Month: February 2018

The Myth of Stopping Power (Shotgun Version – graphic content)

According to Internet Gun Lore and “Experts” the only other gun that its lethality is somewhat close to the .45 ACP is the venerable 12 gauge shotgun. Both are known not only to freeze all movement at a molecular level on  impact but turn time back at least 3 seconds.

Unfortunately life keeps proving otherwise and with the exception of placing  lead in a very specific region of the human anatomy, most humans will not dies instantly when shot.

The event above happened in the Dominican Republican. The shotgun wielder one Victor Hernandez,  was drunk and had been sent home for being drunk on the job. Apparently he returned to the business, shot his boss/supervisor and then himself.

Both died.

Notice that even shooting himself in the chest point-blank range, did not stop Hernandez from staying upright and walking away. I am sure he collapsed soon after, but that was several seconds after Gun Lore has taught us that he should not only was supposed to die on the spot, but be sent at least two houses down by the power of the pellets.

5.3 seconds.

That was the time between shooting himself and stepping out of camera. Now imagine you are facing an armed & dedicated killer armed with a side arm; you manage to unload the prefect shot of buck from your UFO Killin’ shotgun in his chest and lower your weapon because nobody can survive that and he has to go down right then and there, right? The question is, how many shots do you think he can unload on you in five seconds?

Oh yes, he will be dead, but so are you. Five seconds are forever when you are shooting, ask any IDPA, USPSA, SASS or any shooting discipline where the shoot with a timer. If you are even half way serious about shooting, you must have heard of El Presidente drill and that is done in 10 to 12 seconds time (or supposed to.) That is 12 accurate shots on three targets with a reload in there so even if you are drunk and shot in the chest by a shotgun at point-blank range, five seconds provides the shooter with plenty time to dump rounds your way.

Lesson to be learned: don’t break cover, don’t stop fighting and don’t do stupid stuff just because you shot your opponent with something people say kills instantly. Make sure he is down, you have time on your side, he does not.


Fighting Words from Joe Scarborough

One of the problems with Europe is that the European governments largely do not represent the will of their people.

Europe is the land of royalty.  Even when the monarchy has been disbanded for centuries (France) they still have a cultural sense of caste systems.

European leaders are the elites.  They all attended the same schools, same universities, had the same professors, were taught the same things, and became the European bureaucratic ruling class.

This is how the Swedish government can keep importing huge numbers of refugees, to the detriment of Swedes (needs Google Translate), when the Swedish people hate the refugee policy.  The Swedish elite don’t care what the provincial people of Sweden want.

This model had taken root in the US, with Senator and President after Senator and President going to Harvard or Yale.

Still, in the US there was room a Representative to not be one of the self appointed elite.  Representatives are just that, they are supposed to represent their district, and should have some commonality with the people they represent.

Devin Nunes is the Congressman from California’s 22nd district.  The 22nd is smack dab in the middle of the San Joaquin Valley, America’s “land of a billion vegetables” and California’s dairy lands.

Nunes is a third generation dairy farmer from the San Joaquin Valley, educated in agricultural science.  He represents the people and major economic power of his district – farming and agriculture.

He is the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Being a farmer from the San Joaquin Valley and on the Intelligence Committee was just too much for adopted New Yorker, Joe Scarborough.

Joe obviously doesn’t believe that a non elite should be in any position of authority in the government.

At this point I need to remind Joe that he’s from Georgia and went to the University of Alabama, despite years of living in New York and being an MSNBC host.

This is a message to Middle America that they have no business REALLY meddling in Government.  Their representatives should just sit quietly and let the elites be in charge of everything that matters.  This is the elite’s world and were just serfs to them, given enough representation to keep us happy, but nothing more.

This is EXACTLY the reason that New California wants to leave the rest of the state.

This is EXACTLY why we got Trump.

The people are tired of the elites using the goverment to protect and enrich themselves, and when a non elite exposes it, we are told he shouldn’t be in the Congress in the first place.

Those are fighting words.



Philadelphia? No thank you.

Some samples of the behavior last nite and early morning in Phylly.

I was listening to the scanner for a spell and the cops were almost overwhelmed. I heard about people tearing down a light pole and throwing it through a window of a store.  Busses being hijacked and the roof used for dancing platforms. People trying to get in City Hall (It is in the video, people climbing that big gate).

Anyway, my message to the Eagle’s fans is this: How many years have you guys been wanting to wing a Superbowl? But Trump becomes president and, BOOM! you are champs.


You are welcome.

Rose McGowan and the SJWs

The Soviets killed anywhere between 20 and 60 million people.  There were so many people killed in so many different ways that historians have a margin of error of 40 million people.

Let that sink in for a second.

Given the enormity of that, one might think that it would be impossible to say one death out of those tens of millions is more notable than the others.  But out of all the millions killed by the Soviets, one stands out in my mind.

