I just found out through Sean S. in Facebook that the March For Our Lives tour, (A.K.A. The Parkland Brats Bus Tour) commenced in Chicago last Saturday.

Did you hear about it? Apparently very few people did and even less News Media even cared.  Google News only gave me seven returns for “march for our lives Chicago” and other than a photo posted by one of the Parkland “Survivors” we have no idea if the crowd was respectable. The few pictures from the Media are tight and focused on “star” individuals like Gabby Gifford looking for 5 more minutes of fame.

Besides their stop in Napierville, IL, they also showed up at St. Louis, MO where they only got one Media entity to cover the event, of all days on a Sunday.

Here is the rest of their schedule for June:

Standing Rock Reservation caught my eye. Are they gonna be joined with the Dakota Access Pipeline Water Protectors? The ones that fighting for a cleaner environment, left an ecological disaster behind them? Oy!

This does not bode well for The Parkland Brats Bus Tour. Usually you get the big crowds and media coverage at the beginning of the your and it fades out about 1/3 into the trip.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The Parkland Brats Bus Tour starts with a Media Whimper.”
  1. The pipeline protestors weren’t there to save the environment — they were there because Russian and Emirate money was funding their protest.

  2. Their 15 minutes are pretty much up.
    Camera Hogg will have to up the trolling to get attention, but people are starting to notice that he’s all bark, and no real bite.

  3. If they went to Chiraq, they must’ve had a ton of security… ARMED security. So maybe the progtard MSM is not showing the Parkland Brats Bus Tour because of that?

    1. It looks like they will be in Minneapolis for Pride Week?

      I wonder if the Pink Pistols will be there.

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