Philadelphia Eagles player DeSean Jackson shared an anti-semitic fake Hitler quote with the support of anti-semite Louis Farrakhan.


When he was given a “talking to” by team management, former NBA player Stephen Jackson said it was the truth and he was just trying to educate others.

Educate them in Jew-hatred.

No one got fired or canceled.  There were no protests or career-destroying Twitter moments.

Once again we see that BLM can say the most horrible shit about Jews and it gets a pass.

Remind me why I should have to support that.


Another pro football player doubles down on the fake quote Jew-hatred.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Remind me again why I should support BLM, pro sports edition – Update”
  1. Yeah, that well know biblical scholar, Adolph Hitler, really supported the “Real Children of Israel” AKA “Mud People.” The only reason Black people didn’t join the Jews in the gas chambers is that there weren’t very many Blacks in Europe at the time.

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