Month: July 2014

Ray Nagin gets a free, 10 year Club Fed “vacation.”

R Nagin

Ten years for corruption. It could not happen to a nicer Mayor Against Illegal Guns. Let’s call it Katrina Karma for all the guns that were confiscated under his watch from those trying to survive the disaster of a city not prepared to deal with SHTF.

And those of you who have not done so, get a copy of The Great New Orleans Gun Grab by Gordon Hutchinson. I recommend the paper version of the book to slap the crap out of anybody who dares to say “There are no gun confiscations in this country” as it last longer than the Kindle reader and it is cheaper to replace.

Miami-Dade County to get rid of 250 cops: Get a dog, bar windows, get guns.

Money quote at 1:10
WSVN-TV – 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco

 “If the mayor’s not going to provide security, then my recommendation, as an experienced law enforcement officer for nearly 40 years, is either buy yourself an attack dog, put bars on your windows and doors and get yourself some firearms because you’re going to have to protect yourselves. We won’t be able to.”
John Rivera, president of the Miami-Dade Police Benevolent Association.

Or simply place some Gun Free Zone signs around your property, that should work. Anyway, it is not like we are unaware that police has no duty to protect, but these budget fights do give criminals the idea that they may act with impunity, a dangerous proposition.

At least they are smart enough not to raise property taxes. Last guy who tried that got referendum-ed out of office.

CSGV: Because a brain is a terrible thing to use.



Now let’s imagine is election day and we are to treating voting rights the same way guns are treated.

  1. You arrive at the polling site with cash/credit or debit card ready as you have to buy the actual voting form or use the voting machine.
  2. You have to fill a form prior to vote for a background check. If you lie in that form or make a mistake, you are subject to 10 years and/or $250,000 in fines.
  3. The Poll Officer calls the FBI and proceeds to perform a background check. You can be Approved, Delayed (which means you may have to come days later depending on the state) or Denied. If you are Denied, you can appeal via mail by sending another form and a fingerprint card. The reversal can take up to three months.
  4. If approved, you can now purchase the voting form or access to the voting machine, but depending on your state, your are limited to a certain number of voting options. Only certain approved government officials can vote on all the items available to vote. Some states have further restrictions and may not allow you to vote for the candidate or item you wish to vote.
  5. Mail-In voting is strictly forbidden.
  6. If you help somebody vote, you are engaged in Straw Voting, penalized with 5 years in Federal prison.
  7. When casting your vote, you must announce loudly how you vote. If you want to vote in silence and privacy, you must previously acquire a special tax stamp of $200 by filling a form, shelling the money, sending a fingerprint card to the federal authorities where another background check must occur and wait from 3 to 12 months (depending where you live) for the stamp to be approved
  8. At the next election, you must repeat the above steps all over again.

If LibProgs literally anally expel brick-works for demanding that people have ONE valid ID to vote, can you imagine the general apoplexy that would occur in every single ACLU and NAACP office across the nation if they were forced to vote this way?

Let’s get in on this: A Service Dog for Davien Martinez.

MANATEE — A gunowners group might not be the first place a gunshot victim looks for help, but that’s the community that reached out to help 5-year-old Davien Martinez.

Davien was shot in the head July 27, 2013, while lying in bed with his mother. He escaped death but suffered damage to his brain. The drive-by shooting near his home left the then 4-year-old blind in one eye, and his mother, Diane Lopez, said he now has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, an impulse disorder, ADHD and anxiety as a result of the shooting.

To help with those issues, Lopez wants to get her son a service dog that she hopes will be therapeutic. But such a dog will cost about $11,000 and Lopez said she can’t afford that on her own.

via Gun group championing 5-year-old Bradenton shooting victim’s need for service dog | Local News | Bradenton Herald.

For the newspaper it seems like a weird thing, but we know  we have done our share to support cases like this. It is common for clubs to have matches and raise funds for our favorite local charities but they don’t get publicized because it defies the Narrative.

But at the end of the day, we don’t do it for the limelight but for those who need it. We don’t flash or look to look good for the Six O’Clock news. We do it because it is right. The Tampa Bay Gun Runners have taken the initiative to help this kid and it is up to us, shooters of Florida and everywhere to back them up.

