Month: March 2015

The compassionate hearts at CSGV

CSGV Tulsa Fire Death

Let’s be clear, it was a dumb decision (if he actually went after his gun) and paid for it. Then again, he was not a criminal engaged in a felony or abusing a fellow human being, so anybody trying to bring out when we make “awful” comments about Bad Guys getting sent to Our Maker, can rest before he starts.

So, what was said over at our friends from the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence?

CSGV Tulsa Fire Death2
The usual collage. not in any particular order.



Long time readers may recognize a particular name: Craig Hexman. Mr. Hexman is a Mental Health specialist that went after Blogger Not A Tango for Child Abuse. What was Tango doing to his kid that deserved the immediate need to bring the authorities and intervene: Trying to figure out how to make his 2 year old boy eat peas. No shit, that was it. That was enough to literally start a campaign to have the State Police teams go rescue the little tot.

There you have it folks… but don’t worry, these people “care.”

Moms Demand Has a New Violence.

Moms Demad lexicon

They do love coming up with new ways to confuse the issue. I am still trying to figure how come other forms of violence are OK with them.

Here are some others type of violence coming down the Liberal Pipeline

  • Yuppie Gun Violence
  • Ethnic-infused Gun Violence.
  • Equine-related Gun Violence.
  • Cisgender normative privileged Gun Violence.
  • Mono-chromatic Gun Violence. (Crazy albinos with guns)
  • Talking Vagina Gun Violence.

Yeah, yeah… bad jokes. Give me a break, it is Oh Dark Hundred and I need more coffee.

I keep saying that Gun Control People can’t do math.

CSGV King Question

I might be a wee bit off, but that is not one question but three. OK, let’s play anyway.

1) How paranoid do you want to be?
Paranoid is what the Unprepared call the Ready.

2) How many guns does it take to make you feel safe?
You still don’t get it. It is not a question of “feelings” and you do not get to dictate what can I own and use for my defense. Incidentally, how many guitars do you own? You only need one to play music.

3) And how simultaneously keep them loaded and close at hand, but still out of the reach of your inquisitive children or grandchildren?
Well Stephen, I am surprised that you being involved with “Gun Safety Groups” do not know the answer to that question. But there is hope for you; you see, the NRA has a bunch of nifty classes you can attend and tackle that and any other questions you may have regarding Firearms Safety. There are NRA instructors in your area and in fact, there is a Home Firearm Safety Course to be held in South Berwick, on 3/15/2015 with Lois Kupersmith ( If that is too soon, there will be another in Windham, on 4/12/2015 with Anthony Sweet ( You will find all the answers you need with them.

I am so glad I was able to help. You do not need to thank me.


Predator pack attacking bigger but weak curd-chewers.

(If you are having issues with the video, please click here for alternate.)

If you want, watch the video with audio and then mute. I want you to watch the body language of the attackers and how can you see their decision-making process that lead to the beat-down of the couple.

I noticed that the pack was following, possibly taunting them. The couple was already perceived as possibly weak, but they needed to make sure.  The couple allows to be “cornered” and the male separates from the female and one of the predators does a test run. The male returns to the female and instead of going aggressive at the attack, it engages in a passive embrace/shield with the female. Again he leaves the female (I have no frigging idea why) and this is the clue for the pack to initiate the attack: they fall on the woman and one comes from a blind spot and punches her. Again the male has the chance to go into hyper aggressive drive to change the dynamics of the encounter, but fails to do so and he is now (rightfully) perceived as target. About the only good thing that the male’s passiveness brings is that the pack goes chasing after him.

Then we see a smaller male coming out of the building, but he is not a grass-grazer and confronts the pack. The predators still manage to get a couple of more licks on the first male, but they eventually leave at the instance of the second male.

Lesson to learn: If you look like food, you will be eaten.

Now that was nice of them. Well done Orlando Sanford International Airport.

An armed passenger stopped by TSA last week received concierge-style service from the Orlando Sanford International Airport Police Department.

Rather than arrest the man Friday, as is customary at the larger Orlando International Airport, cops allowed Michael Deegan to catch his flight to Ohio and held the loaded .38-caliber revolver for him while he was away.

On Monday evening, Deegan returned from Columbus and retrieved his gun. He headed home to Fort Pierce without criminal charges, according to interviews and records.

“There appears to be no nexus to terrorism and this report is for informational purposes only,” police wrote. “There was no disruption of airport activities due to this incident.”

via Sanford airport holds passenger’s gun rather than arresting him – tribunedigital-orlandosentinel.

Not to be confused with the Orlando International Airport that will have no issue taking you to the Feds and keeping your gun.

Now, if we could make this contagious…..

Please help us eradicate Political Mentulomania.

I want to talk about something serious today.  It is a mental condition that affects possibly tens of thousands of Gun Control Activists and it is spreading across their tiny kingdom. This condition is called Political Mentulomania.

Mentulomania is the defined as “an obsession with the penis.” Political Mentulomania is the obsession that certain members of the Gun Control community have with the penis of anybody that they feel is an advocate for the Second Amendment. Initial studies seem to indicate that one in every five Gun Control activists are affected by this problem but the numbers could run much higher.

Here are some sad examples:


At this time, we do not know what causes members of the Gun Control population to act like Tijuana whores on a Friday night. We need to step up and end this vile mental affliction before they start hanging on to male members like Cheeta going after Tarzan on a vine-less day.

Are you ready to help?