By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “We need more Excel Control to save our children.”
  1. Or maybe we should think also about what created and drove the attitude of this demented individual… I can’t look anywhere without seeing this asshat’s name. Tell me, if you wanted to be famous and didn’t care about the means to achieve it, what would be the quickest route?

    This boy was broken, demented, and had a desire to make himself be on the top. The media with their behavior did nothing but reinforce this mans want to become famous proving they would provide him the vehicle as long as he committed the deed.

    Ultimately that evil ass is at fault and responsible for the deeds done. I will say I strongly believe the actions of the media regarding other shooters groomed this individual and made him more willing to commit the deed. For him the ends justified the means.

    1. “Tell me, if you wanted to be famous and didn’t care about the means to achieve it, what would be the quickest route?”

      Burn down the temple of Artemis. Oldest recorded event of someone committing a crime specifically to be remembered.

      Ever seen the movie “The Frighteners”? The villain was a serial killer who kept score and planned on coming out “on top”.

  2. Proof positive that the dastardly Bill Gates is the head of an evil organization trying to take over the minds of our youth……..BAN MICROSOFT!!!!

  3. It’s only common sense. No one should needlessly be exposed to the horror of thirty columns.

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