So I just tweeted Florida Senate’s President the following:

Bill got a couple of six-figure donations from former mayor, so I figure he should respond to the challenge, don’t you think?

If you be so kind, please retweet and ask specially Floridians may want to ask themselves how he feels about it.  His email is

And everybody say “Thank you J. Kb!”

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I would like to thank Elizabeth Warren for her donation to the NRA

I did not watch the Democrat Primary Debate last night.

Watching a Democrat Primary ranks somewhere between watching the Oscars and waking up during an abdominal surgery with no pain killers (ask me how I know).

I figured that anything important would be available today in digestible snippets and I was not disappointed.

Apparently, the theme of the DNC debate was “kill Bloomberg.”  I can appreciate that, considering that it’s clear the DNC muckety-mucks have read the tea leaves that Bernie and Sanders would lose to Trump in a general election so need an alternative, and the DNC candidates that followed the rules from the beginning don’t want to be supplanted by a ringer.

The best of the Sucktastic Four going after Bloomberg like Caesar in Act III, Scene I was two gut punches from Elizabeth Warren.

First this:

Then this:

God damn!  Bloomberg really is a misogynist piece of shit who loves to abuse and harass women, and makes them sign NDAs to cover his ass.

Mayor Prince Andrew Epstein Weinstein of New York for President.

And Elizabeth Warren is a woman and you know, #BelieveAllWomen.

This was the greatest gift that could have been handed to the NRA and gun rights activists.

From now on, every cent of Bloomberg’s money and activism by association is tainted with sexual impropriety.

Shannon Watts takes money from a misogynist who is sexually inappropriate with women.

So does David Hogg.  Hogg is Woke, so rubbing his nose in his sugar daddy Bloomberg’s behavior will be twice as fun.  Make him square that circle.

I know they will shrug it off because it’s not about what they did, it’s about the political alignment of who was doing it.  But that only works for the true believers.

Bloomberg’s anti-gun money comes from the same pot as his harassed woman hush fund, and it’s all dirty now.

Thank you Elizabeth Warren.  It will be fun to hound Bloomberg out of the gun-control game with #MeToo.


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Me and my damned suspicious mind

Just finished reading J Kb’s last post “Where are you going to go you effin idiots? Why Leftism makes Jews stupid.” and this tweet caught my attention because I have seen the same or similar words paraded around too many times:

Meaning no disrespect at all but either the Holocaust Survivors bred like bunny rabbits and produced 90% of all Socialist Jews in this country or (more likely) a lot of Lefty Jews are falsely waving a flag that should not be taken in vain, specially to “validate” their woke status in social media.

Just my two cents.

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Oldie but Goodie: Don’t answer the door.

This is now an old video, but the truth holds amazingly well.

And technology has advanced so much that the CCTVs that mass mentions for ” a few hundred bucks” are down to insanely cheap prices like the Zmodo WiFi outdoor camera for $39.99.

This is one of them in action keeping an eye on my back porch. . Sorry about the mess, I am in the midst of cleaning up and rearranging stuff.

Back Porch. Mom’s Orchid is on top of the table.
Night vision

I had not mentioned the brand before because I wanted to be sure the cameras not only worked but lasted. A year later I am happy to say that the only issue I have with them is the frigging spiders using them as frames for their webs.

I have 2 more (one of them a door bell cam (I had issues with it) and I am planning on possibly getting at least one extra for the front. If you buy them, do the set up BEFORE installing them and use the QR code method as it is the simplest and fastest. Zmodo sucks with the written instructions but they are fantastic on their phone support.

Door bell camera

Caveat: This cameras do not run on batteries, they need to be wired.  In the doorbell cam, it means attached to a door bell transformer as a minimum, but if your home already has an electric door bell, then you are set as it is as simple as adding the doorbell cam to the circuit.

Remember: these cameras are not for avoiding crime. I reckon you have seen enough YouTube videos to figure that one out. They are our extra set of eyes that allow you to see what is going on outside your house and give you extra seconds to activate your security measures. Worse case scenario, they will provide evidence of the crime that happened, hopefully when you and your loved ones were away.

