Your Sunday Schadenfreude

“Rescue.” You say potato, I say theft. Little girl got herself some birdshot.

PS: Human blood is not Vegan, she is screwed.

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Slate is not wrong

Miguel and I have our disagreements on things.  He is kind enough to let me write for him despite that.

One of those topics is open carry.

My understanding of Miguel’s position on open carry is absolutely VERBOTEN!!! (Miguel, correct me if I’m wrong)

To be fair to him Florida is a concealed carry state, and when they say concealed they mean concealed.   To the degree that the way the law was originally written, if you bent over to get something off the bottom shelf or tie your shoe and the muzzle of your pistol peeked out from under your cover garment, you were in violation.  That’s how it was when I got my FL CWP for the first time when I was 21.  Florida had to change their CCW laws because it was so strict.

I had my CCW in Illinois, I got it within six months of the law going into effect, and Illinois was even more strict about peeking and printing than Florida was.

Alabama is an open carry state, and it took me a long time to warm to the idea of open carry.  I still don’t fully open carry, but if it’s hot and I’m wearing strong side, I don’t worry too much if I’m running errands with two inches of pistol sticking out from under my t-shirt.  The fact is that in Huntsville, nobody cares about that in most places.  I can go to Lowes or Home Depot, Kroger and Wal-Mart (try enforcing that corporate policy in Alabama, see how well that goes) and there will be at least two or three people doing the same thing.

I wouldn’t do that if I went to a fancy restaurant at the nice outdoor mall in town, but in shorts going to Sam’s Club, nobody cares.

The reason I warmed to that was that it’s more comfortable, especially in the Alabama heat, so it makes it easier to carry.

Where  I agree with Miguel that open carry is stupid and a bad idea is when it comes to guys walking around with a slung rifle or going out in a tactical thigh holster (yes, I’ve seen that in Huntsville).

My feeling on open carry is “don’t be an obnoxious dick.”  Unfortunately, that cannot be codified into law.  So as long as open carry is legal, there are people who will be dicks while open carrying.

Thus bringing us to this article from Slate.

The Guy Who Open-Carried an Assault Rifle Into Walmart After El Paso Is America’s Best Gun Control Activist

They are not wrong.

On Aug. 3, a 21-year-old Texas man shot 46 people in an El Paso Walmart with a semi-automatic rifle, killing 22 of them. On Aug. 8, a 20-year-old man wearing body armor and carrying a semi-automatic rifle entered a Walmart in Springfield, Missouri, in what police say he intended as a “social experiment” to see if the store would honor the state’s open-carry law in the wake of the El Paso killings.

This guy went out after a mass shooting, where half of everyone was screaming for more gun control and decided to be a Dirk Diggler size cock.

The experiment got results. After shoppers panicked and a store employee pulled a fire alarm to trigger an evacuation, the man—his name is Dmitriy Andreychenko—was arrested and charged with making a terrorist threat; prosecutors argue that he recklessly disregarded the possibility that his actions would cause dangerous chaos. If you’ve been following the rise of politically motivated “tactical” open-carry culture in the last six or so years, what happened next was surprising: Walmart—and a number of its competitors, like Kroger, Wegmans, CVS, and Walgreens—have announced that they are “requesting” or “asking” customers not to display firearms in their stores even in states where the practice is legal.

This guy’s utter dick behavior ruined open carry for the rest of us.

Whether these people like it or not, every time they open carry, they represent the whole of the open AND concealed carry community.  When they act like dicks, the rest of the population assumes we’re all dicks, and we lose our rights.

I’m not sure how to convey to these people that “yes, you have the right, but when you do it like that, you scare other people and then we have to pay the price for your dick move.”

A consistent theme that I post on is minority groups in which the most aggressively obnoxious and off-putting members become the loudest and most visible representatives of the group, and how that backfires and hurts the group.

