Reader Galed sent me this stunning depiction of stupidity.

The Liberal paradise of California made it impossible for them to live within their means, the move to Texas and the first electoral thing they do is to vote to make their new state the same shade of shithole they just escaped from.

Liberal Californians are worse than the Wuhan Virus.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “Californication is a real danger.”
    1. Actually, yes. The only drawback is that this reduces the state’s Congressional representation (by the proportion of 21+ year old males eligible to vote to the total number of 21+ year old non-felon males). See 14th Amendment, section 2.

  1. Hey, some of us fled California for political (as well as economic) reasons. Any chance I get to make Tennessee less like California, I figure I’ll take it.
    (Haven’t really looked at local politics yet, but it looks like whatever rascals are currently running Sevier County are doing a pretty darn good job of it, compared to anything I saw back in Silicon Valley the past few decades.)

    1. Sevier County votes 3:1 for the gop. Little danger in it turning blue any time soon, but your help is appreciated for the state level offices 😁.
      Nashville keeps importing these people en masse, and now Nashville is so expensive (34% property tax increase this year) that those people are now fleeing Davidson County for the outlying areas.

      The reason I want a waiting period is because of the people who move here and immediately want to make things exactly like what they left. The 5 year period would give them time to either appreciate the way we do things and realize it’s better, or move back to the place that has their preferred policies.

      1. Example: We had a lady from Nashville proper move in across the street. I’m about 2 miles from the border. Within weeks, she starts a campaign to get the zoning laws changed so that she can put a “tiny house” in her backyard for one of her 20-something kids… Just like she had at her old house in Nashville.

        I don’t think I can adequately describe my frustration at the kind of person who would rather move somewhere new and change the laws to suit their desires than move somewhere that already permits whatever it is their asking for. My desire to NOT want to live in a neighborhood riddled with backyard apartments for kids who failed to launch is apparently irrelevant. If I don’t like it…. I should move? So you can follow me in 5 years and do it all over again?

        Btw, she never got it approved and finally moved back to Nashville over the summer. She was here for right at 5 years.

  2. I really have no tolerance with people who can’t understand cause and effect. The reason you moved is that your politics turned your former state into a sh*thole and now you want to do it again.

    This couple is more stupid than a 4 year old that shoves a piece of metal into an AC outlet, gets knocked back across the room, and goes back to do it again. At least the 4 year old is 4.

  3. They are more like roaches- they everywhere. I got em in my little town so every once in a while i get out the machine guns and show em what Freedom sounds like. This is why even if you dont want to you HAVE to get involved in your town. They tried to shut down a buddy of mine because he built a PRIVATE gun range and the nieghbor from maryland didnt like it. WE the People won that round.

  4. STUPIGNORANCE! That’s what it’s called when it goes beyond ignorance and stupidity… So they haven’t a clue as to how CA shat itself, now, have they?!? There should be literacy tests given before a state accepts any CA transplants.

  5. The folks on the left have no problem participating in a concerted effort to “turn red states blue.” In fact, they are proud of it.

    Just imagine the outrage that would ensue of conservatives initiated a similar effort to turn California, NY, Oregon, and Washington red. There is no way the left would sit back and act like that is perfectly OK.

    Face it, they think they are smarter and deserve to be in power. Disagreeing with them is just a demonstration of how stupid you are, and how important it is for them to be in charge.

    One more note. Idiots like this just reinforce my belief that most folks vote leftist because they have this idea that the folks on the right just care about big business, destroying the environment solely to make money, keeping women as chattel, and oppressing gays, blacks, hispanics, etc…

  6. It’s been happening in Idaho since at least the seventies. Back then it was less about the left/right politics but it was about the economics. Califoricators left Cali due to astronomical property taxes, high real estate prices, and overcrowding moved to Idaho for the low taxes, relatively low cost of living and wide open spaces. Then they start complaining that their new found paradise doesn’t have all the conveniences and services that LA, San Fran or wherever they’re from had. The classic Califoricator move was to buy a house on an an average near a dairy or feedlot, then complain loudly to the county about the smell when the wind blew from the wrong direction.

  7. Yep, need to send these f’ers back where they came from. Austin is a lost cause, thanks to Compaq computers move back in the 80s… We had ONE couple in tiny town, they have since moved to the metromess of DFW. They had the SOLE Hillary sign in town in 2016. Good riddance!

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