Since Trump announced he was going to run for President, we have been subjected to the beating drum of he being a Nazi and the worse parts of Buchenwald were soon to be visiting our neighborhood. How the gays and Latinos were going to be thrown in concentration camps or sent across the border to die and other fascist delicacies.

Fast forward 4 years and a pandemic and it is the Democrats in positions of power  turning cities into medical gulags and concentration camps ordering people to stay inside they home/barracks or otherwise violate laws created by then and not elected legislators. And in some cases, they have roaming gestapo agents trying to peek inside private property to make sure you are not violating the dictums of the Reichsmarschall.

And what should irk people more is at first we were told that we needed to “shelter in place” till a vaccine was created and we could be free again. But now that  vaccines appears close by, they are already starting to rile against it because it was created under the Trump presidency and it would be a legacy they can’t undo. They want to be the saviors. They want you to know they saved you from Trump even if they created the disaster.

They want you dead or under subjugation.

Worse is coming.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “I can’t help but snicker at the irony.”
  1. Hillary pretty much summed it up best when she said “democrats can’t be civil until they are in power again.” (Or something like that.)

    It is all about being in charge. The average leftist believe they are brilliant, and you are stupid. They do so with the clarity and assuredness of a child. Just look at all the comments about conservatives voting against their best interest, or women being forced to vote for Trump by their husbands, etc… etc… etc…

    They have to save you from yourself. If that means you need to be re-educated until you are dead, not a problem to them. End of story.

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