But this is telling:

What I have seen in YouTube videos was not promising and comments from old heads are also not “nice.” I was hoping to rejoining the sport after I got my crap fixed and then comment, but it seems by the time that happens there won’t be a sport left.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “I’ve heard rumbles about IDPA’s New Rules.”
    1. So far from what I have seen, they pretty much eliminated the use shooting from cover substituting it with “fault lines” that are sticks on the floor (yeah, about shit that can make you trip over while running with a gun in your hand) and other crap that makes it a game of speed rather than accuracy.
      Basically IDPA appears to be evolving as a USPA light which makes no sense since we already have one and well established.
      It seems do be a dumb move… Be MOAR different, not more equal. Why play a copy when I can play the original?

      1. I’m going to disagree somewhat. I’ve shot a couple matches with the fault lines, and I like them. They definitely eliminate the subjectiveness of cover calls. It doesn’t seem to be a trip hazard, and at the risk of comparing IDPA to that other pistol sport, they’ve used them forever without any issues with tripping that I’m aware of. IDPA has also changed the scoring to 1 second/point down, which counters the greater speed with fault lines. I don’t know if it’s an exact counter, but it’s close. In the final analysis, it is a game. It hasn’t been defensive minded for a long time and probably never will be again. Is it different than USPSA? Yeah. Not as much as it used to be, but it still is.

  1. “In the final analysis, it is a game.”

    So, in short, if you are more interested in actually practicing some “close-to” real defensive shooting someone is going to have to create a “new” competition, just like when IDPA broke off from IPSC because IPSC became “just a game”……….

    Got it.

    1. If you have a scoring system, it’s a game. It was a game from the second it was introduced. Nobody is stopping you from still using cover as you would in a real scenario.

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