By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The explosion in Beirut: A great compilation of videos”
  1. Hm. Lot of smaller stuff cooking off during the fire, then the big kaboom. Could have been a previously-confiscated shipload of ammonium nitrate, which can, maybe, detonate from fire if stored in a sufficiently large pile (see also, Texas City Disaster). But why would such a cargo have been stored in proximity to whatever smaller bangy things were going off before? General neglect and incompetence? (In that part of the world? Inconceivable!)
    Or, it could have been a Hezbollah munitions warehouse.
    Either way, it’s very bad for all those people who were just trying to go about their lives in the general vicinity.

  2. Im no explosives expert. Seems way to big and fast blast to be A . N. If they had 2750 tons of it stored in the same building as bangy stuff that wernt to smart. Im sure it will be down played when and if “the news” talks about it.
    Live with terrorists, die with terrorists.

  3. I wonder how that explosion and its shockwave would compare to say, a daisy cutter or a MOAB. Or even a small atomic bomb.

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