Miami Herald: Keep the county closed because Orange Man said something opposite.

Gimenez cannot follow the dangerous precedents of Gov. DeSantis or President Trump, picking dates out of thin air to declare amenities reopened, while they make saving lives an afterthought. He’s done a better job than either up to this point, and he shouldn’t sully his track record in a rush to normalcy.
Gimenez seems aware of the minefield through which he’s walking. He has solicited public-health experts’ guidance, not acting unilaterally, or prematurely, and then having to walk back a misguided decision.

Don’t open Miami-Dade parks until coronavirus experts say it’s OK | Editorial

And what expert advice should we follow? One that has the approval of the Democratic Party?  Or is the Editorial Boar of the Herald just being contrary because it is their duty as members of the political opposition’s propaganda machine.

I know, we should follow the advice of experts like Dr Ezequiel Emanuel (Yes, related to former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel )who says the U.S. Must Stay Locked Down For 12-18 Months Until There’s A Vaccine.  People are losing their patience and it has barely been a month and a half. Suicide Prevention hotlines have received an increase of 600% in the number of calls but the imbeciles at the Herald want to keep people unnaturally bottled up because it is the political thing to do.

What ticks me off the most is that the guidelines recommended by the White House actually make sense and may even be considered a tad slow. But the biggest criticism I have seen from other sources is that the responsibility for opening the state is placed on the Governor, which kinda destroys the preferred Media narrative that Trump is acting like an out of control King/Dictator without any respect for the 10th Amendment.

I should have not been surprised by this editorial. We are but a mere 6 months away from the Elections and the Miami Herald needs to do its part and more for the Democrats and Liberals in general.

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Feel Good news from Aussie Land

Be an asshole? Get treated like one;

 An Australian man, apparently wanting to capitalize on the panic-buying of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, reportedly purchased at least $10,000 in necessary merchandise.

When he realized that he wouldn’t be able to sell his toilet paper and sanitizer online for a profit, he tried to get his money back — but the store owner, who sold him the merchandise, wasn’t having it at all.

John-Paul Drake, director of Drakes Supermarkets in Australia, recently shared a social media video about the incident, according to Newsweek.

In the video, Drake said, “I had my first customer yesterday who said he wanted to get a refund on 150 packets of 32-pack toilet paper and 150 units of one-liter sanitizer.”

According to Drake, the customer spent about $10,000 on the merchandise.

“I told him that,” he said, as he flipped up his middle finger for the camera.


I have stated it before: I have no problem with hoarders and even with people that are after a decent and reasonable profit. But Gougers?

I hope he chokes on his stash.

Hat Tip Paul K.

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How to make enemies and alienate people – LGBT Coronavirus edition

Democrat politicians have been using the Coronavirus as justification for stomping on the religious freedoms of Americans.

Want to have a Minyan at your Synagogue?  Oberbürgermeister de Blasio will shut you down.

Want to attend a Church service on Easter Sunday?  Reichsstatthalters Beshear, Murphy, Cuomo, and Whitmer will shut you down.

But that’s not the worst.  The LGBT community might have just kicked social division up a notch.

Really?  This is what they want to run with?

You couldn’t swing a cat in the 90s without hitting an evangelical who believed HIV was God’s punishment for homosexuality. But that logic isn’t on their side today.

Somebody has been holding onto that grudge for 30 years.

Fundamentalists apparently consider San Francisco the capital of the LGBTQ world. This all started with the AIDS crisis when evangelicals said that God proved his anger at homosexuals by putting that plague on their capital city.

So, according to their logic, if God showed his anger on the issue of LGBTQ equality by striking San Francisco with AIDS, then God must now be angry with religious people by striking the headquarters of the world’s religions with the COVID-19: Rome, headquarters of Catholics; Athens, the headquarters of Greek Orthodoxy; Moscow, the headquarters of Russian orthodoxy; London, home of the Anglican communion; Mecca, home of Muslims; Jerusalem, home of Jewish faith; and Salt Lake City, home of the Mormons.

Now let’s compare and see what God’s wrath is. San Francisco has under 1000 cases and only 12 deaths. All of the headquarters cities of the world’s major religions, religions that at one point or another have discriminated against the LGBTQ community, have more cases and more deaths than San Francisco. San Francisco is the least affected of all the cities.

This person is absolutely giddy about people dying of a respiratory virus.

The numbers of elderly and infirm dying is just the greatest thing for this pile of human garbage, and he can’t wait to dunk it on people.

