It’s gonna be something if a bunch of grandstanding Democrats are responsible for taking out Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi with COVID.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Is it possible to overdose on irony?”
  1. They can always comfort themselves with Nancy’s $1-per-spoonful ice cream*.

    * This comment will transition from sarcastic exaggeration, to simple statement, to winsome looking back at the old days over the next 3-4 years, given current government spending and inflation trends.

  2. What is really scary about this is two vaccinated individuals in the same “group” not only tested positive, but also had symptoms.

    The dems will use that as justification for lockdowns, mask mandates, and any other economic/liberty killing laws they want to pass. Previous data indicated that the chance of testing positive and being symptomatic after vaccination was about 0.000000078%. But, suddenly two (2) individuals in Pelosi’s inner circle came down with WuFlu symptoms. Expect more soul crushing restrictions to come out soon.

    Just remember, pandemic is really just dem inserted into the word panic.

  3. ” It’s gonna be something if a bunch of grandstanding Democrats are responsible for taking out Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi with COVID. ”

    please don’t forget Kamala – if Biden goes and Nancy too Kamala would be president and conceivable Schumer as VP – now that’s a horror show

    1. Not quite. If Biden goes, Kamala becomes president. Nancy’s status is immaterial. If Kamala goes to at that point without a new VP being confirmed, yes, then Nancy is next. After that, I’m not sure. Blinken? I don’t remember the rest of the chain of succession, but I don’t think the Senate majority leader is in it. For that matter, if Kamala becomes president then the senate is truly tied, so there isn’t a majority leader any longer. (No VP to tie-break.)

      If Biden goes and Kamala succeeds, she’d get to nominate a new VP, which would be subject to confirmation by a majority of both houses. So as matters stand right now that would require at least one Republican (in the senate) to support the new VP nomination.

      For chapter and verse, see the 25th Amendment.

  4. I half expect to hear an announcement that the search is on for the insurrectionist Trumpinista agents who were sent to purposely infect government officials and destroy the administration.

  5. That assumes said people in Pelosi’s circle were actually vaccinated, and also actually have WuFlu now.

  6. I’d say it’s much more likely that a lot of these “positive tests” with no or light symptoms…especially among the vaccinated…are a function of tests that are way too sensitive.

    They’re sort of in a catch-22. They want to keep the tests too sensitive so they can keep the infection numbers up so the fear doesn’t wane, but all the vaccinated people testing positive is giving the impression that the vaccines aren’t working as well as advertised, especially amongst the already reluctant.

    As a general rule, I’ve found it best just to instinctively disbelieve anything I hear coming from either the media or the government. I’ve got a few friends…one a close friend…who are doctors. I’ll take my advice from people I know and trust, not some bureaucrat or talking head who’s more concerned with power and job security than with my health.

  7. Unpossible! The vaccine is 98,437% effective at stopping the spread! and 99,999,999% of the positive cases are unvaccinated people! [/sarcasm]

    In seriousness, this story is the shot.

    The chaser is the Texas Democrats who fled to D.C. are returning, and 14 of them tested positive for COVID. Of those 14, five are fully vaccinated against COVID.

    Now consider the two prevailing narratives: a. The COVID vaccine is 95-98% effective, and b. 99% of positive cases are in unvaccinated individuals.

    (Our local media affiliates are pushing the second one HARD. Even harder than the Delta variant panic, and that’s saying something!)

    No matter how you slice it, those statistics do not add up. Either something is being misreported/misrepresented (dare I say, “misinformed”?) in this WH-staffer-and-Pelosi-aide story AND the TX Dems story, or the vaccine and case stats are wrong.

    (Or, they’re all legit, they really beat the odds, and it’s time to buy a lottery ticket.)

  8. Whenever I hear “XYZ tested positive……” my first thought is “SO %@$!#@( WHAT?”
    Testing “positive” is the most meaningless metric on the planet today.

  9. There are a few simple numbers that are pushed by the politicians in Congress and the politicians running the CDC. Those have little merit and only a faint connection to reality.

    The real numbers are around, and can be found with some effort, but they are more complicated and don’t fit the left wing narrative so they aren’t publicized. They come in a range, depending on (a) which bad outcome you’re looking at, (b) which age group (and I assume gender) and (c) which pre-existing bad health conditions are present. For example, the probability of death from CCP flu after vaccination (with real vaccines, not Chinese or Russian ones) is very low indeed; I believe the data say they are 99% or better at preventing death as the adverse outcome. Similar numbers apply to illness serious enough to justify hospital admission. Mild symptoms, the protection level goes down, similarly for mere “positive test”. And that is a very good outcome, medically speaking.
    The problem is that power-hungry politicians don’t use the numbers this way; they treat the non-trivial number of “breakthrough cases” — which pretty much all are entirely benign — as an excuse to re-assert their totalitarian control. LA is already doing this, as is Provincetown MA; other left wing parts of the country will surely follow.
    Finally, there is the entirely undiscussed topic of false positives in testing. I wonder how many Olympic athletes are being sent home on the strength of a false positive test.

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