Month: September 2020

Being armed is and idle threat and the mob knows it

We say “an armed society is a polite society.”

Yes, and no.

An armed society is a polite society when it is understood that the people with arms are willing and able to use them.

I gun in the hand of someone everyone knows is unwilling to pull the trigger is useless.  It is an idle threat that can be ignored.

The mob knows this.

Watch what happened in Seattle when the mob came across the armed security guarding a pot shop.


They challenged him and harassed him.


Because the mob knows four things:

    1. The armed guard knows that if he shoots a rioter, no matter how bad the rioter is acting, he (the guard) will face the full force of a weaponized, partisan DA’s office that sides with Antifa.
    2. The armed guard knows that if he shoots someone in Antifa, they have him on video, they will doxx him, and they will probably burn down his house and try to murder him later.
    3. The guard is more afraid of what happens if he pulls the trigger than what happens if he doesn’t.
    4. Because of the above three things, the guard will not shoot.

So the guard drawing his gun us is an idle threat, which is why they have no fear harassing an armed man.  Because he might as well not be armed.

This is another example of what Miguel and I wrote about.

We never expected the justice system to be so stacked against us and the mob be to so organized against us that we couldn’t defend ourselves in the face of a violent threat because the outcome of winning a violent encounter is worse than losing it.

The mob may beat you nearly to death, but if you survive, they are done with you and you probably won’t go to jail.

If you shoot the members of the mob who are trying to split your skull with a skateboard, you will go to jail and/or the mob will come after you later for revenge.


Blasphemous Progressive Rabbis are destroying Judaism

To hell with the American Rabbinate.

There isn’t an actual Jew who is a Non-Orthdox Rabbi.

They are all just fucking Leftists who keep kosher.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was famous and popular on the Left and Jewish, but what the Rabbinate did after her death is a fucking sacrilege.

No, she was not a prophet.  She was a Supreme Court Justice.

A fucking Leonard Cohen song?  Fuck that.  Particularly because that was the same song SNL played when Hillary lost.

The right thing to sing is the Mourners Kaddish, but nope, Hallelujah.

Lastly there was this grotesque blasphemy.

They changed one of her opinions from the Bima like it’s scripture.

No.  Fuck no.  Absolutely fucking not, no way in hell is this acceptable.

The Rabbinate has lost its fucking mind.

She was not a prophet.  She was not a holy woman.  Her writings are not scripture.

She was a Justice, appointed by a rapist, who helped write the majority opinion in Kelo v New London in which the Supreme Court said a city government  could force people out of their homes if a developer wanted to buy the land because it would raise the property values and tax base.

These fucking Rabbis are one glass of Manischewitz short of putting her name in the Amidah.

Fuck them all, those blasphemers.

“If Trump wins, we must leave the country.”

I am so tired of this crap.

I swear on November 4th, I would love to go to each and every asshole who has said that, present them  form  DS-4080 Oath / Affirmation of Renunciation of Nationality of United States:

I desire and hereby make a formal renunciation of my U.S. nationality, as provided by section 349(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended, and pursuant thereto, I hereby absolutely and entirely renounce my United States nationality together with all rights and privileges and all duties and allegiance and fidelity thereunto pertaining. I make this renunciation intentionally, voluntarily, and of my own free will, free of any duress or undue influence.

Have them sign it, notarize it and  escort their asses to the nearest border or first outgoing flight and GTFO out of my country.

I know Venezuela is quite lovely this time of the year.

An alternative to the Death Penalty I would not mind.

Reader It’s Just Boris made this comment:

On the other hand, I also don’t believe a government should routinely be in the business of deliberately and purposefully putting its own citizens to death.

And what if there was a way that we could deal with human predators deserving the death penalty that did not involve the government killing or the families affected? I believe I have the answer: Alaska.

I believe that the green areas are probably millions upon millions of acres of pure and pristine nature, untouched by civilization. My idea is to grab all those on death row and during the Spring in Alaska, drop them in the middle of the north green area with clothes on their back, a box of waterproof matches and a knife.  The idea is to let the human predator make his living among nature’s predators and Mother Nature itself. The convict will have a nice huge tattoo across his forehead as a warning label for others that he is a bad guy and the admonition that if my the miracle of God, they manage to reach hamlet, village, town or city, the Federal government will pay a bounty of $100,000 for his dead ass.

We don’t have to kill them, but sure as hell we don’t have to give them a roof, 3 hot ones plus dental and medical.

Just an idea.


The Vialva execution: From race baiting to plain stupidity.

It began as me simply amazed that the Miami Herald would stoop low enough to race bait with the headline, so the lady that replied caught be a tad by surprise.

Click to enlarge

Sorry, but when you burn somebody alive, your human being card is automatically invalidated. And yes, legally you are afforded all the protections of the Constitution and God know Vialva got them all.

And if you are opposed to the Death Penalty for moral, religious or political reasons, come out and say so and even when we disagree, I can respect your opinion. But try to sell me some shady pseudo scientific excuse/fallacy, to try and appear morally superior, and I am not gonna react nicely… although in this case I was polite.


Another attempted murder on a cop only allowed to use pepper spray

In Seattle:

The only reason this cop survived was his helmet.  I can guarantee you his ears are ringing.

All the cop has is pepper spray.  Against a metal bat to the cranium.

The proper defensive response to an attack like that is the liberal application of Gold Dot, Golden Saber, HST, or Ranger.

Remember the incident I wrote about yesterday where an Antifa goon threw a Molotov cocktail at police, and manged to temporarily set one cop’s pants on fire.

The charges against him are being dropped.

Attempt to murder a cop and you will be arrested and the charges dropped while the cops can only defend themselves with seasoning.

We all know where this is going, more attempted murders.

Seattle police need to say “fuck it,” ignore the directives of the city government, and start using lethal force to defend themselves.

Lots of attacks on vehicles

Miguel beat me to the punch with one vehicle attack, however there were a few vehicle attacks to note, and as Miguel pointed out, employing new tactics.

Marking vehicles for reprisal attacks.

Let us take a look at the attack in question.

The mob is clearly trying to pull open the driver’s door.  The driver floors it.  Another mob member reads off the license plate and screams it over and over again.

The mob has marked the vehicle and can get the driver’s information so they can track the driver down later for reprisal attacks.

They tried to pull a Reginald Denny on the driver of this truck then act like the victims when he floors it.  Now it is very likely that they will track him down and harass or attack him at his home or place of work.  We’ve seen that before with people to defy the mob.

The threat doesn’t end with the initial attack does.  I cannot understate this danger enough.

These thugs are proving every day why DeSantis’ bill is so important, and really, there needs to be some federal equivalent.  Antifa is making our roads impassible with the threat of violence.