Month: November 2013

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: Because they are compassionate.

Sad story out of North Carolina: 4-year-old dies when he picks an unattended gun from a top of a fridge and kills himself and the Dad gets criminally charged. The Moms pick it up and the followers run with their usual compassion:

MDA CaringEven though there are laws about this, prosecutors are not fond to apply them if they see that it was not a total disregard or presence of Mens Rea. Of course, that does not matter to the Stepford Moms Demand Action:

  • Emily C Reubush YEAH! With all the idiocy coming out of NC lately, I’m proud they’ve done something right.
  • Keri Cameron Hooks Idiot who was in the military should know better. That poor mother. My heart breaks for her. I hope she takes those babies away from him!
  • Gay Fantz ANY adult who leaves a gun within reach of a child must be held responsible for endangerment! Report them to authorities BEFORE harm comes to another child!!!
  • Gloria M Banta It’s about freaking time! The 2nd Amendment is an awesome responsibility, and should never be taken lightly.
  • Shawna Jackson Wilde He murdered his son.
  • Leslie Burrell Wow, in NC even. First thing they’ve done right in awhile
  • Stephanie Beckman I’m not happy about any of this, but the man needs to experience the consequences of his actions.
  • Connie F. Mueller Bellucci If I was this baby’s mom, I would rip this guy’s nuts off, and shove them down his throat!!
  • Carol J Barker Spriggs I will probably catch hell for this, but I don’t feel sorry for this man at all. If you’re going to have a loaded gun in the house with a small child around, guess you don’t have a brain in your head. I do feel sorry for the family but even the mother bears some resposibility here!
  • Martina Nicholson it starts with teaching people to be violent. This man was a soldier. We need to start teaching people how to be PEACE-makers, PEACE-ful. When soldiers come back from war, they need to be re-instated into PEACE-time society. The only tool some of them have is a gun, and the only thing they have been taught is to shoot it. And so many come back with terrible anger, terrible suffering. The way we teach them is so terrible. As a society, we failed this father and his son.

And bet your ass that this coming Sunday, some or most of them will go to church and actually believe they are good Christians with lots of love for their fellow-man.


The Defensive Travel Kit Part 1. (Just the guns)

Listening to Michael Bane’s podcast and his eternal (sounds like that but ain’t) talk about a gun combo for travel across the nation and an article by Ken Matthews in the latest SWAT Magazine, I gave it again some thought at what I would carry that would give me the least amount of trouble with authorities, a 50-state set up if you can call it that but it is not quite accurate.

So what is the point of this kit? This will be the collection of objects that will help you make it home when you are far away and something major has happened that created or is about to create a fracture and/or collapse of social services and/or civilized behavior.

The kit has to have a sidearm, a rifle of some sorts both in calibers that are easy to find. I decided that I would make it single caliber as to eliminate one more possible problem but not losing that much in firepower.

For the long gun: A custom-made Alaskan Co-Pilot in .357 Magnum.
bigcopilotred11Not a cheap gun at all that will set you back $2,400. But the take-down part will reduce travel bulk by half, a good thing if you don’t want to advertise much. I would particularly go with small red dot and co-witnessing iron sights/ Express sights and somewhere to hook up a single-point sling. From what I have read, a good commercial/hunting .357 Magnum round coming out of a rifle will reach the 1,700 to 1,900 fps range or just short of the .30-30 caliber physics.

As for handgun, I’d go for the Smith & Wesson Model 627, 4″ barrel, 8-shot in .357 Magnum:
178014_01_lgI am very comfortable shooting revolver and I think the 4 barrel is the best compromise for carry. Being an 8-shot gun reloadable with moon clips will make it an equal or better sidearm than a 1911. This sucker retails for $969 which brings the price of the kit sans the rest of the ancillary stuff at $3,500. (Florida Lotto…where are you?)

Both guns will shoot the .38 Special cartridge which is a nifty thing for practice or if .357 is a tad hard to find. Michael Bane loves the .44 Magnums and Specials, but I think those cartridges are a tougher finding at your local Wally World.

This set up is not the final word on the subject but it is a good set up in my opinion. I’d probably change things depending on where and how I would be traveling.

Next would be something I haven’t given much thought yet: Carrying case.



Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: An amazing collection of bigots.

From the same people who have no problems with mass incarcerations of US Citizens, we get this:
CSGV Bigotry
I clicked on the comments and I was somewhat shocked but not surprised at their hate and bigotry. Read some of the comments:

  • Danya Anderson an army of lard
  • Supratim Sanyal bet none of them will score over 80 in a IQ test.
  • Kevin Coleman To much Fox ” news,” has side effects.
  • Claude Isbell That poor woman, is younger than she looks. Barefoot and pregnant for years. She looks so tired. Most of the use kids, if not all, are screwed.
  • Victoria Haugen Looks like they need some birth control in addition to gun control…..
  • Sue Levins Rockwell Inbreeding results.
  • Kay Burnett I see child endangerment, potential domestic abuse or outright Tyranny.
  • Alfonso Romero What a future for the childrens. Also parents IQ 20.
  • Bárbara Benerousse Spay and neuter the parents!!
  • Virginia Kostmayer Wth are the protecting themselves from? Seriously they look like idiots, but hey Honey boo boo is a popular show so I think most Americans are idiots.
  • Jerry Guzi Yes. Out with “In God we trust”, in with “Mama, pass me some more mac-n-cheese, or I’ll blow your @#$%# head off.”
    (God love them all.)
  • Todd Lamonia Should be illegal.
  • Manny Gurrola REDNECKS SUCK
  • Robert Priester Buy them a bath tub.
  • Francesca Tori Rossellini Ugh. I think we should put all of the gun loving, gun toting individuals on an island. I want to be as far away from them all as humanly possible.
  • Tom Zilembo Take the guns away.

These are the most liberal and open-minded minds available to the world to do “good.” But their comments remind us of the Eugenicists bent on cleaning the world from those they considered inferior or dangerous.  At best they want us sent to a long eternal vacation at the old school Molokai Spa or île du Diable Resort.  No, they don’t have the testes to do it themselves, but rest assured they will have no hesitation on voting for someone who will do it…even if it means they will be next on the cattle cars.

At the time of closing this post, there were a grand total of 98 post. Only one person thought the whole line of comments was wrong.

Raquel Rocky Castillo As much as I disagree with this photo, there are too many insulting comments. I don’t think this family is on display for a free-for-all bashing. We need education all the way around to solve this nation’s problem. Oh and I grew up in the South and most people are friendly and generous regardless of how they dress or speak!

I hope she re-evaluates her companions and chooses better.

PS: If you are one of the persons mentioned above, don’t even bother trying to have your name and comment removed. You did it in a public forum, you are an adult, you have no expectation of privacy, deal with it.