Alan Dershowitz is a Liberal with a mind like a bear trap. You just don’t pick a battle of wits against this guy unless you are very prepared.

And he is a lefty, a traditional one.  But he is infected with a malady that makes him unpalatable for many Pols on the Left: He is honorable.  He does not speak with a forked tongue just to be in the good graces of people and score political points.

I have no qualms about him not being a friend of the Conservative movement.  But at least I know he will come at you from the front.

He will soon disappear because the Left will despise him even more every day: He makes sense.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “He will be silenced because Thoughtcrime will not be tolerated.”
  1. Simon: Um, I’m trying to put this as delicately as I can… how do I know you won’t kill me in my sleep?
    Mal: Listen, you don’t know me, son, so I’m gonna say this once: if I ever kill you, you’ll be awake, you’ll be facing me, and you’ll be armed.
    Simon: Are you always this sentimental?
    Mal: I had a good day.

    1. It won’t be necessary. They will do each other, kill the good ones and only leave the scum that you will have no moral problem taking head on.

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