The carry community is no different.  We are a minority.  We need to be better to be accepted.  The fact the CCW permit holders have a criminality rate way below average really helps us.  We need to police ourselves so that our most obnoxious and off-putting members don’t become the face of our community.

Every person who cares about gun rights needs to understand this very simple rule: “don’t be THAT guy who screws it up for the rest of us because you just had to be a dick about ‘muh rights.'”

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Illinois State Senator endorses Comrade Kaprugina for President

A writer for Bloomberg wrote a rather decent OpEd on Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax.

He went to Twitter to announce his article by describing it as “looting mansions.”

A Democrat Illinois State Senator thought that was a feature, not a bug.

People who know the history of the Soviet Union know that the Soviets encouraged the revolution by empowering the poor who joined the Red Army to loot the property of the wealthy, most of who were not nobles but successful business people and educated professionals.

The Communists weaponized envy to an incredible degree.

This was captured in the movie Doctor Zhivago, where the Doctor’s family home is turned into group housing and the poor are stealing everything that isn’t nailed down.

More and more we see the Democrats coming out in favor of policies that come straight out of the Soviet Revolution.

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Another “your AR is useless against the military” Lefty

Zerlina Maxwell is a Progressive contributor to SiriusXM and MSNBC.

She decided to respond to a Fox and Friends clip about gun ownership with this vapid Tweet:

These assholes really need to make up their minds about AR’s.

Are they “weapons of war that don’t belong on our streets” or are they toys that are useless in combat against equipped military troops?

Also, it really is both telling and grotesque just how excited these people sound at the idea of the US military using every conceivable weapon including drones, tanks, and helicopter gunships against American civilians.

If you suggested for a moment that the US should employ the fully armed and equipped 82nd Airborne and Reapers against MS-13 coming over the border illegally, they would go apoplectic calling it a crime against humanity.

But suggest US should employ the fully armed and equipped 82nd Airborne and Reapers against gun owners in Middle America and they become aroused.

The Left has never met an enemy they wanted to unleash the full destructive fury of the United States military with the best weapons the US military-industrial complex can come up with on more than flyover country Conservatives.

They love the idea of Americans dying clinging to their big box store AR, droned or gunned down by US troops.

It is the ultimate way that they can vicariously enjoy what Orwell described as “The intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

You can tell that in every Tweet or Facebook post on this topic.  This one was no different.



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AOC again with the Latinex crap.

J. Kb sent me her twwet becse he is evil like that.

I am still trying to figure out if She (and the rest of the morons that use the term) realize how insulting the darned word is for us. Spanish is nt only a gendered language but a rigidly structured one. Even though every country may have its own particular lexicon, it is understood by all that the language rules must be followed with precision. All syllables sound the same in every word, no changes, grammar rules apply 99% of the times and there is no let up, accents marks follow a strict set up, and no foreign or made up words unless used in a very narrow and specific content. That is the reason why a Latino third grader can pick a 16 century manuscript in Spanish, read it and understand 80% of it without sweating and read it almost perfectly.  There is very little change in Spanish, it is dogmatic. And before you yo nuts at the narrowness of the language and protest, don’t: we like it that way.

Latinex is some made up political crap that reeks superiority as she was better than me for making language shit up. It is insulting because we learned in school that “X” denotes the unknown, something to be determined which we are not. And if possible worse (in the SJW side of things), Latinex is cultural appropriation. It steals from the Black leaders from the Civil Rights ear who chose to use X rather what they consider their “slave names.” At the end of the day Latinex is not only an insult to our heritage and language but an affront to Black struggle in our country.

Hell, you may even call it racist.

PS: Her Spanish in the interview was at best acceptable as i would consider a Gringo with a lot of practice have.  Native language? Not even in a wet dream day.

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When anti-gun and anti-male bigotry unite

Shailja Patel is an “acclaimed poet, playwright and activist,” and “was born and raised in Kenya, has lived in London and San Francisco, and now divides her time between Nairobi and Berkeley. ”  She’s an opinion writer for the Guardian, BBC, and Al-Jazeera.

