That I have not heard one peep out of Moms Demand Action about Diane Swayer’s Young Guns special last week.  I wonder if this had anything to do with it:

The special includes interviews with parents who have lost their children to unsecured guns in their own home or at their neighbor’s house, and kids who surprise their parents by showing them where guns are “hidden.”

If you had the stomach and have been following Moms, you may have noticed that they started a campaign to make sure parents go to jail if a kid dies in an firearms-related accidental death. (Other deaths are OK with Moms Demand)

Mom accountability

Nothing ails the pain a family has to be suffering due the accidental death of a child like sending a parent to jail. And in this sense, Shannon Watts and the Moms raise cruel to a new level with their PR stupidity:

Mom accountability 2
A kid is dead, thanks to their meddling a father is on its way to trial for murder but they “feel” for the family. What is next? Kill the family dog and burn their house on a fit of empathy?

These are sick, sadistic women.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “You know what I find fascinating?”
  1. I said it before, I’ll say it again. If you want safe storage laws MAKE THE PURCHASE OF A GUN SAFE A TAX DEDUCTABLE EXPENSE!!!

  2. So.. all it takes is a bunch of emails and phone calls to convince a DA that someone probably created a crime?
    Disturbing on many levels…

  3. All unintentional discharges are negligent, not accidental. I find groups like MDA disgusting but the father is accountable for his actions.

  4. […] I have visited this new Moms trend of wanting to make sure the whole family suffers even more from something as awful as a child shooting happens as it shows a true sadistic streak in their natures.  Moms are almost at the same level of the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence in their fervor and the Constitution or even basic humanity be damned.  And the comments coming out of the mouths of its followers are rather scary. […]

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