Who is going to disarm us? Who is going to kill us to make that possible? Here’s something to think about before you answer. There are not enough jackbooted thugs to make it happen. There are not even enough grave diggers to bury the JBTs who might try. We were ready to rumble as three percent of America’s gun owners. At 20 or more times that, there won’t be enough targets to go around.

Your move, statists. Molon Labe.

via Gun ban advocates must decide if they’re willing–and able–to kill 50,000,000+ – St. Louis gun rights | Examiner.com.

My only comment to Gun Ban Advocates would be to pick up a Bible and look for
Hosea 8:7

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Gun ban advocates must decide if they’re willing–and able–to kill 50,000,000”
  1. A good deal of gun banners are the bandwagon Atheist type. you know, the whole f**k religion kind of deal rather than the atheist who (nowadays extremely rare) would prefer not to follow a religion but accept that others do as well.

    What I’m getting at is that they probably will never touch a bible or even ‘highlight “Hosea 8:7” -> right click -> search for “Hosea 8.7” -> read’.

    1. Believers and non-believers tend to fall into the same bad logic. Like this; If morality comes from god and there is no god then there is no morality. This, on the other hand, is better; if there is morality, which there is, and there is no god, which there isn’t, then morality doesn’t come from god and isn’t lost in rejecting the idea of god. It doesn’t logically follow from being an atheist that one should also be an anti-gun, pro-choice, socialist or any other liberal rubbish. As an atheist I am very disappointed that other atheists reject basic rights that we get from our humanity (no I don’t understand how, but it doesn’t matter) just because those rights are supported by people who also believe that “this one time, god knocked up some teenage Jewish girl”.

      1. See, why can’t there be more atheists like you who doesn’t jump on that bandwagon?!

        I’ve seen the gamut run from atheists who are perfectly willing to let differences be cast aside for a shared interest (anime, guns, politics, what have you), and those who actively seek to play man on the ivory tower for a number of things (primarily my religion and political stances).

        I can say the same with religious folk as well I should add, but when atheism is about what, using reason and logic for one’s viewpoint (sorry if I skew it too much), the bandwagon is quite annoying.

        1. The loud-mouthed atheists are only in it because they believe it’s a marker of intelligence or their social group.

      2. I love it, “knocked up some Jewish girl”.
        Seriously, as a gun toting, constitution following atheist
        I completely agree.

  2. Remember the recent manhunt for Christopher Dorner? Thousands of officers and millions of dollars were spent looking for one man. Imagine what would happen if there were manhunts for thousands of armed subjects. It would be law enforcement’s biggest logistical nightmare, ever.

    Think about crossfire, outright mistakes and “collateral” damage. It happened in California. In fact, innocent bystanders will probably suffer the most.

    Sadly, we have too many “low information” people out there that don’t have the capacity to comprehend what enforcing firearms legislation entails. To cut to the chase, it would be impossible and will end with bloodshed.

    1. They’d simply cordon off large areas and slowly process those individuals within it. It wouldn’t be quick, but it would be about the only logical way they could do it.

  3. I am starting to have faith in our system and country again. It was slow moving at first but over 50 of the 56 counties are pushing back in NY. The sheriffs of the world have united with one large middle finger to the feds. The new republican guard of Paul, Cruiz and Rubio put up one hell of a filibuster and NH/SC both blocked NDAA. Making very nice progress. We need more so thank you for what you do. Yet still, some of the politicians are still disconnected or against the people. Take a look. Good statistics. http://muzzlefront.com/people-want-change-they-can-believe-in/

  4. A common enough expression even in ‘atheist’ circles, “Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind”, Hosea 8.7 was a warning to Israel becaue of its neglecting to follow God’s commandments. It is also a warning for us ‘pagans’ (aka ‘Gentiles’) that God is in control, whether we believe in Him or not, or want Him to be.

  5. I still don’t understand why anyone feels they can do anything about psychotics or “sleeper cells” how many guns were used on 9/11? how many in Oklahoma? why leave yourself defenseless against possible attacks on your home whether it be robbery or tyranny? why demand your neighbor be defenseless just because you choose to be?
    leaving a gun unsecured is like leaving your keys in your car with the window down. and if you don’t you might get carjacked with a tazer or something.. you cant legislate safety by restricting individuals from everything that some are uncomfortable with or offended by.. especially when you let corporations rape the planet. and you don’t hold drug smugglers and money launderers accountable for their actions just because they are big wigs.

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