

Amazing and Unknown Bear Facts: Mike Kupari

Mike Kupari is the half of the Dead Six book series alongside with Larry Correia. If you have not read them, go get them now. Pack full of action & shooting.

Mike just posted this on Larry’s Facebook wall and I had to steal it.

This calls for some more BEAR FACTS.

FACT: Approx. 51,000 Americans die in bear attacks every year.

FACT: Bear attacks are the 8th and 9th leading causes of death in the United States, just behind Diabetes and ahead of Nephritis, Nephrosis, Influenza, and Pneumonia.

FACT: Additionally, bears are a factor in 9% of automobile accidents nationwide (bears are terrible drivers).

FACT: Bear attacks are becoming so prevalent that the CDC is covering them up to prevent widespread panic. Actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman didn’t die of a drug overdose. There were drugs in his system, but he was actually found dead of a bear mauling in that NYC hotel room. (The bear also had drugs in its system. Bears get aggressive when they take heroine.)

Other actors notoriously killed by bears include Brandon Lee, Raul Julia, and Paul Walker (the latter because he allowed the bear to drive).

FACT: The Premier of Manitoba was recently killed in a bear attack. The Canadian Forces, aided by the RCMP, were able to restore constitutional government to the Province, putting down the attempt at secession by bears. Kim Jong Un in North Korea is a puppet (literally, a marionette controlled by strings). An endangered Ussuri Black Bear known only as “Great Leader” is actually in control of North Korea.

FACT: Bears are notoriously antisemitic. They publicly support Holocaust Denial propaganda and have even been seen marching in Klan rallies.

FACT: Raccoons are a thieving, spying, assassin client race of the Bears. They do their masters’ bidding willingly and gleefully. They are not to be trusted.

FACT: Giant Pandas were responsible for over a million Chinese deaths during the “Great Leap Forward”. They are dedicated communists and acted as enforcers for Mao Zedong.

FACT: Koala Bears are not actually bears. They’re marsupials, which means they probably came from outer space. Actual bears consider them a racial abomination and have viciously hunted them to near extinction.

dead-six1sword of exodus

Yes, neither one of them work with a plumb bubble, but they write damned good books 🙂

…and then your only choice is to depend on the kindness of strangers.

Sorry for the quiet, but I have been keeping an eye on the events in Venezuela.  Still more of the useless marches planned for today, but I am detecting less enthusiasm…then again playing moving target against a bunch of thugs does not seem like a good idea to some.

You won’t hear much about this in the Mainstream Media. Mostly it has been transmitted by one Spanish Speaking News Cable Network (NTN24) which got its signal shut down by the Venezuelan government but is still sending its transmission via the Net. The rest of the local TV stations are transmitting but under “advice” not to transmit anything other than the government’s official news briefing, so basically is up to Social Media to relay any info.

It was on Twitter that I found  this depressing meme/petition:



After ages of indoctrination against “violence,” of no concept of armed right of self-defense, of conditioning people into believing that “Daddy Government” will take care of them and keep them safe, a country is now nothing more than a Blanche DuBois: a worn out and pathetic  woman with anything in her bag to make it on her own and depending on others to come to the rescue.

Which will not come.

And they still will not learn the lesson.

This is why….. (Graphic Content) UPDATE

Yesterday in Venezuela, there was a country-wide series of peaceful demonstrations against the Government. Lots of cities joined and some didn’t but what has happened since  Neo Communism  was democratically voted into office came to happen once again: Violence against the demonstrators.

Now according to the law down there, anti-riot police is strictly forbidden in the usage of lethal ammunition against unarmed “rioters”.  The problem is that Less-Than-Lethal can be quite damaging if the “officers” do not adhere to the recommended practices by the manufacturers which tends to be shooting at a distance not closer than 35 feet. So the Venezuelan “officers” love to get close and personal.

0v gun shotgun close


Which leads to injuries like the following:

0v gun shotgun 1


0v gun shotgun 2

0v gun shotgun 4


0v gun shotgun 6


And if the shot is properly placed, let’s say in a sensitive part like the head….death.
shotgun head

Of course, there are always “officers” that “forget” the dictum about not using lethal measures:
0v gun 1

0v gun 2And let us not forget those grateful community organizers and union members aligned with the government that come out and support the Revolution by intimidating anybody who dares to speak against it.
0v irregulars

If you are stupid enough to be mumbling “This cannot happen here” wake the hell up. If we ever falter in our sacred duty to defend the Constitution and specifically the Second Amendment, this could be very well true in the future.

“But Miguel” you say “that means you have no trust in our LEOs.” and you would be wrong. I do trust the majority of them, but LEOs with an appreciation to the Bill of Rights or Human Rights in general can be and will be replaced for properly indoctrinated thugs the same way that Hugo Chavez did with all the police forces in Venezuela. I mean, these f***ers cannot solve 98% of the murders or control any other type of crime in the country, but they sure are great at putting down unarmed civilians.

Hunting ain’t fun when the bunny shoots back.

This lesson unfortunately has not been learned outside our borders. You take it to heed.

UPDATE: The following videos allegedly shows the killing of Bassil Da Costa, a student who was marching in the protest.


and from the angle of the shooters. Notice one muzzle flash.

Again, firearms that shoot normal ammunition are verbotten by law.

A wee bit of common sense: Florida’s ‘Pop-Tart’ gun bill

The Florida bill would protect schoolchildren who play with imaginary guns, miniature toy guns and toy guns made of snap-together building blocks.

Children would also be free to draw pictures of guns, or hold their pencils as if they were firearms. They could still get in trouble, however, if their play disrupts class or hurts a fellow student or teacher.

via TALLAHASSEE: ‘Pop-Tart’ gun bill would not punish children with simulated weapons at school – Breaking News – MiamiHerald.com.

The sad part is that common sense needs to be injected in our school system via a law.

I wanna see Moms and the rest bemoaning this bill.