I love the show King of the Hill.

In a 2005 episode, Dale to the Chief, Hank gets a new driver’s license and they list his sex as “female.”

Hank has to get it changed and goes to the doctor for a certification of his maleness for the DMV.

That was parody.  Sixteen years later, it’s actually worse than that.

Medicine in the West is Woke to death.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “What was parody in 2005 is now reality”
  1. BT(somebody)DT.

    Case report a while back. Child of G*d was transitioning from female to male. Still had their lady bits. Evidently had a romantic interlude.

    Subsequently had BAD abdomen pains. Went to ED, self identified as male.

    So, of course, the doc did not consider several pregnancy and lady-bit related potential sources of the pain.

    I do not recall what particular variety of bad outcome followed, but, it was a cautionary tale with a bad outcome.

    1. It lost the baby but survived.
      The doctor/nurse thought the pain came from some gas­t­ro­in­tes­ti­nal illness the patient stopped taking meds for – so he said take the pills again, Sir, that should do the trick.

      Well, it didn’t because chromosomes don’t care about gender.

  2. Thank you, J. KB. I’m sending that to my boss & I will henceforth use the line “I’m gonna go jury rig something out of a toe & some old skin” every time he needs me to miracle some smoldering pile of wire back into a functioning thingamajig.

    @ Reltney McFee – ectopic pregnancy perhaps?

    1. That is better than my standard reply, back in the day, when the boss asked me what was the solution to the often large and noisy misbehaving equipment that decided that it would no longer cooperate and do what it was supposed to do. My reply, “Dynamite.”

  3. I’m still confused as to why the Department of Motor Vehicles needs to know my sex and/or gender in order to issue me a permission slip to operate a vehicle on the public roads.

  4. To your point, J. Kb., I have yet to encounter a (xx) woman with a torsed testicle. Or a (xy) man with ovarian cancer.

    It is not as if I care how this or that soul finds their version of bliss.

    Simply, sometimes, facts matter.

    1. My husband isn’t at risk of testicular cancer, because to paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy, “he ain’t go no testiculars.” He is at a risk for ovarian and cervical cancers, because he does have those. He makes his medical care providers aware of this… Because he isn’t an idiot.

      Any transgender person who doesn’t make their medical care providers aware of their biological sex is a fucking moron.

  5. Ish,

    M or F is part of your physical description, just like Eye Color, height and weight. All of those are on my DL.
    Many people would say your driving ability IS NOT related to your sex. Thousands of bad jokes say otherwise.

    1. And why, pray tell, is my physical description a necessary part of issuance of said permission slip?

      Over the past forty years, various city, county, state and the federal governments have all issued me dozens upon dozens of other documents granting me permission to do some activity or another. To sell antiques, I needed a license; to sell baseball cards, I needed a different license; to carry a concealed weapon, I needed a license; to operate a boat, I needed a license; and so on and so bloody forth. None of them have any physical description of me on them.

      The first state to slap a picture on a drivers license was California in 1958. Texas wouldn’t add photographs until the Seventies.

      It’s a stupid system that has zero connection to the stated purpose of the license.

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