By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “Now this is a damned good shooting and I want to see BLM bitch about it”
  1. Daaaammnn….

    That was an intense situation. It’s amazing nobody was hurt (other than the deserving suspect).

    Quick response and fine shooting. Very professional.

    Special KUDOS to the officer with the rifle, but well done all around.

  2. It seems like BLM only protests violently when the person shot is a criminal, or committing a crime. George Floyd, passing counterfeit money with a lethal level of fentanyl in his body– They turn out by the thousands and burn down more than twenty blocks of Minneapolis.

    Philandro Castile, a legal permit carrier shot while sitting in his car on the Saint Paul side during a traffic stop? Not much.

    Michael Brown, the gentle giant that tried to strong arm a police officer’s gun? They turn out in the thousands and burn down how many blocks of Ferguson MO?

    I am sensing a trend.

    1. It seems like BLM only protests violently when the person shot is a criminal, or committing a crime.

      They should turn out in droves for this one, then.

      Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm. Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Possibly Attempted Murder/Manslaughter. Kidnapping. Custodial Interference. Probably a half-dozen other things I can’t think of.

      And that’s just for this incident. They didn’t say if he had a prior record (maybe he’s a felon, in which case you can add Felon in Possession of a Firearm to the list).

      If antifa/blm knew about this one, they would love it.

      I suspect they don’t, because even the sleazy mainstream media can’t justify this guy’s actions so they’re not widely reporting it.

    2. I’ve been saying since last August, there’s an easy way to tell if a black man slain by police was murder or justified.

      If it’s murder, they never riot. If it’s justified, they always riot. If they don’t riot over your death, you were a legitimate victim of police brutality.

  3. Kudos to the police as well. I can be hard on cops, because I want excellence; but I can find nothing to criticize here. Well done, officers.

  4. Phoenix PD he’s one of the few police departments that aren’t hamstrung by there democrat mayor. I believe it started a few years ago when Trump came to town and the left tried to riot, Phoenix PD sweet nope and some guy got his testicles shattered with a bean bag.

  5. having shot 3gun competition for years now, there is no excuse for not having LPVO on your rifle. Your range is cqb to 600yrds effectively, at a switch throw.

  6. Did I notice a suppressor on the first officer’s handgun? I’m sure I did.

    I’d heartily endorse putting suppressors on officer’s guns. And ending the NFA requirement for suppressors generally.

    Or just end the NFA. I’m good with that too.

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