Here’s the thing,  California had over 23,000 cases and 750 deaths.  Jerusalem had 12,000 cases and 140 deaths.  Salt Lake City has 2,300 cases and 19 deaths.

New York, the Medina to the Leftist Mecca of San Francisco, has had 213,000 cases and 11,500 deaths.

So it seems that the virus isn’t targeting religious people, just high population density locations.  Rome had the highest death toll on the list at 22,000, it also happens to be the third most populous city in Europe.

But blame the Holy See whydontcha.

I don’t take any of this lightly. We’re going through a tough time unlike any other. Times like this are times to band together.

So, to those preachers still spreading hate, I say: stop blaming people and start helping people. Your homophobic sermons only harm your followers by spreading misinformation.

Did I miss something?  Has there been any preachers running around saying the gays are to blame for the Coronavirus?

Another LGBT site, Pink News, said that the Israeli Health Ministry blamed the virus on gays.  That turned out to be a story that originated on a Leftist antisemitic hate site.

So not just is the author being an asshole to religion people but he’s spreading antisemitic propaganda.

The truth is, we’re all here to help one another. That’s how you get through a moment like this.

I agree with this.  Except that after his grotesque dunk, I know he’s disingenuous about this point and all I want to do is make him put his teeth on a curb.

We in the gay community have understood that since day one. We know the value of working together, and we’ve seen that it works.

But any sense of “working together” this guy might have had worth the Religious community, he just destroyed with a thermonuclear glitter bomb.

Looking at Twitter, the gay community absolutely hating on religious people at the moment is all the rage.

There is nothing quite at deplorable as using a crisis like this to proclaim victim status while simultaneously saying “karma’s a bitch” to suffering people.

I don’t know why but some people love to make enemies.

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The New York Times says “get the Jewess” but its it’s okay because Trump

From The New York Times:

Ivanka Trump, Disregarding Federal Guidelines, Travels to N.J. for Passover

Oh no, she disregarded guidelines.  Guidelines, people. Guidelines.

How dare that Jew disregard federal guidelines.

Ivanka Trump, President Trump’s eldest daughter and a senior White House adviser, has positioned herself as one of the leaders of the administration’s economic relief efforts and one of its most vocal advocates of social distancing

But Ms. Trump herself has not followed the federal guidelines advising against discretionary travel, leaving Washington for another one of her family’s homes, even as she has publicly thanked people for self-quarantining. And effective April 1, the city of Washington issued a stay-at-home order for all residents unless they are performing essential activities.

The Constitutionality of a stat at home order is very, very dubious.

Furthermore, for an Orthodox Jew, I’d argue that having a seder is “performing essential activities.”  It’s pretty clear in the First Amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”  I’m sure a stat at home order doesn’t have the authority to prohibit the free exercise of a seder.

I’d like to thank the Christians in Kentucky who will be suing the governor for sending the KSP after them on Easter for establishing that precedent.

Ms. Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, traveled with their three children to the Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey to celebrate the first night of Passover this month, according to two people with knowledge of their travel plans, even as seders across the country were canceled and families gathered remotely over apps like Zoom.

Bedminster is a private club and currently closed.  So the Kushner/Trumps traveled in a private vehicle from their  home in Washington to thier home in NJ to have a seder.

This is no different than us going to my mom’s house for seder, which we did.  We took reasonable precautions and had a  nice dinner.

Having a seder with family is more important this year because synagogues were closed.

I don’t see what the risk to anyone was with this seder travel.

Before leaving for Bedminster, Ms. Trump appeared at her father’s side in the White House’s Roosevelt Room after lobbying top bank executives to commit to the Paycheck Protection Program, a relief effort intended to help small businesses weather the pandemic. Ms. Trump has been focused on helping small businesses become a path to the country’s economic recovery, and at the event, Mr. Trump, as he often does, falsely credited his daughter with creating “over 15 million jobs.”

Now I get it.  She’s a Trump and is part of the President’s plan to reopen the economy before 25 million Americans go bankrupt.

Therefore it’s okay to shame the Jew for having a private seder in the family estate (Bedminster is the location of the Trump family mausoleum).

This is the Left in America: “Antisemitism is terrible, except when it comes from our side directed at Orthodox Jews and/or Jews associated with the GOP, then its totally fine.”

This article was grotesque and unnecessary but totally on brand for the human shit stains on the fabric of society that are the writers for The New York Times.

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