So I ask you to go to Davien’s GoFundMe page and invest one or better yet, the price of several boxes of ammo to get a boy a dog that he needs. Anything you can give helps.

The opposition claims to have the heart, we know they don’t.  We do, let’s get this done.

Thanks to D.J.  for the info.

Do an average of nine children a day die in the United States of gunshot wounds? PolitiFact Oregon Calls Bravo Sierra

The national Brady Campaign spokeswoman confirmed the figure. “It is correct to say that 8 children and teens die from gun violence every day,” Fuson said in an email. “It is also correct to say that 9 children and teens are shot unintentionally.”

We checked the nonfatal number as well and found that 8.86 children are unintentionally shot each day and survive, according to the CDC’s nonfatal injuries database.

But those two numbers — eight gun-related deaths and nine injuries per day — do not show the whole picture.

PolitiFact Oregon obtained a breakdown by age from the CDC’s online database and found that about half of all youth gun deaths — 7,223 of 14,258 — are 18- and 19-year-olds. The same goes for unintentional injuries, roughly 46 percent of which — 7,479 of 16,172 — are 18- and 19-year-olds.
Remove those two years from the calculation, and there are an average of 4.76 unintentional injuries each day and 3.85 deaths.

That is significant given the use of the word “children” in the Brady Campaign’s display, along with a chalkboard and shoes suited to children younger than 12. In addition, people 18 and older are legally considered adults. They are allowed to buy guns and ammunition without parental consent, and are solely responsible for crimes they commit using those weapons.

We asked Fuson, the Brady Campaign spokeswoman, to find out why the campaign includes 18- and 19-year-olds in its calculation. In an email, she said the campaign used the CDC’s own metrics for measuring unintentional injuries. She pointed us to a report published by the center examining childhood injuries from 2000-06.

via Do an average of nine children a day die in the United States of gunshot wounds? | PolitiFact Oregon.

“why the campaign includes 18 and 19-year-old in its calculation. In an email, she said the campaign used the CDC’s own metrics for measuring unintentional injuries.”

And maybe because it sells better to give such huge numbers accompanied by images of small kids than images of Late Teen gang-bangers? It is the usual: If they ever tell the truth they know they will lose so lies must be told and repeated.

I found funny that PolitiFact Oregon was the organization doing the checking. I will speculate wildly that God believes in balancing stuff out and got tired of our old friend Jason Kilgore (A.K.A. Baldr Odinson) spreading B.S. spreading BS all over the Beaver State.

Moms Demand push the imaginary Iron Pipeline to blame Chicago’s’ violence.

Chicago had a brutal 4th of July weekend (It cannot be called Independence day for obvious reasons): 82 people shot, 14 deaths.  Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy says he does not know what happened to lead to the increase of shootings, but have no fer because the Moms are here! It was all those guns that came from outside Chicago, from places like Indiana & Mississippi that must be blamed! 

Moms Demand Gun Tracing Chicago


Except we already know it is not quite true. There is this article in the very pro-gun New York Times (sarcasm off) which details the tracing of firearms recovered in Chicago:

Moms Demand Gun Tracing Chicago 2

The list only show the top 10 origins for guns recovered in Chicago. As you can see the top location is the State of Illinois itself with 22,051 guns. The next nine added together give us a total of  20,078 guns. We would need another five states withe same numbers as Texas to finally overcome Illinois but since the standing is a decreasing one, the number of states is probably more.  So basically Illinois itself with FOID cards and all kinds of restrictions “provide” the equivalent number of guns that 14 others states “contribute.” Also notice that the Number 2 state, Indiana, “contributes” 1/3 the equivalent number of Illinois.

So in a very roundabout way and probably needing to use all other 49 states plus territories and Puerto Rico, they can make the statement that the majority of guns come from other states. But at the end it is all statistical smoke and mirrors designed to cover the fact that both policing and Gun Control have miserably failed to curb the violence in Chicago.

But they rather see more people get killed than addressing gangs, poverty and a collapsing judicial system.  And as long as people in Cook County keep electing the same politicians, they have nobody else to blame but themselves.

And before I go, let me leave you with the link for the ATF’s 2012 Firearms Trace for the State of Illinois where you will find other juicy morsels of information that the Antis do not share.