NOW Angela Corey

Florida Chapter of the National Organization for Women has called on Jacksonville State Attorney Angela Corey to resign.
In a joint statement the National Organization for Women National President Terry O’Neill and Florida President Donna Slutiak said:
“The Office of State Attorney Angela Corey will seek to put Marissa Alexander in prison for 60 years if she is convicted for a second time. Alexander was previously sentenced to 20 years for firing a warning shot at her abusive husband in Jacksonville, FL. Her conviction was overturned on appeal, but State Attorney Angela Corey wasted no time refiling the same charges and a retrial is scheduled to begin July 28.

via FL NOW calling for Jacksonville state attorney to resign over Marissa Alexander case – Tallahassee News | ABC 27 WTXL: News.

I can’t imagine the pressure put on NOW to actually having to come out and speaking for Ms. Alexander.  I think this is one case where the control of the narrative was lost by its handlers and took a life on its own.

Will we see Angela Corey leave? Not voluntarily. I expect that pressure will be exercised from the highest levels to have her suddenly take a final leave for “health reasons” or “spending more time with the family” or some  other standard BS excuse.

But we must realize that Angela Corey is not the problem but just an example of the plague we have in Florida with Overzealous Prosecutors.  The problem runs deep and just because the one symptom that has been seen the most is gone, does not mean the problem is gone.

Hat tip to Sean Caranna of Florida Carry.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “When Even Liberals turn on you…”
  1. Ahh yes the same Angela Corey who wasted the taxpayers money on a bogus prosecution of George Zimmerman.

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