nature is not mere property but instead does have rights of its own.

This is an end to logging, farming, housing development.  I can’t build a factory because a lawyer representing the near by forest will sue me on behalf of the forest.  Welcome to the stone age.

Render it illegal to patent life, in perpetuity.

Render it illegal to terminate life’s ability to renew itself, in perpetuity.​

There goes the green revolution.  The ensuing famine will kill millions.

Render it illegal to patent life, in perpetuity.

State Independence:

Create a clear and reasonable path for States to achieve complete independence from the United States should any state so chose.

The People of the State of California hereby instruct their state elected officials to communicate with and support any other American state that is interested in calling a constitutional convention regardless of that American states’ reasons for calling for an Article V Constitutional Convention, with the intent to get enough American states to call for an Article V Constitutional Convention so that it happens.

The People of the State of California further instruct their state elected officials that if America does not have an Article V constitutional convention by December 25 2019, and if that convention has not changed the constitution of America to include the intent of the language presented in this initiative in topic 5 of section 3, entitled “Protecting the dignity of all life” also by December 25 2019, then California, in order to act on the will of the people to protect their future and their children’s future, will place on the ballot for a vote on November 3, 2020, a question asking “Do you want California to secede from America?”

After putting slavery, famine, and collective punishment into the Constitution, please get the fuck out.

Collaboratively disempower ethically compromised people and entities.

They want mob justice.

This is a compete perversion of everything America stands for.  This is about collective rights, not individual rights.  This is about crushing innovation and development.

It is an idea that if you just constrain enough of the rights of enough of the people, you can achieve utopia.

They wan’t to cause an American Holodomor.

They use all the liberal language they can to cover the fact that their goal is progress through mass graves.

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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “California progressives want to start a Civil War”
    1. If the Pro-Union Abolitionists could form West Virginia during the Civil War, there is no reason the sane people can’t form an East California and remain in the Union, while letting the California Communists go their own way.


      This is why I am adamant about no Constitutional Convention called by the states. These are the loons that would end up dominating any new Constitutional Convention. Look at the rot in every other institution; universities, charities, foundations, and the government bureaucracy. These are the same people that would dominate any convention. They will actively drive out any opposition.

  1. “Render it illegal to terminate life’s ability to renew itself, in perpetuity.​”

    So much for “spay and neuter your pets”. As well as raising beef and, I suspect, most other mammalian meats.

    How about the people who want those just go someplace else? I guarantee there is no more than 100 people pushing this crap.

  2. Yeah … this is a “stone soup” sort of platform … everybody tosses in something so everyone has a reason to support it, even it it comes out being mutually contradictory. (Simple example: what about abortion under them there rules?)

    Of course, there’s also the maxim that if you purport to stand for everything, in practice you stand for nothing.

    Re Cali seceding, I’d say let the big coastal cities and Sacramento go (except San Diego – or Guantanamize it; either way we should keep that base) but give the interior “bread basket” regions a chance to stay if they want. (If they want to go too, okay, but give them the choice.) Of course, this also means all electrical and water connections and supplies from the United States will need to be renegotiated.

    1. Severely renegotiated. Problem is the coastal cities have the shipping ports. Until we get Texas ports up to the ability to handle the traffic, we need those ports as much as they need the water. So no long term deals as we eventually get shipping out of the California coast.

  3. “We see the advantage of Time Banking, Job Sharing, Profit Sharing, Community Stakeholders, Cooperative Living, Cooperative trading, Organic Rural and Urban Farming, Renewable Energy Sources and transitioning away from extraction models.”

    There’s nothing preventing anyone from practicing any or all of these in combination in the US. If it works for them, great — I have no issue with that. Just don’t force it on me.

    1. But but … Everybody loves Totalitarian Tuesday and Freemarket Friday! It says so right in the mandatory “voluntary participation” regulations!

  4. “We believe all humans – and all living species – should be able to rely on clean water, air, and food.” Oh, fun. All living species… should be able to rely on food? That sounds like it’s protecting the rights of rats, and malaria mosquitos, and plague bacteria.
    Go right ahead, but keep it within your state.

    1. Come to think of it, the wording seems to say that they aren’t allowed to eat, since that infringes on the rights of other living species. And if they want to breathe, they will have to wear a face mask to avoid swallowing other living species.
      Sounds good to me.

  5. “We believe that when a Community is in integrity with itself, it becomes natural to prioritize and protect People and Planet… from there, we believe that Peace is naturally restored.”

    Those who ignore history… etc. The “natural condition” of humanity for nearly all of recorded history has been war, oppression, brutality and slavery. It is only with the American Declaration of Independence that we have something to compare to the empires of the past. Magical unicorns are not going to save us from the hell these hippies envision for us.

  6. Clearly they worship the creation and not the Creator with all the references and homage paid to the environment. They are declaring Mother Nature to be a living being. They are insane.

    As noted above, I just love how they want to affirm all life, yet they will without a doubt include murder by abortion as one of their universal health care mandates.

  7. “Render it illegal to terminate life’s ability to renew itself, in perpetuity.​”

    Congratulations! These progressives just outlawed abortions and maybe even birth control. Who said these Californians weren’t pro-life?

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