I have been giving this a bit of thought after the insanity of the post Ma’Khia Bryant shooting. If the Mob will see any action through the color of political bigotry, brand almost any human interaction with the scarlet “R” for racism and ruin you life, I am sorry to say to the world that I no longer will give two solitary cents for anybody’s well being unless they are my family and good friends.

Example: I carry 2 basic trauma kits in my car, you know them as the “Oh S**T! kit” I have posted about plenty times I am am sure of some of you are sick by now. Why carry 2? One is mine and mine alone in case something happens to me. The other was there to share with somebody in need if I happen to be present, you know, be a good Christian and possibly save the life of a stranger. That second kit is now my back up for the first kit and only to be used for me, the missus and the family and friends (God willing, that never happens)

And you also know how many times have we discussed the possibility and the pros and cons of having to use our firearm to defend others in danger. I have admitted that some days I am 100% behind the idea of stopping a bad guy maiming or killing somebody, and other days I am not so sure it is a good idea. Basically it was the moment itself that it would dictate the right action and that is only after making sure my loved ones were safe or that my action was directed at saving mine and their lives.

But after this latest run of Social Justice madness? Sorry and eff you.

You are on your own.

I cannot risk having a mob come after my family because I did something to save a life that some butt-hurt “internet influencer” found despicable.   Suddenly I am the most hated person in the world and have people coming after to exact whatever deluded brand of vengeful justice they think I deserve.

Officially,  you can bleed to death from an accident, be having a heart attack, being raped, abused, run over, shot, stabbed, beat to a pulp, etc. and you will not get one ounce of help from me because I will be turning around and seeking a more peaceful environment.

Not a very Christian attitude, but then I am not seeking martyrdom.

As stated here before and in many other places, you are on your own.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

19 thoughts on “The Good Samaritan is Dead.”
  1. To put it a lot more cynically, we’re at the point where being a Good Samaritan is safe only if all the people in the scene are white.
    It possibly might be safe also if all the people (including the GS) are of the same non-white race, but that is far less clear considering the popularity of the term “Uncle Tom”.

    1. Nope, not even safe then.

      You will be a pariah if you do not use the correct, preferred pronouns while saving someone’s life.

      Miguel is absolutely correct on this front. There is no possible way that assisting someone in need will not backfire on you.

  2. I will call 911, and do what I can to be a good witness.

    Let the “Ones dripping with qualified immunity” clean up the mess.

  3. Welcome to the world of “Porcupines.” We are neither sheep nor sheepdogs, and we don’t carry our quills for others.

  4. Completely understand your post, no argument here. However, I can’t say unequivocally that I would not help someone. Yes the kit I carry is for me or a very close friend but still I can’t allow someone else’s failure of conscience to excuse mine. Am I more apt to seek safer haven’s vs. seek to help, yes. But in the end, I don’t answer to the mob, I answer to Jesus Christ.

    1. Stephen, good for you. I understand both sides of the argument, though. It probably matters a lot where you are. Here in small rural New Boston NH I wouldn’t be quite so concerned about being a Good Samaritan (though if the bad guy is some gangbanger from the city 10 miles away, perhaps I should be). If you live in a city, especially one infested by D politicians, that’s a different story.

      It’s true that in the end you answer to Higher Authority. Before then, though, you — and more importantly, your family — probably do answer to the mob. So if being a good guy results in the mob wrecking not just your life but that of your wife and children, what would you conclude? Does your Christian duty to your fellow man extend not just to risking your own well being but that of your family along with it? I’m not so sure that it does, or that Higher Authority would expect you to go that far.

  5. Totally off-topic, but I feel compelled to share:

    I ordered breakfast from a local diner for lunch — scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, toast, biscuits and gravy, and goetta. I am full, happy, and at the moment don’t care what’s going on in the world.

    Thank you. We now return to the fall of civilization already in progress.

  6. Unfortunately the times dictate such actions. I for one have had the same attitude for quite some time now. Recently a co-worker asked me why I carry. My response was, because, and left it that. Further response would have initiated a debate with him and since he gotten to be more left leaning, it wasn’t a discussion I wanted to have nor did I care to elaborate.

    Thanks for your time and I always appreciate your insight.

  7. Short example of what Mr G is saying- couple winters ago my buddy Paul stopped to help this young girl stuck in the snow. Her boyfriend or brother( i fergit which) showed up with a chain. The girls mom showed up and was getting in the way. She almost trips over the chain, my buddy grabs her and says “watch out for that chain” she ended up on her butt. Didnt get hurt….. 3 days later my buddy gets served papers, she is sueing him.. This comes under the dems success at dividing us. I will not put my ass on the line for anyone I dont know. We USED to be a country of regular folks ready to help those in need. Not no more. You ARE on your own, act accordingly

    1. In red areas we still are very much a country like that, thankfully.

      In blue areas? Nope.

      We have too America’s, and in blue America it’s not worth the risk to a red blooded American.

  8. I hate that you are right but you are right.

    When neighbors help neighbors you don’t need all powerful central government.

    When people are isolated and distrustful of each other you do.

    By making every one of us distrustful and unwilling to help a fellow for fear of blowback, it consolidates their power.

  9. I arrived at this line of thinking a few years ago. I will be neighborly to my neighbors (though since we moved back to the neighborhood, it doesn’t feel like it used to even with it all being the same folks), but beyond that . . . you’re on your own.

    I will look after my blood/family and about 4-5 very very close and dear friends, my tribe. Beyond that, nope. . . . y’all are on your own. Between the current world events and working with legal/product liability stuff for a couple years . . . nope. I’d rather be a live “coward” than the Good Samaritan who did the right thing but must now be offered as sacrifice to the Gods of PC and Wokeness.

  10. Don’t care what happens to me. Let them sue or attack me or whatever. I’m not going to change my believe of helping others just because of the current environment. Others can choose differently, but for me, I would not live with the thought that I could have helped but instead chose not too.

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