Protesters Chant ‘F***** Fascist’ At Bloomberg Rally in Virginia


Do you know what Bloomberg did? Laugh.
Why? Because he won.

At the end of the day, Virginians went to sleep and they woke up under the thumb of a bought Blue Legislature and Executive.

I know these kinds of demonstrations make for a somewhat therapeutical release, but they are at best chinese food: 30 minutes later you are still screwed up. You must prepare for the next battle and stop trying to win the one you already lost.

As for everybody else, specially Florida, get ready for November as they are coming for us. There are legislators leaving because Term Limits and we need to vet whomever is going to substitute them thoroughly.

And no Democrats, sorry Charlie.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “One that will be unpopular.”
  1. “i know these kinds of demonstrations make for a somewhat therapeutical release, but they are at best chinese food: 30 minutes later you are still screwed up.”

    1) Yes, you are still screwed up, but now everybody knows it was rape.

    2) It is a very good Optics for a long time to come: look 16000 armed people showed up, marched for a day. Nobody was shot. No property harmed. And they even cleaned after themselves afterwards. Show me another similar peaceful protest by the other side.

    1. Only two problems … one, the people in power don’t care. Frankly, while they may say otherwise, they’re not afraid people with guns are going to come for them personally any time soon. Two, mainstream media will definitely not (has not) publicized the way the rally and following peaceful cleanup etc. went. So nobody who wasn’t already interested, will learn much about it.

  2. Guessing he’s not laughing today, because he lost the scary looking gun ban. Thanks to hard working VA gun owners and the giant rally last month, which showed the 4 Dems the folly of supporting it.

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