TARBORO, N.C. (WNCN) – Edgecombe County deputies say hate crime charges are possible in a machete attack on Friday.

The attack happened Friday around 9 a.m. at a house on Carr Farm Road in Macclesfield.

According to deputies, the suspect, identified as Carlos Antonio Washington, was waiting behind the couple’s house and attacked the homeowner once the victim went inside the house.

Deputies said the homeowner fought the suspect off momentarily and deflected the machete. The homeowner’s wife came out with a gun and shot at Washington – ending the attack.

Edgecombe County machete attack yields hate crime charges, deputies say

Hate Crime you say! But the attacker is not White! How’s that possible?

Deputies said federal hate crime charges are possible as the suspect is a Black Hebrew Israelite who attacked a white family at random.

You may remember a deadly attack to a New Jersey market almost a year ago  that resulted in the death of four people including a cop. The killers were Black Hebrew Israelites who also were the ones that jump-started the colossal Media screw-up that ended with Nicki Sandman suing CNN, WaPo and a bunch of other News Media for Libel…and winning many millions of dollars.

Now, seeing that it is already Tuesday and this crime happened last Friday, it is interesting to see that a Hate Crime is not getting the required pomp and outrage from the usual political suspects. Interesting but not unexpected ever since Antifa/BLM’s raise in importance (even when “hero/victims” are the scum of the Earth) and the chance the after January, the people pushing for the Race Card and its advantages may end up in positions of Federal Power.

I would not be surprised if in a year’s time, Mr. Washington ends up pleading to one count of trespassing and let free for time served.  Anything Hate Crime-related promptly forgotten.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Defensive Use of Gun ends Hate Crime”
  1. So, now, White folks are the only ones who can hate…

    Hmmmmmmmm. Must be that proper hating is a skill that requires years of hard work, education and on the job training.

    At some point, folks gonna get fed up with the broken justice system AND the lack of control of violence against them. That day cannot be too far away.

    The politicians and jurists are doing their level best to make themselves irrelevant.

  2. I know, I know- this is the wrong place to contact Miguel but I am far too lazy to look up the right place
    So thank you Miguel for setting up the new comm zone on discourse.gunfree zone.net. It is working well and actual civilized communication is taking place there, very educational at times. It is diametrically opposed to what happens in the vast majority of the internet.

    1. We have been mostly sober… I figure that has helped 😀

      And you are very welcome and i want to reiterate that the forum is the place for the readers, not mine, not J Kb (who has not even bother to register. He is shy and the wife won’t let him).

  3. While there’s a temptation to indulge in Schadenfreude, I’d prefer for this whole “hate crime” notion to go away as an unconstitutional violation of the 1st Amendment.

  4. I used to argue, back when hate crimes were being proposed, why is this needed. If someone kills another person for being black or gay or whatever, what are you going to do, execute them twice? Motivation should be a factor in the sentencing, not a crime in itself. Somehow, the threat of conviction of a hate crime will prevent someone shouting die n****r while already violating the laws against murder or assault.

  5. I cannot tell you how much I despise hate crime laws. They are unnecessary, and they artificially elevate a group above the rest of society. IANAL, but I think they should all be struck from the books under the 14th Amendment.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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