Why the hate against Dr. Didier Raoult?

Dr. Didier Raoult is the French scientist who is leading the studies about using the  Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin to treat people sick with Wuhan V. Now, I know we don’t have much respect for the French, but besides creating great bake goods, the other thing they do admirably is microbiology and disease research and they are scary good. We are talking about the country were Pasteur was born and did his stuff and they have maintained that excellence. And from what I have been able to see, the good doctor is a rock star in his field covering from identifying and sequencing new bacteria to paleontomicrobiology studying the Black Plague. This guy is NOT a CNN Expert Contributor but the real McCoy in his field.

But our Left/Media rabidly hates Dr. Roult. I initially thought this was because Trump cited his work with the Hydroxychloroquine as hopeful and they had to be contrary which included crapping all over this guy and doing it with gusto. And I was not wrong, but it seems there was another unforgivable action by the good doctor that had him painted by the laser targets of the Left way before the Pandemic: He is a Climate Change denier.

Wanting to predict the future is probably one of humanity’s oldest behaviors. The rulers always consulted the soothsayers to find out the outcome of wars or disasters that could fall on their heads. In our scientific age, mathematicians are called upon to know the future.
In this regard, global warming is a remarkable example. One site has identified 72 erroneous predictions about the planet’s climate and temperature over the past 121 year.
Thus, the mathematical model established at the end of the 20th century to predict the evolution of the Earth’s temperature with 95% certainty… proved to be false.  (translated text)

Les prédictions climatiques sont absurdes !

Oh hell no! This guy was already in the sh*t list in Europe and probably Santa Greta will not visit him any time soon.

Climate Change Denier and has a treatment for the Pandemic that President Trump likes?  He is officially Dr. Mengele for the Left.


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Dear The Trace: Going up is not declining.

From an Email forwarded by Reader Roger C.

More from the RAND study: How many Americans own guns? The question is essential to our understanding of gun violence — but reliable data on the subject is scarce. Included in the new RAND report, however, is a synthesis of existing research on state-level gun ownership. The resulting analysis fills in the details of a trend whose contours were already known: The prevalence of gun ownership has declined in virtually every state over the past several decades. Daniel Nass explains RAND’s methodology — which one gun violence researcher described as “comprehensive and statistically sophisticated” — and made some visuals from data here.

You go into what they call study, and you are forced to laugh and want it to spit. They have to acknowledge that since there is not a reliable way to count guns, even when they ask nicely to people (We lie about ownership? I wonder why), they have to “extrapolate data to achieve their results  Some of the “extrapolated” data comes from the number of hunting licenses and even subscriptions to Guns and Ammo. Yeah, no shit that is going to be less than accurate since a lot of people in Gun Culture 2.0 don’t do paper magazines nor hunt.  The other data points? Suicides.  Talk about being freaking ghoulish for political bullshit.

And it is from that suicide study that we get this quote:

About 40% of America’s households own at least one firearm. The prevalence of ownership differs widely by region, ranging from 25% in the Northeast and 35% in the Pacific states, to 60% in the East South Central region.1 Just where a particular state or city falls along this wide spectrum may have a variety of consequences for crime and public health.

See? They have been telling us that fore ever. We are not a majority! We have no real power!

Now allow me to show a screen cap from a post I made in Feb 20,  2013:


So, according to The Trace and the Rand Corporation, the number of households with guns has actually gone up! from 32% to 40%.

According to US Census Bureau, there are almost 120 million households in the US with an average of  2.63 inhabitants per household.  That would make for 48 million households with a gun inside.  And if you are very noble and only allow one person in the household to own that solitary gun, we would have 48 million Gun Owners as the very lowest of estimations.

If we only count adults over 18 (about 70% of the population) we get 1.81 adults per household or 72,400,000 Gun Owners.  I know that many people under 18 own guns, specially outside the Gun Free Zone cities, but I did not find the percentage out of expediency for this post.

Now, all this is with the data provided by The Trace.

Now, this is my math and I would not be surprised if I made a booboo somewhere and I am still short, but the idea that Gun Owners in this country are an insignificant minority is plain stupid.  LGBT who consider themselves and influential minority  put themselves at 4.5% of the population.

We are 22.5% of the population according to The Trace.

The top 10 biggest armies in the world combined come to 7,224,000 soldiers.

U.S. Gun owners are 10 times that according to The Trace.

I don’t think that is what The Trace was expecting to achieve.

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Great Trump! It’s about damn time for this.

From CNBC:

Trump says US will ‘destroy’ Iranian gunboats that harass American ships

President Donald Trump warned on Wednesday that the United States would destroy Iranian gunboats that harass American ships at sea.

Its about Goddamn time that we remind Iran whose navy has the bigger dick.

It was embarrassing when Obama let our sailors get captured and taken hostage.

No more.  We’ve put up with Iran’s bullshit for too long.

Next time some Iranian gunboat gets too close to one of our ships I hope our sailors introduce their sailors first to the Mk 38 25mm weapon system and then to the devil in hell.


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DDs vs FMJ

From Yahoo news:

Breast implants saved woman shot in chest

A woman’s life was likely saved by her silicone breast implants after she was shot in the chest at close range while walking down a street in Toronto, doctors have said.

The 30-year-old’s left breast implant deflected the bullet away from her vital organs into the other breast, according to a case study published last week in the SAGE medical journal.

Normally I’m all for a titty shot of a big pair of sweater stretchers but not in this case.

The patient, who was not named, went to the local emergency department in the Canadian city after feeling pain in her chest and seeing blood.