Given that illustrious biography, you can imagine what kind of insufferable progressive she is.

She decided to voice her opinion on Twitter about why concealed carry is bad and rape is a tool of the patriarchy (unrolled for easy reading).

When you tell women and girls to learn self-defense, or carry weapons against rapists, you’re not reducing rape. You’re just saying “let him rape someone more vulnerable.”

Stop calling for dystopias. Start working to end patriarchy. Make a world BEYOND RAPE.

Patriarchy wants us to believe that rape has always existed and always will. That rape is intrinsic to masculinity. This myth serves patriarchy by transferring all consequences of rape, including shame and blame, onto victims. Patriarchy stays unaccountable.

Rape culture is how patriarchy sustains the hegemonic myth that rape is a given, an unchangeable condition, of all human societies. So men never have to hold themselves or other men accountable. Rape is a women’s issue.

Rape serves patriarchy by keeping all women scared, ashamed, scrambling for a non-existent safety, and available to men on the most unequal of terms. Patriarchy tells women their best hope of survival lies in being chosen by powerful men who’ll protect them.

So many responses think it’s entirely reasonable to expect all women and children, regardless of age, health, disability, life conditions, to be armed and trained for combat 24/7, even in their own homes. But completely unreasonable to imagine and call for a world without rape.
So many responses ignore the reality that men rape their own daughters, granddaughters, nieces. Men rape their wives, in-laws, girlfriends, dates. Their sisters and cousins. Their colleagues and employees, their constituents and congregants. Men rape their domestic workers.

Should women have guns in bed with them, when they sleep with their partners? Should girls take guns to school to shoot rapist teachers? Should women take guns to church for rapist pastors? To work, for their colleagues and bosses? To family gatherings, for creepy relatives?

I can’t convey through words how absolutely hateful and vile this line of thought is.

Rape is evil.  Evil exists as part of humanity.  Evil people do evil things.  Good people stand up to evil and stop evil from happening.

This idea that rape is not an evil carried out by evil people, but is inherent to men and is used by men against women assumes that all men are evil and is nothing but anti-male bigotry.

As a man, I believe it is my duty to protect and defend women from rape and to empower them to defend themselves from the same.

I was never taken as a child into a room full of men and told that I needed to rape women to keep them in line.  I know of no man, at least in the Western world, who was.  The Islamic world is a little bit different…

There is no conspiracy among Western men to rape women to subjugate them.

As per the idea of “we need to teach men not to rape, not teach women to defend themselves.”  One of the most important lessons of the bible, as well as of philosophy is that evil exists.  In the book of Genesis, there were only four people on earth, Adam, Eve, Cain, and Able, and it turns out, one of them was a murderer.  Miguel wrote a post a few years ago that still gives me chills, about a truly evil human predator and the futility of trying to educate evil people against rape.

So not just does this insult the majority of men who are not evil and not rapists, it creates a false sense of security (and superiority) that evil men can be educated.

While it is true that some evil men to hurt those around them, pushing the paranoia that every husband, father, grandfather, uncle, boyfriend, etc. is a potential rapist and inherently untrustworthy is viciously mean and disturbingly hateful.

Lastly, one thing I never see any of these types of feminists talk about is the high rate of female sexual abusers who target children they are in the care of or the prevalence of young female teachers who have sex with younger male students.  This would destroy the narrative that rape is a male thing used to abuse women and not an evil thing used by evil people against those who are powerless to defend themselves.

Everything about this is thread is terrible.  She states that all men are inherently awful rapists but women should not lift a finger to protect themselves and that women are forced to rely on men to protect them but no man is trustworthy enough to not be a rapist.

This is what happens when hatred of men, being woke, and rejecting the responsibility of self-defense combine.  You get a nonsensical screed that insults men and puts women in danger.

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