An engineer at Google went around a 10 page memo on his opinion about life inside Google.

I read it.

The down and dirty points the guy made, seem to me to be:

  1. Google loves diversity as long as it isn’t diversity of opinion, it is one giant Leftist echo chamber.
  2. Anybody who isn’t a hard Leftist is harangued into submission to the hard Leftist.
  3. If engineering (and STEM in general) is never at perfect demographic parity in terms of gender or ethnicity, that’s perfectly OK.
  4. Stop pushing the diversity thing all the time because No 3.

I started down the STEM path in 2001 when I went to college.  My entire adult life I have been beat over the head with the “we need parity of *insert identity group here* in STEM.

The author of the Google memo, from best I can find online is in his late 20’s, so probably has an experience close to mine.

I saw boy and girls enter engineering and both boys and girls flunk out.  I’ve had good male and female professors.  In my experience, women and minorities who want to become engineers (and are capable of passing the classes) do.  Those who don’t, don’t.

What gets me, is that I have been beat over the head with the notion that the reason not as many women or minorities want to go into engineering is because white males are awful, sexist, racist, people who are mean spirited and drive everyone who isn’t like them away.

OK, they don’t say it exactly like that, but I can’t tell you how many diversity/sensitivity training seminars I’ve been in where the lack of parity is blamed on “microaggression.”

Dental hygienists make on average $70K a year and are 97% women.  How come I never hear about the need for parity in dental hygienists and the microaggressions keeping men out of such a high paying field.

Or why 97% of kindergarten teachers are women.

Or why 98% of mechanics and heavy equipment operators are men.

Many days being an engineer is being a mechanic with math.  Maybe that doesn’t appeal to a wide range of women.

But NO.  The reason aerospace engineering isn’t 50/50 male/female is because the men in the field are just fucking awful sexist pigs in need of reeducation.

Maybe, just maybe, this poor Google memo guy was sick and tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.  That he’s a terrible, sexist, piece of shit and the evidence of that is the fact more than half of his co-workers have dicks.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “On the Google Memo”
  1. Back in the ’70s when I was an engineering student, we had a couple of women engineering students (out of a class of 15 or so). One of our professors was a woman who also ran a consulting business on the side.

    After I graduated, I took a job as a nuclear reactor operator. In our operator class we had two women out of about 10 students. We also had women as Radiation Safety Techs, chemists, etc. Somehow I don’t think sexism or microaggression had much effect even in the dark days when dinosaurs ruled.

  2. I will fully support feminism, and fully buy into the “men make 18% more than women” crap when I see feminists protesting because not enough women are plumbers, electricians, longshoremen, or other hard labor jobs.

    When that happens, I will actually believe the left is looking for equality, not control.

  3. I read it and my take away is much like yours. To me all it was was a guy saying Google praises diversity but shuts down people and opinions that don’t toe political thinking of the company or the majority of employees and he went on to speculate that perhaps social causes are not the only factor for why women are under represented in “tech”. He also went out of his way numerous times to explain he doesn’t want to stop diversity programs but thought that maybe they needed to be adjusted to be more effective, more inclusive, and to account for other factors other than social ones.

    Seemed pretty straight up and uncontroversial to me.


    I should add that the best part is the backlash and reaction to this has proven his point quite succinctly. He couldn’t even disagree in a respectful manor without it costing him his job and probably making him radioactive to many other employers.

  4. What the feminists don’t seem to understand is that womens situation has improved dramatically over the last century, because it was supported by a majority of men based on the idea of fairness and equal rights.

    Every time they go out of their way like this to prove that fairness and equal rights don’t matter to them, that fairness and equal rights are only important when it suits them, they lose that support.
    The younger generation of feminists think that the power they hold today is something akin to a divine right, that nothing can oppose them. Well, judging by their actions, they will soon find out that the truth is far from it.

    Everyone who has bothered to look up the facts know that Damore is right about the science. It might be relevant or not in Googles case, but it doesn’t matter any more, the blatant lies told by the feminist activists in media and womens advocates various kinds have proven one thing and that is that feminism is now a tree so truly bent that equality of any kind can only be achieved by uprooting it completely.

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