For us, reloading ammunition means the ability to have ammunition at any time, to customize it to your particular gin, needs or even time of the year. It is a hobby, fun thing to do and it even saves you some cash.  Hell, if you feel like it, you can cast your own bullets!
In Venezuela gets you tagged as terrorist and you get to spend from twelve to eighteen years in prison. Years will be added because the ammunition MUST be serialized to boot.

In the meantime, Venezuela has a Murder rate and Violent Crime rate about ten times of the US.

Gun Controls works but only controlling people, not violence.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “What freedom looks like.”
  1. In the People’s Republic of New York, they just mandated microstamping, and every new semiautomatic pistol must comply. In the New Jersey Soviet, a woman was jailed because one jacketed hollowpoint fell out of her husband’s range bag and was found in the trunk. In the Glorious People’s Soviet of Massachusetts, an empty piece of .22 brass caught in the tread of your shoe will get you hard time. Also in New Jersey, they just (this week) made possession of a firearm, even if you have all the paperwork to own one, on school property into a “class 2” crime – 10 years in prison and $150,000 fine.

    So, yeah, here in Florida and in much of the US, what you say is true. But it’s not everywhere. There is much work to do.

  2. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, i remember the saying goes.

    The whole “Gun Control saves lives” point of view is completely wrong, but many people believe it with every fibre of their body that us half-assing our point will have us lose in the long run.

    In other news: Damn Comcast. I has no home internet until the 2nd of July. ~_~

  3. Miguel, The United States “Official” FBI Homicide rate for those neither “black” nor “white” is just 0.7 per 100,000 population. Seven per million. And from all appearances Latinos are a bit under that.

    Venezuela’s official homicide rate is 50 – or 500 per million. The actual homicide rate is a matter of debate.. A semi-official source puts the homicide total at 19,500, or a rate of 72; 720 per million. Missionaries estimate the toll at 25 to 30,000; or 920 to 1,110 per million people. Other observers peg the total even higher.

    More than forty years ago, I said you can have any homicide rate you want. The more restrictive your gun laws the higher your homicide rate. Chavez is proving me right – but it is damnably hard on his people.

  4. i roll my own for deer in the sunny south. it’s less expensive and i can tailor the loads for the smaller deer or the big bucks with different bullets that have different expansion properties. Lord bless and keep those who live in the People’s Republics.

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