That is all.

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Where are you going to go you effin idiots? Why Leftism makes Jews stupid.

Do you remember this trypitc of hate on CNN, where host Don Lemon and two other inflamed anuses mocked Trump supporters for being stupid, showing absolute seething contempt for middle America?

The asshole on the Left is Wajahat Ali.

He decided to take to Twitter with his “I’m a victim” crocodile tears.

Yeah, the rich CNN contributor who feels emboldened to get on TV and spew vile hatred towards millions of Americans who make far less than he does and have no media network backing them, he’s the real victim.

Keep in mind, his daughter had stage 4 liver cancer, and survived and is now cancer-free. I’m not mocking her for that. That is absolutely Amazing. Where did she get her treatment? In the United States of America. Tell me where the fuck else in this world does this piece of shit want to escape to that has the resources and technology to do for his daughter what America did. When the elite of Europe or Canada get cancer and want to survive, they come to the US and go to Mayo or Sloan Kettering. They don’t chance it on the healthcare rationing of their national healthcare systems.

But never mind that. America is a terrible racist place that he has to have his escape plan from.

If it was just Ali being a victim, I wouldn’t bother with this, because fuck him.

What incensed me were the Progressive Jews in his feed who felt the need to chime in with some sort of solidarity.

None of the Jews I know have an escape plan. I don’t feel “it” in my bones.

Oh really? What lines has Trump crossed? The one where he acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? The one where he condemned the antisemitic BDS campaign? I know, it’s that he has Jewish children and grandchildren and Progressive Jews don’t.

Really, why?

Canada, as in the country run by the Liberal Party of Canada, which like the UK Labour Party is stewing in Woke Antisemitism? That one? The one run by the Prime Minister who give an Islamist terrorist a multi-million dollar payday for joining a terrorist cell and shooting an American medic? The same Prime Minister who has repeatedly donned blackface and made casual Antisemitic remarks?

He’s better than Trump?

There is stupid, then there is full retard.

She wants to avoid the very unlikely chance that Trump will start rounding up the Jews by going into Northern Mexico which is under the control of the Sinaloa Cartel? Does she want to get murdered? I guess she has no problem with being kidnaped, raped repeatedly, and cut to pieces with a chainsaw, as long as the motivation isn’t Antisemitism.

Since Trump? Not since Naveed Afzal Haq shot six women at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle? Not since Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot up a Rabbi’s home before attacking the Little Rock recruiting office? Not since a Pakistani cab driver beat up an Orthodox Jew in an NYC city street and people just stood around and watched? Not since the beginning of all the attacks on Orthodox Jews in New York and New Jersey since Bloomberg was mayor? Not since “pro-Palestinian” activism on college campuses has turned into Antisemitic hate fests that promote BDS, defend Islamic terrorism, and call for the genocide of the Jews? Not since Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib spread Antisemitic conspiracy theories and the blood libel from the US House of Representatives? Progressive Jews can’t acknowledge any of that.

So I have to ask, where on God’s Earth are you going to go?

Progressive Jews hate Israel, so that is out of the question.

Antisemitic Liberal Canada?

Maybe the UK?  No, that’s now a “fascist country” since Boris Johnson and Brexit.  Except for the “European City” of London, which is under the control of the Jew-hating Labour Party and is just awash in blood from stabbings and runoff from acid attacks, and Jews are attacked and live in constant fear from the Muslim immigrant community.

The same Antisemitic violence is taking over France.  German Antisemitism is half imported from Muslim nations and half a resurgence of Nazism.

Tell me where other than the US and Israel do Jews stand any chance?  Jews are leaving Europe because of the violence towards them.

Central and South America are failed or failing socialist or narco states.

Where are you safer?

Oh, that’s right.  It’s not about actual, factual safety.  It’s that you are Progressives and hate Trump.

Jews could be murdered every single day in New York and California, but as long as it’s President Sanders or Warren ignoring it, all is well.

The threat these Jews face isn’t White Supremacism under Trump, it’s their own Partisan blindness.

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