The assignation of Leon Trotsky.

Trotsky was a revolutionary.  He was a Soviet from the very beginning, before the Soviet Union existed.  He was a Red Army commander, fighting along side Lenin to win the Russian Civil War.  He was a founding member of the Communist Party.

He was murdered in exile in Mexico City, on orders of Joseph Stalin.

I keep this in mind because of the importance of this lesson.  It doesn’t matter how vital a man was to the Communist movement.  Arguably, without Trotsky, the Communists may not have existed as they did.  Once he fell out of favor with the party, his days were numbered.

Rare was the Communist who died of old age, peacefully in his bed.  At some point, as revolutionary as he may have been at the beginning, he was declared  traitor to the cause.

Enter Rose McGowan.

Rose McGowan was  leading Hollywood Celebrity voice in the #MeToo movement.  She was unabashedly calling out Hollywood on their hypocrisy on sexual harassment and why Hollywood women protected powerful rapists. 

This should have solidified her pro-woman bone fides.

Rose McGowan was not going to be allowed to die of old age, peacefully in her bed.

Simply calling out sexual harassment of women wasn’t enough.  She committed the mortal sin of not specifically calling out the harassment and rape of trans-women.  In Progressivism, woman are second class to trans-women, so just speaking on behalf of women isn’t obsequious enough of the hierarchy.

Some angry trans-woman decided to heckle McGowan at her own event.

Social Justice responded exactly as you might expect.

The subsequent backlash against McGowan’s “transphobic,” “white feminist,” “TERF” (trans exclusionary radical feminism) opinion has caused McGowan to cancel her remaining appearances.

Rose McGowan was a revolutionary against Hollywood abuse.  At the speed of today’s new cycle, she outlived her usefulness in a couple of weeks.  The party moved on and Progressive Social Media decided to stick an ice axe in her skull on Twitter in a bookstore.

This is the critical lesson for anyone who thinks of aligning themselves with this movement.

No matter what you do, or how important you are today, you will eventually fall out of favor with the party and will be destroyed by them.





Michael Isikoff again as a “tool” of the Democrats.

Via Old NFO

Investigative journalist Michael Isikoff said Friday that he was surprised to find out that an article he wrote about Carter Page prior to the election was used to obtain a spy warrant against the former Trump campaign adviser.
The revelation, which was made in a memo released by the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, “stuns me,” Isikoff said in an episode of his podcast, “Skullduggery.”

Isikoff Stunned That His Carter Page Article Was Used To Justify Spy Warrant

Isn’t it convenient that when the Democrats need a trustworthy journalist to besmirch a President, they rely on Isikoff? Have we forgotten already the 2005 Guantanamo Bay incident where he reported without confirmation ever obtained that a guard had destroyed and shoved a Quran down the toilet? Isikoff reported it several times and that led to riots in Pakistan where upwards of 30 people were killed and it became a black eye for the Bush administration?

So, Mr. Isikoff, we are not surprised one bit. And you can stop pretending you are, we ain’t buying it.

On MLK and Ram Trucks

One of the Super Bowl commercials not leaked in advance was one from Ram Trucks.  It quotes part one of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s final speechs, known as the “Drum Major Instinct.

Part of motivation of the use of this speech was that it was delivered 50 years ago to the day of the Super Bowl.

This is the ad.

The text of the section of the speech used is below.

If you want to be important—wonderful. If you want to be recognized—wonderful. If you want to be great—wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.  That’s a new definition of greatness.

And this morning, the thing that I like about it: by giving that definition of greatness, it means that everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.  You don’t have to have a college degree to serve.  You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don’t have to know Einstein’s theory of relativity to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. (Amen) You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.

Personally, I thought the commercial was excellent.

The social justice warriors of America had a hissy fit.

Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep always does the best Super Bowl ads.  They try to do something inspirational.

The 2013 Super Bowl ad for Ram used a speech by Paul Harvey about farmers.  It was brilliant.

Then there was the Clint Eastwood “Halftime America” ad from 2012.

The 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee ad was a testimony to the greatness of American manufacturing, and was aptly named “manifesto.”

Then, there was the Dodge Challenger “Freedom” commercial.  True is was not a Super Bowl ad, but it was for the World Cup.

I think this year’s Ram commercial followed well in the footsteps of other uplifting commercials.  That the progressives hate it, at this point, is a sign of a job well done, because those same people have everything else good in life.

Bravo Dodge.




Sunday Music: Fiddler on the Roof.

I watched the movie when I was a kid and never bothered to check who composed the awesome music. It floored me to know that the fantastic violin solo by Itzhak Perlman  was composed by John Williams because by contractual obligations, almost every frigging credit had to be rolled at the beginning of the movie so they needed something to cover that six-minute display. 

Although there are several posters for that movie, this one became the iconic one, the one with the violin solo.

L’Chaim !