In the last couple of days, Miguel and I have addressed some clear cut examples of economic stupidity from the Left.  How both soda taxes and gun bans have resulted in revenue and job loses for the cities and states that imposed them.

That level of dumb is just regular, run of the mill, Liberal dumb.  I have found what I believe to be, pure, distilled, 200 proof Liberal dumb.

Brianna Wu, the Social Justice Warrior, professional #gamergate victim,  and failed video game developer, is running for Congress in Boston in 2018.

She is also, clearly, a crazy person.  Confusing Elon Musk with Robert A. Heinlein, she is convinced that Space X wants to go to the moon to launch moon rocks at the earth as kinetic bombardment for … reasons.

In her mind, the plan is:

  1. Private company goes to the moon
  2. Launches moon rocks at earth
  3. ?
  4. Profit


This Tweet is obviously aimed at Conservatives.  What is crazy about this is, in America, that already happens.  Conservatives are the ones arguing to keep it that way by preventing the radical Muslims who support ISIS and throw gays off buildings or hang them from cranes, from making to America to preserve the safety of the LGBT community.  Keep in mind that it was a radical Muslim and not a Republican that shot up the Pulse nightclub.

But we’re still not at peak Wu yet.  Brace yourselves.

There you have it.  Universal Basic Income.  Full Communism repackaged.

Why does she support UBI?  Because…


Yep, we need Communism because robots took good human jobs.  This is even dumber than Obama blaming ATM machines for high unemployment.  It’s not like technology has never made a job obsolete before.  I know that the iceman still delivers big blocks of ice to my house even though I have a refrigerator.

And just how are we going to pay for this?

By taxing the robots, of course.


I didn’t know that the robots we have at work that load parts for heat treat or do precision surface grinding got paid?  Does a CNC make the same hourly wage as a machinist?  Do ATM machines have to report the cash they are filled with as gross income?  How does a robot fill out a W2 or 1040?

There are so many questions here.

On the plus side, I guess that means as a human, I am not going to be subject to robot taxes, which is good I guess….

This person is clearly operating in a slightly different world than the rest of us, the scary thing is, as a super Progressive (possibly Transgender) SJW, she stands a chance of winning among the Bernie Bros crowd in a Liberal enough city.  Don’t laugh, Maxine Waters has been in Congress since 1990.




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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “More economic idiocy”
  1. “Space X wants to go to the moon to launch moon rocks at the earth as kinetic bombardment”

    To launch rocks from the moon you need to overcome its gravity before you can send them to earth. Much easier to drop it from orbit. And SpaceX is already there along with other companies.

  2. Scary that she gets any support whatsoever.

    Are you sure this is not a very good example of trolling? Sort of like that Liberal Chick meme?

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