They are ever so sweet.

And the complains are heard


The Socialist experiment failed. The “Everybody gets a bit of soil”  Land Reform practice has constantly been catastrophic wherever it was instituted. Small parcels low small yields that may feed the family one or two years, after that the returns diminish till soon enough they are starving.  Crop rotation seems to be a foreign concept for Socialism which explains how even giants like the Soviet Union had to end up buying wheat from the Americans and even the Argentinians. The same thing happened in venezuela with Hugo Chavez, but it did not get more ink time because the Oil industry collapse was more spectacular. The result was the same in both countries, a slow race to starvation.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “The Socialist Rage Tears for Zimbabwe”
  1. This is what happens when you throw away knowledge and experience because you consider the source to be bad, and / or because it doesn’t match your ideology.

    Here’s a question … if you were a white former farmer being asked to come back, would you?

    1. “Here’s a question … if you were a white former farmer being asked to come back, would you?”

      Not only no, but HELL no! You’re one government change away from being kicked off again or even getting the “necklace” treatment.

  2. I think it was _The Gulag Archipelago, Volume l_ or it was a Thomas Sowell book where they talked about how when the soviets took over the took all the land from the land owners and gave it to the peasants to farm.

    10 years later, some of those farms had succeeded but most failed. The answer was that they then took the farms from the successful and gave them to the farmers that had failed.

    It was the “fair” thing to do. One of the significant issues with all forms of socialism is that if you succeed, you will either be punished or your labor/work/goods will be taken from you. There is no reason to attempt to succeed.

    1. ^^ This ^^

      The failures are never the fault of the individuals failing; it’s always the fault of the successful people.

      Socialism is a zero-sum game. If you succeed, it must have been at the expense of someone else who failed. Since you “stole” their prosperity, you either get punished or have your earnings seized to support those who failed.

      Hard work and success get punished. Substandard work and failure get rewarded. Because that’s “fair”.

      Under that system, why would you even try to do well?

  3. Huh. My spidey-sense keeps yelling “it’s a trap!”

    I feel for the children, since the adults can’t provide for them and were stupid enough to listen to commietard empty promises… but i gots a feeling this can and will turn around again on a dime out of the blue.

    1. While the risk of the government flipping again is real, keep in mind that the people welcoming the farmers back never wanted them to leave. The decision to confiscate the farms came from Mugabe’s junta, not popular vote.

  4. Crop rotation, maximum sustainable yield, proper fertilization types and schedules based on your crop, first and last freeze dates (where applicable), periodically letting parcels of land lie fallow…. All techniques of farming that date back thousands of years and that, when used wisely, keep farmland productive for generations.

    The last one — periodically letting land lie fallow — is a huge part of why peasant-run farms in socialist nations fail. An inexperienced “farmer” will look at a farm and see they’re only using 2/3 of their land, and think they can do 50% better by using all of it.

    And they’re right … for a season or two.

    But then the land becomes depleted of nutrients and can no longer sustain anything more than weeds and scrub.

    And after that season or two of over-production, the government expects you to keep that up, which is just not possible. You lose the farm and probably get executed, simply because you were ignorant of millennia-old principles that the successful farmer who owned the land before you knew and practiced.

    Contrary to Leftist belief, sustainable farming is a science that goes WAY beyond, “Put seed in ground, wait, harvest”. Lifetime farmers are well-versed in the nuances of that science, but there’s always some Leftist that thinks, “I went to college; if an uneducated hick from Nebraska can do it, I can do it better.”

    As Reagan said, “It’s not that liberals are ignorant; it’s that they know so much that just ain’t so.”

  5. Mugabe didn’t spread the land around — he gave the existing farms to prominent members of his tribe (literally), and shut out other tribes. Since the farms were given based on political considerations instead of competence, they failed.

    Those people are celebrating having a competent farmer back to give them jobs and food. THEY lived tribal socialism — we should ask them to explain to America why it’s a bad idea.

  6. THEM: The Human Extinction Movement

    What have the leftists of any stripe touched that it hasn’t destroyed?
    Serious question.
    6 pack of your favorite brew if you can come up with one thing, anything, they touch they don’t destroy.

    Feel free to go all the way back to the Fabian’s in NH, when they formed their Colonial era long march after the 1st war of secession.
    You probably know the place if you know your history, Brettonwoods, Nh, at the Mt Washington Hotel, it’s next to the town of Fabian NH, there’s little and big Mount Deception, Deception Brook, where they have held the Brettonwoods conferences, at which they divvy up the world between themselves. Who get’s to destroy what part of Christian Western Civilization, while strip mining each zone of it’s wealth.

