All the people with the deep pain of having family in hospitals that died alone and abandoned. All that rage you have that made you swear whomever was responsible for such criminal and inhumane decision needs to be purged atom by atom from this world, now you know who to aim your anger.

And you may want to act fast because close behind are the people of those who died or are dying because they could not seek treatment for regular sickness because the hospital were sequestered to “Flatten The Curve” and let doctors and nurses make dancing videos in TikTok.

As I said, just this once.

Apropos of nothing, a note sent from Hell for the good doctor F.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “OK, I will allow one lynching mob just this time.”
  1. Let’s not forget how potentially life saving treatments using known and readily available drugs were dismissed and disparaged by that man.

    How many thousands of deaths could have been avoided if HCQ or Ivermectin (sp?) was administered? But, no. The Fauxi machine insisted on double blind clinical trials. Anything less, and “officially” you were killing your patients.

    1. I am so with you…

      What drove me mad then and still drives me nuts now is how they prohibited and then proceeded to vilify these drugs with nonstop screaming on ADVERSE SIDE ECFFECTS!!!!!! AAAAAA!!!! of ones if the safest drugs in history.

      Now compare it with their alternatives, pushed on relentlessly and unlawfully – but who gives a F about laws anymore, right?

      And do not start me on vitamin D…

  2. This is what bugs me:

    I remember on this site being down voted and disparaged for my castigation of Trump’s advisors on Covid 19 and the whole multi lettered government medical cabal.

    What I could not and still cannot understand is why it was/is news for people here.

    Yes, I have a bit more detailed information from professional encounters, but is all out there if you search.

    Yes, MSM idled brains are not salvageable, but people here are supposed to be off the rotten path, are supposed to know better.

    You want easy relevant examples? Please:

    MSM version 5 years later (would not be possible at all today with current Trusted News Initiative) :

    Now, doesn’t it remind one of some modern something promoted nonstop by government, medical establishment and MSM?

    Fauci is just a tip of the iceberg, a vile sacrificial cow.

    What bugs me even more right now: what is there that I do not know, that is not easily found, that is under the water.

  3. For all of the anger and righteous hatred directed at this man, there’s something to ponder. That someone has not grabbed their .30-06 and tried to take a shot at him while his little troll ass was scuttling between media circle jerk sessions and photo ops should put to bed the whole “Gun owners are unhinged maniacs,” narrative to bed. Because I imagine there are plenty of people who had the desire and means to go punch his ticket, but did not act out on it.

    (To all the NSA, FBI, and CIA intel weenies who ARs watching this blog instead of seeing what PLA Unit 61398/61486 and the FSB Cyber units are up to, this was a statement of surprise that one of you UCs hasn’t tried to goad someone into doing it, not a suggestion that someone should do it. So calm the f*** down and go get a coffee and a doughnut.)

  4. Fauci’s channeling money to China to continue research banned in the US should land him in the chair. That it resulted in a pandemic and people died should land him in front of a firing squad. That he blocked possible treatments should end with him hanged.

    How to arrange all of these at once is left as an exercise for the reader.

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