I regularly check the Facebook page of the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence checking out their latest bouts of idiocy. Today and as usual they did not disappoint me.Ā  One trusting gun owning soul cordially extended an invitation to learn first hand about firearms (Click on pic to amplify):

I admit that I shook my head when I saw that post. I made a screen capture and went on to do other things. Just now I checked again and “surprise!”:

And these are the people that want to engage in reasoned discourse and want a rational conversation about guns.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “CSGV: Because they are open minded and willing to learn.”
  1. I saw that this morning as well. Sent him a message telling him to take a screencap of his comment because it wouldn’t be there long.

  2. I wonder if they realize how stupidly-easy it is to take screenshots and expose their blatant oppression of dissent?

    For that matter, I wonder if they even care?

  3. Hey Miguel… since you are there all the time.. record how many likes they have.. going up or down? A nice graph over a month’s time might be nice.. šŸ™‚

  4. Yeah. Had that happen to me. I asked them if they’d be calling for investigations into the “Fast and the Furious” kerfuffle. They deleted my comment, removed me from their likers(oh no!) and made it so I can never post again apparently(I’ve tried re-liking it to comment).

    God forbid a concerned citizen ask a question!

  5. […] Still suspended. I would have thought it would be a relatively simple matter to get this restored, but I’m pondering whether Ladd Everitt couldn’t help himself and tried to win an argument with an Internet Administrator again and lost. Perhaps they are surrendering the field here, and concentrating their efforts on Facebook, where they can more easily delete any material that blocks the reverberations in their echo chamber. […]

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