I’d expect getting shot to be more intense than that.

Surgeons found a single entry wound and retrieved a bullet from below her right breast, which police forensics later determined was a copper jacketed 0.40 caliber, the study said.

I guess we can add “won’t penetrate a pair of boobs” to the caliber wars anecdotes against the 40.

They removed her implants and photographs with the study and CT scans show the bullet passed through her left implant and hit her right one.

Typically we call tagging one target behind another as “a Quigley.”

Surgeon Giancarlo McEvenue, who wrote the case study, told CNN the bullet entered the woman’s left side and ricocheted across her sternum into the right breast.

Despite being shot in the chest at close range, the woman escaped relatively unscathed with a fractured rib and damaged implants.

I’ve done ballistics testing.  We used ballistics gel which is gelatin.  We’ve shot through glass, plywood, sheet metal, and everything else the FBI requires.

I’m sort of surprised to see how poorly this bullet did going through a few hundred CCs of silicone.

I wonder if when this was all said and done if she got a new pair of titties, even bigger than before.

You know, for the added protection.

“What you have now are DDDs rated at 3A.”

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Why Lockdowns need to end.

Because other sicknesses are still taking victims.

The wife of a friend of mine had a breast tumor detected, still in a early stage ,and hopefully a quick in-and-out surgery to have it removed would do the trick.

But the Lockdown came to happen and since her surgery could not be classified as urgent, she has been at home knowing that a tumor is growing in her body. What that is doing to her and her family is beyond words.

Another case is a guy whose last bloodwork showed what could possibly be indicators of leukemia and needed to get an appointment with a hematologist specialized in oncology. Again the lockdown happened and he has to wait till the lockdown is finished to see somebody.

If we keep sucking up to the worrywarts who want everybody locked away till there is a perfect cure for Wuhan V, the toll from other sicknesses will be tenfold what this pandemic will bring about.

We need to bring back some normalcy.

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Good Trump, make those SOBs pay it back

Good Trump.

The only disappointment is that this may cut into my high-performance pneumatic guillotine sales a little bit.

Though, there is plenty of time between now and November for the Democrats to drive consumer need.

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New York is a racist sh*thole and it’s not Trump’s fault

For months I have been tracking how the NYPD and New York City politicians have systematically ignored anti-Semitic attacks in NYC.

When the number of attacks on Jews in NYC became both deadly and too many to ignore, the media rushed to blame Trump’s supposed anti-Semitism, exonerating the Leftist Jew-hater responsible.

Have nothing but seething contempt for the Leftist Jews who promoted that narrative.

In the wake of the Coronavirus, it seems that Jews are not the only minority to be abused by other New Yorkers.

From Cosmo:

“I Don’t Scare Easily, but I Am Afraid”: The Dangers of Being Asian American Right Now

But being Chinese in America during a global pandemic that’s now heavily referred to as the “Chinese virus”? It’s like stepping into an episode of Black Mirror where you’re the bad guy. In the past few weeks, I’ve been flooded with nonstop news alerts of how hate crimes against Asians have become a daily, if not hourly, occurrence.

Even stepping outside for groceries is terrifying as strangers approach me with hostility, asking where I’m from and demanding I leave food for those who aren’t “responsible” for the virus.

This was written by Sara Li, a New York City-based writer and “social media influencer.”  This is happening to her in New York City.

Asian people (some not even of Chinese heritage) around the world have reported harassment, with some cases even escalating to physical violence. Racist analogies of the coronavirus have trended on and off social media—largely due to President Trump’s use of terms like “kung flu.” The suggestion that Chinese people are responsible for the deadliest virus in recent history is not only inaccurate (as debunked by the World Health Organization) but also dangerous.

I had hoped our global leaders would curb such rhetoric. I was wrong; Trump has only doubled down on calling the COVID-19 virus the “Chinese virus,” despite many attempts to educate him otherwise. By ignoring the implications of language, Trump and his administration are not only feeding into rising racism against Asians but also legitimizing it.

The CCP would like to thank this fellow traveler for her service.

The Chinese government has tried to blame both Italy and the United States military for the Coronavirus.  Especially at it seems more and more evident that they were responsible for it.  Not just the failure to warn the rest of the world or lockdown in time, but the lax safety protocols of the lab that is very likely the source of the virus in the first place.

It is important to make sure that the Chinese government is held accountable for the global pandemic, deaths, and global depression they have caused.  This isn’t racism, this is a necessary policy.

These Leftist Asians are conflating race with the CCP.  I have yet to see one say “don’t blame Chinese-Americans but hammer the CCP with all your might.”

But back to the topic at hand.

The ADL has been tracking anti-Asian harassment and hate crimes following the Coronavirus outbreak.

The most by far have been from New York City, then California, the Washington in the area around Seattle.

The Wall Street Journal ran this headline:

New York City Has Logged 248 Complaints of Coronavirus Discrimination
Majority of reports were made in March and April; about 42% have been specifically anti-Asian

When you go into the details of some of these cases, it seems that it is the same demographic that has been let off the hook for attacking Jews in NYC and caused so much damage in Koreatown during the LA riots.

Let’s just say, not exactly a group know for being hard-core MAGA hat Trump fans.

This is just more projection.

Every time the Left says that Trump is responsible for racism and white supremacism, it’s because the majority of hate crimes are being carried out by Democrat voters in New York City.

For anyone who is aware of the racist history of the Democrat party, this should come as no surprise.  But it’s worth noting again, the anti-Asian harassment isn’t coming from MAGA hatters in Red states.

Also, stop defending the CCP.

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