From a Facebook friend’s feed:

Just went to the hotel lobby to get a bite to eat for breakfast. I’m wearing my dive bandana with the diver down flag symbol on it. This guy starts getting in my face about it being a racist symbol… SERIOUSLY? Are people really this stupid and dense?

Short answer is Yes! This is the flag that offended the alleged asshole.

This is nothing new. The Diver Down flag was created in 1956 so it is over six decades old and has been probably in any modern movie and any National Geographic or other Nature show where diving is being shown.

I can only assume that Mr. Offended thought he was seeing a version of the Confederate Flag and that gave him the right to be offended and attack whomever was sporting it. I guess the best I can come up with an equivalent is that they are a Liberal Sharia Police. who is roaming the streets looking for “offensive” people and things to exact immediate justice in the name of.. something or other that only makes sense to them.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “The urgent need to be offended.”
  1. It’s also the damn law! If you have divers in the water you need to fly that fag, either on your boat or on a surface float so boaters can be aware of people in the water

  2. Well, have your friend continue with the story.

    Did the ass get schooled and then apologize, or did he prance off in a huff of indignant assholery, or attempt to get violent or….?

    What was the end state?

    1. The even happened in the Florida Keys (Imagine how many Diver Down sighs are around) and even the Manager on Duty came out to school the moron.
      For some reason I imagine the asshole’s accent from NJ.

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