Month: November 2017

Socialist Paradise has been achieved in Venezuela: Hate is now illegal.

Forget about Venezuela about to default on several loans which will dig the country even deeper in chaos, they have a law that makes it illegal to Hate. From now on, you are commanded to have only happy-happy thoughts as instructed by the government.

The good news is that does not necessarily apply to the common folk. It commands government entities to indoctrinate people on what Hate is according to the government and to develop programs to eradicate it. It also mandates Social media, Old Media and any media to provide free time, space and bytes to the government to spread this program… OK I did say this was the good news, I might have been mistaken.

The law acknowledges that there might be issues with interpreting what Hate is so the government will let you know what and you must proceed accordingly. Moving goalposts anyone?

The bad news? It applies directly to political parties. Remember the Antifa motto that goes “If you are not a Socialist, you are Fascist”? It has power of law now in Venezuela. The parties or organizations deemed fascist will be removed from the electoral registry and declared illegal.

Social Media are commanded to remove all and any speech that the government considers hateful or face consequences. I kinda smell an excuse to block Twitter and the such, but that is just me.

A new government entity will be created to make sure this law is followed. See? Creating jobs and shit, Via the Revolution!

You break this law and you will face 10 to 20 years in prison. Radio and TV stations that do not properly cull whatever the government says is Hate, will be fined up to 4% of their gross income.

And if you are a government official or cop and say “Fuck it, I don’t care about what people say or don’t say” you will be eligible for 8 to 10 years in prison for failing to do your job. Mind you, you can ignore an escaped murderer or rapist, but God Forbid if you let some guy walk away after saying “Chavez was an asshole and Maduro is a faggot.”

When the SJW and Masked Kids scream that Hate Speech is not protected by the First Amendment, this is what they will end up getting us into.

And then we will have to start popping skulls and they complain about it saying we are bullies and stuff.

Here is the link to the text of the law, but I am sorry to say it is in Spanish.

Race baiter in a Gun Shop.

One of the latest things in Youtube and other video places is posting of alleged racist behavior by White People (other races may be included.) By sheer coincidence, we never see what was the triggering incident  but just the aftermath with the camera person dropping the race card left and right. From McDonalds (because maybe the fries were not piping hot) to Airport lounges, the video droppings of race Cards are everywhere probably with the intention of making political and racial hay.

Of course, some idiot had to try the same at a gun shop.

In case you want to try something similar, allow me to warn you to the following: When it comes to guns, even the feds will support a gun shop NOT selling you a gun.  You come in a gun shop with a stupid attitude, you will be refused service. They are not selling hair extensions or pickles. They take their shit seriously.

I do wonder if what happen at the end. Did Race Baiter stay till the cops arrived and logged a complain for discrimination or left before he got his ass dragged to jail?

That is another thing, we never see the outcome. I wonder why.

PS: And I am sure there was an employee with a rifle or shotgun at the ready keeping an eye on the dumb-ass just in case and wondering if there would be intensive floor moping of bodily fluids after.

Miserable wretches

Following my post on the lynch mob at Evergreen State, i started thinking more about that Muslim social justice warrior there, and the rise of the power of groups like the Muslim Students Association on liberal college campuses.

I believe there is a connection.

There is a quote by Ayatollah Khomeini, the First Supreme Leader of Iran, that has stuck with me ever since I first heard it.

Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”

His statement is not baseless.

Islam prohibits “excessive laughter” because it “deadens the heart.”  There is a whole series of rules that Muslims must follow when telling jokes, that pretty much make sure Muslims can’t be funny.

Call me an Islamophobe all you want, but I have serious reservations about a religion that has fewer reservations about killing people than it does about telling jokes.

I think this is why Social Justice spends so much time supporting and defending Islam.  Going so far as to punish once beloved groups like LGBT students for criticizing the violence against LGBT in Islamic nations.

Campus Social Justice activists worked tirelessly to ruin everbody’s halloween fun with rules upon rules of what is appropriate.

Campus Social Justice is why comedians are not playing on colleges anymore.

Miguel covered this one earlier, but Social Justice is even out to take all the fun out of sex.

But it is no longer enough for Social Justice to suck the fun out of fun things, they must inject misery into everyday live.

They are brothers in ideological arms. At face value this seems odd, religious zealots vs. atheist Liberals.  But in reality they are both groups that what total hegemonic control of every aspect of people’s lives.

I don’t Social Justice Warrior is accurate anymore, they are Progressive Jihadis.



NAACP and the Overton window

The NFL protests have been unpopular in America.  You wouldn’t know that fro reading the popular media because of media bias.

The empty seats, canceling of football packages on TV packages, loss of revenue for the NFL, and loss of revenue for sponsors is testament to that.

Because this is a losing issue for the Left, the more extreme fringe is doubling down.

Forget kneeling for the National Anthem, they want to get rig of it all together.

The California NAACP is pushing to get rid of the national anthem that they’re calling racist and anti-black.

“This song is wrong; it shouldn’t have been there, we didn’t have it ’til 1931, so it won’t kill us if it goes away,” said the organization’s president Alice Huffman.

“The message got distorted, the real intentions got overlooked, it became something that’s dividing us, and I’m looking for something to bring us back together,” she said.

Huffman adds that the protests did lead her to look at the lyrics of the “Star Spangled Banner” especially the parts of the anthem we don’t typically sing.

“It’s racist; it doesn’t represent our community, it’s anti-black,” she said.

Let me ask the NAACP this question: do you want a race war?


The rise of white nationalism isn’t because Trump said something that might be a racist dog whistle. It is a direct blowback against this type of racial division.

What does the NAACP hope to gain from this?  It’s going to be a lot more than 15 more minutes of fame right now.  I couldn’t think of better white nationalist propaganda than a story about a far Left Wing group of blacks who want to ban the National Anthem, and is verifiable on Snopes.

This is beyond a “This is why Trump won” meme and is well into, this is how you get Klan marches in the streets territory.

I don’t know who the fuck though this was a good idea, but this needs to be tamped down now.

Campus Safety

Watch this video taken from an open forum at The Evergreen State College.

This was a open forum at a public college.  It was being live streamed on Facebook.  There was no expectation of privacy at this meeting at all.

To listen to these students, one could get the impression that the most liberal college campus in America is run by the Klan and staffed by Neo-Nazis.

One student of preferred victim status (Muslim) called out another student for an un-provable thought crime (Islamophobia) and for recording an open event at a public college.

One of the core issues discussed at this forum was the perceived abuse at the hands of Evergreen State College police.

This group decided to engage in “community policing” which – as it became evident – is newspeak for “Snowflake lynch mob.”

No wonder they do not want police on campus, the presence of law enforcement would make it more difficult to engage in mob justice.

What is being witnessed here is the worst combination of a witch hunt and Maoist show trial.