The Socialist President & Government finally has a chance to go Soviet.

The Government will limit the movement of citizens as much as possible. The entire country is formally closed with the approval of the decree of the state of alarm, which comes into force today. A gigantic isolation in their homes of more than 47 million people, who will only be able to go outside alone, according to the president, Pedro Sánchez, to work and buy food, medicine or basic items. The government thus avoids completely stopping production, which will remain active according to the decree. Citizens can travel between cities by car or by plane to work.

“We will use all the resources at our disposal to combat the contagion curve. It is important not to mistake the enemy, it is the virus, and we must all fight it together, ”he assured. “The measures that we are going to adopt are drastic and will have consequences,”he admitted, thinking especially of the huge economic slowdown. The president made it very clear that the entire country must put itself at the service of the fight against the virus, including the entire private sector and the Army. And also all the autonomous police forces.”All the police forces will be under the direct orders of the interior minister. We will have the action of the Armed Forces, the Army is already prepared for it, ”he assured.

El Gobierno informa de que es la única autoridad en toda España, limita los desplazamientos y cierra comercios

Sadly, they are being applauded for this. I had been following a bit what has been happening up there and a several local governments had already instituted some sort of quarantine with different levels of penalties and success. Some in the populace are actually taken the informant mode and call the cops on what they feel is a violation of their security. And also because they are locked in and why anybody else should be out there. Misery loves company. This is from this morning before the Edict and the guy is berating people because they got out to have their morning libation


This one I just saw posted: Spanish Army tank entering Madrid.

I am gonna keep an eye on the Old Country to see what other measures they will be taking. No ruler has had this much power since the Fascist General Franco

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Spain goes full Emergency Powers because of the Wuhan Virus.”
  1. All the reporting hype to make orange man bad look bad. And massive over reaction to the 19th version of the common cold…

  2. I like the tank. Cannonade those little bastard viruses, bound to work.

    Socialism – the optimum mix of violence and stupidity, none better, vote for it now, you won’t regret it.

    (Yes, you will)

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