    ( I grew up in Zealand NH next town over, my grandmother had a pie shop on the town line)

    Another bit of revised history you might not have heard before. Karl Marx was a devout admirer of Pres. Lincoln and his yankee Fabians and the system of totally corrupt northern economic power they created, over the South, he modeled his ideological farce called marxism after Lincoln and his Fabian Marxists system of cultural/economic genocide against the people of the South.
    The parallels are stunning. The history of marxism, is the circular history of THEM.
    How many instances of this ideological fraud as in what is portrayed in the above tweets from South Africa, in China, Russia Vietnam, Venezuela, Cuba, now in our great country, just repeat and repeat, the same mentally retarded regurgitation of the same diatribe of hate and envy, over and over again.
    Look at the brainwashed children indoctrinated by the intelligentsia and its 5th column who infest our school system, you can whiteout those S. Africans in those tweets and replace them with white faces of the new generation of red diaper babies shouting kill the cops, kill the whites, etc. Redistribute the wealth, Obot Parrots: Squaaawk! Whites are Nazi’s! Squaaawk! Kill the fascist Whites Squaaaawk!

    The only pandemic on Earth is the mental virus of an ideological farce called marxism socialism progressivism liberalism the amerikan left etc.

    My most serious question is to understand how millions are so easily conned into believing in carrying out this farce, as willing proxies, useful dupes, a front for nothing more than a group of tyrants who want to rule over us, and liquidate all who stand in their way of power and greed.

    There’s no redress or reconciliation with these brainwashed cannon fodder fools. They mean to genocide every American who resists and defies their insatiable hate and envy. Their victim stance, their lust to wreck everything.
    The amerikan neo-bolsheviks. No diff from the Russian Bolsheviks or Mao’s little red book worshippers, those fools did exactly what todays useless idiots are doing right now. The only difference is they changed up, instead of starting in the rural and small village places they jumped started things in the cities, everything else is essentially a repeat, of repeat of repeat etc of THEM and how they try o destroy everything.

    The difference, the really big thing, the great thing, is we are armed to the teeth good folks. No instance of marxist “revolution”, insurgency really, astroturf revolution supported by wealthy megalomaniacs who believe they will be the rulers after 11-3-20, ( Not ), is this system of totalitarianism has never encountered hundreds of millions of armed to the teeth good folks. These despots and their minions may be ruthless, sure, thats easy when you take advantage of a high trust civilization, an armed civilization? There are none other than good Ol’ Murica! Never has been since basically greco/Roman times. We are decendents of this history, Its why we have lots of guns.
    These idiots, they don’t understand how mean us good folks get when our codes are violated.

    Won’t be long, maybe a few weeks, before the killing begins in earnest. It’s the next stage, they been sneaking up on it, I think they hoped us good folks would start slinging lead, but we have’nt, and thats because we are prudent and tolerant, maybe to a fault, but I don’t go for that, I think what a lot of folks think, once you go down that road, there is no turning back till the deed needs doing is totally done, that there is no quarter, no mercy, it’s to the knife and teeth, that is the simple nature of genocidal hive mind collective war on good folks. And once we begin to fight to the death, we don’t stop, we don’t care, we will not stop, till the virus is eradicated. It’s not boasting or smack talk. It is what it is, existential Warr, as Hobbes noted.
    This virus can not be left to reinfect our civilization all over again.
    War is about killing so many of your enemy he gives up because his spirit or motivation is crushed by annihilation. This Warr they want to wage on us is the next and last level of war. Warr of Extermination. Like tracers though, they work both ways. My money is on us good folks. Once the institutional order that is so unequipped and useless gives up and leaves righting things to us good folks, our enemy won’t last a month.

    I say this because the rest of us not only refuse to be afraid, we are good folks who do not take council of our fears. We keep or nerve, do not loose our cool. Sure it’s scary watching or subjected to these terror tactics, the wonton destruction and wrecking is foul, hard to witness, it doesn’t have to be this way, but it is, and we ain’t folks who back down or bend a knee.
    Things are set in motion and they have to run their course, can’t stop this runaway train till it hits end of the line.

    Paradoxically, an opportunity like no other any of us could create is being handed to us on a silver platter.
    Just think of the things that can be accomplished that a month ago seemed impossible. The administrative state and the pedo=elites who thought they are special and are entitled to rule over us, they have failed utterly. In all history is their an elite cabal who could so fuck-up the greatest thing ever happened to the world? The most wealthy prosperous productive happy folks in human history.
    You got to be that special kind of stupid to screw up this kind of great thing. There was more than enough for everyone, we were on the way of making the whole world rich beyond dreams. But Noooooo. These pedo=elites, they are consumed with hate, and envy, especially envy, the greenest monstor of them all. The two great mortal sins. And they thought she could never lose, that the cat was in the bag.
    Uh Uh, not so fast assholes. We all got something saved up for you all.
    It’s called cold anger.

    Only Mr. Trump can it be said the opposite is true. Good thing. Been a long time since us good folks had a real leader and representative. An honest steadfast one too. No wonder they hate his guts so much. Spoiled so much of their plans just by being an honest Joe and sticking to his guns. Amazing.

    BFYTW Bitchez. BFYTW.

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