Suddenly it is locked down, invitation only?

They have been a brutal spike on the Chicago PD’s White Shirts and the administration of Mayor Lori (Beetlejuice) Lightfoot. I would not be surprised if something was forced upon them in this Era of The Purge.

Don’t say “Lightfoot” three times, just in case.

Hat Tip Royko

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “What happened to Second City Blog?”
  1. Well… an awful lot of milblogs suddenly went dark early in the Obama Administration. Never did hear what was going on with that, because all at once the milblog ecosystem wasn’t there anymore.
    And, I’ve noticed a lot of lack of activity on several not-Progressive, not-never-Trump blogs the past few months. People going dark, trying to hide their current activities? (I’m not sure when, exactly, the Biden Administration started, but it was clearly before the election.)

  2. Well Gab reported thousands of fake accounts opened in the last month or so all spewing hate and violence, and they even self reported it to the FBI. These same fake accounts are being used to try and take them down as well. Perhaps he too was being flooded with ‘new’ users who were trying to stir up trouble.

    1. They used a provided commenting system — and moderated all the comments — so I doubt that’s it.

      I think it’s likely they’re just exercising an abundance of caution. Last week they were hinting at a major scandal on the verge of being broken; it may be related to that.

  3. I have been following that blog for some time now. Don’t ever remember “signing up” for it. I would like to contact the author and ask to be allowed back in but how to contact him also seems to be a “double dark secret”.

    1. It was publicly accessible until today, and comments used the shared Blogspot system and accounts.

      There was a contact email on the page, but no REAL contact addresses for obvious reasons. Also, it’s a group blog, not a single author.

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