The Denver Pepper Spray Shooting – Greg Ellifritz

The internet is melting down with debate about whether or not it is reasonable to use lethal force (a firearm) against an attacker armed with pepper spray.  The crux of the argument in favor of shooting seems to be the idea that if one is incapacitated by the pepper spray, one might not be able to defend against a gun grab attempt.  After disabling someone with pepper spray, the attacker could then remove the defender’s gun from the holster and shoot him/her with it.

The Denver Pepper Spray Shooting

Your obligatory read for the day.  never forget that Self defense training includes what NOT to do. The idea is for you to go back to sleep in your bed and not finding out how hard is a cot at the local jail.

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All of the sudden, Portland mayor Ted Wheeler believes Antifa is bad.

Mostly because his is way behind in the polls to as pro-Antifa candidate.

The Left does not believe in loyalty. They say they do, but even if you are politically sided with and fought for them, but your demise helps the cause, guess who is going to visit the bullet-poked wall in the back of the building?

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The Left is really breaking out the guns

Over the weekend a member of Antifa shot and killed a pro-Trump protester in Denver after the Antifa member was illegally hired as an unlicensed security guard for a local news team.

There is are also still images that were taken and stitched together to provide an eye witness view of the shooting.

According to the Denver Post:

A sequence of photos of the incident captured by a Denver Post photographer appears to show Keltner slapping Dolloff in the face before the two back away from each other. The next image shows Dolloff shooting at Keltner — a shell casing is seen being ejected from his handgun — as Keltner fires a cloud of pepper spray at Dolloff.

Pinkerton, the security company 9News said it contracted with for the protest, did not reply to questions from The Post sent Sunday morning.

While Pinkerton had an active license to employ security guards in Denver, officials have no record that Dolloff had the required city license to work as a private security guard, said Eric Escudero, spokesman for the Denver Department of Excise and Licenses.

“We do not currently have an active license and have never had an active license for anybody with that name,” he said. “If he was operating as a security guard, he was in violation of the law.”

The Sun reveals that Dolloff was a radical Lefty.

Further west in Portland, a business was targeted because it is pro-Police, so Antifa took potshots through the storefront window.

Owner claims Portland restaurant was shot at for being ‘pro-police’

A restaurant in Portland, Ore., had been warned that “something” would happen to it because of their apparent pro-police stance before someone shot through the windows days later, a report said.

But on Sunday, vandals targeted the restaurant, shooting out two windows and smashing a third with a baseball bat, according to the report.

The vandalism came the same day a demonstration dubbed a “day of rage” on fliers hit the streets of the city. There have been a string of destructive protests in Portland since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May.

“It looked like a planned thing because they called us on Thursday and threatened us,” Jackson told the newspaper.

Andy Ngo has Tweets confirming this:

Other independent journalists captured photos of the damage:


The radical Left has gotten bolder.  For all the handwriting by the media and partisan FBI officials, it’s not the Boogaloo Boys or Right Wing that is shooting people and businesses during protests and riots.

The Left has discovered guns and are using them as recklessly as everything else that they do.

Stay home and away from windows.  Going to a protest isn’t going to change anyone’s mind.  Stay alive so that you can vote in November.

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I hate machetes, also who volunteered bodega to be safe spaces while keeping owners disarmed?

I think Miguel and I are on the same page about this, machetes are horrific weapons.

A machete fight in New York City, the police slow to respond, and bodega owners scared shitless.  This is what de Blasio’s and Cuomo’s mismanagement of New York as wrought.

Of course, this can happen because bodega owners in New York are disarmed due to the hyper-restrictive gun laws in the city.

One of the things mentioned in this news story is the Safe Haven Bodega Program.

I had to look that up.  Apparently, the police thought it was a good idea to equip bodegas with better cameras, alarms, and magnetic door locks, because people being attacked will often duck into a bodega for safety, but the bodega doesn’t provide any.  So the idea is if someone is attacked and ducks into a bodega, the owner can push a button, lock the door from behind the counter, and set off alarms and record video of the attacker.

This costs bodega owners $4,000 instead of the city giving them to bodegas while expecting bodegas to act as public safety centers.

As a result, all this does is turn bodegas into machete fight arenas with owners caught in the middle.

No cops, no legally armed citizens, and bodega owners force into harm’s way.  Just another nail in the coffin for New York City.

Try having a machete fight in a bodega in Miami and you will find yourself ventilated by some old Cuban who is not going to put up with your shit.

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Grand Larceny of Cancel Culture

From the New York Post:

Stealing Soho: Luxury retailers terrorized by shoplifting mobs

Bands of shoplifters are terrorizing Soho’s high-end boutiques, lifting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of designer merchandise, and in some cases, threatening security guards to keep quiet — or be labeled racist, The Post has learned.

The disturbing pattern began in late May during the riots that rocked the city in the wake of the George Floyd police custody death. High-end Celine was looted of $1.5 million in merchandise then, and the blatant thievery continues “every week” in ritzy stores such as Prada, Moncler, Dior and Balenciaga, one plugged-in local said.

“This is happening every week. Walk around Soho on Wooster Street and Greene Street, Mercer Street. … You have huge bouncers out there trying to deter hit-and-run activity,” the source, a restaurateur, said.

But in some cases, the thieves are given carte blanche to steal.

“If they [store personnel] stop them and say anything in the store before they’ve left the building then it often gets turned into a racial accusation,” the source said.

“The brands … tell their employees to walk away,” the insider added. “They don’t want to be the next Instagram video claiming they are a racist brand.”

This is what happens when companies show that they are willing to cower before the mob and give in to cancel culture.

In the latest incident, thieves twice plundered Moncler on Prince Street — which sells down jackets for nearly $2,000 — on Thursday, Oct. 1, according to the sources.

In the first incident, two individuals grabbed nearly two dozen down jackets, the businessperson told The Post. A few hours later, at 6 p.m., thieves snatched “more than $50,000” in merchandise and sped off in a white Jaguar and a black Audi, the law enforcement source said.

These are not poor people stealing what they need to survive – not that, that idea justifies it, only that has been a Leftist talking point on the topic of looting.

These are professional thieves running a racial extortion racket.

“We’re going to steal whatever we want or we will post video online accusing you of racism and destroying your brand and business.”

This could be used to engage in any form of theft.

A really bold criminal could take a car on a joy test drive and just take it home, claiming that they should be able to keep it because stolen property is reparations, and if they dealer calls the cops, that’s racist because they value property over black lives, and they will get their Twitter followers to attack the dealer until they lose their franchise.

Give the mob an inch and they will take everything that you own and threaten to cancel you into bankruptcy if you don’t let them do it.

Had corporate America stood up to cancel culture instead of participating in it, they would not be paying the price now in Danegeld.


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NYC preventing the Jews from burying their dead

One of the most egregious aspects of the COVID outbreak was the response by governments to ban funerals and memorial services.

So many people in this country died alone and in isolation, just to be buried without the family being able to have a proper funeral and say goodbye.

That is unless you are a famous Democrat like John Lewis or Ruth Bater Ginsburg, where your funeral can be turned into a DNC campaign rally.

The New York City government took that to new Antisemitic extremes by welding the gates to a Jewish cemetery closed because a respected Rabbi had died.

This summer, New York City welded the gates of parks in Orthodox neighborhoods closed so children couldn’t play.

People could sunbathe in Central Park, but Jewish children couldn’t use a swingset.


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