Month: March 2022

I have a different take on this.

People are freaking out thinking “OMG! Things are going to get worse!” I actually think the evil demos saw the shit happening around the world, knows North Korea has a hard on for Japan and decided to split to some abandoned Souther Pacific atoll, find refuge and wait for the endo of the world getting a tan and sipping Mai Tais.  Why try to kill anything when somebody else is doing the job for you and in a bigger scale?

I’d do the same thing.

And on today’s #FJB

But you could save this by buying a highly overpriced, highly polluting electric car that needs microchips that are not being manufactured, even for the regular gas-powered vehicles as told by government officials that pretend to transport themselves and their progeny in bikes, but have SUV filled with armed men to pick up or deliver them a couple of blocks away from the Propaganda Media.

These people know they won’t make it through November’s election, but I believe they will burn the ship or the Reichstag before that.

Time to increase the stocks of everything.

Another groomer summer camp

Welcome to the Sodom and Gomorrah of 2022.

Earlier today I covered a kids grooming summer camp in Indiana.

Now we have a worse one in Kentucky.


I’m going to say this woman is a real witch because only a soulless person who has congress with the devil could think it’s a good idea to do this with children.

The pedophile groomers are really on the advance this year.

Apparently the lockdowns kept them away from children and now they are making up for lost time.

A healthy society would never tolerate this.

It’s absolutely time to legalized the trophy hunting of pedophiles and cleanse this obscenity from our midst.


More anti-Asian violence that nobody on the Left cares about

Asians in Blue areas, I’ll tell you the sane thing I keep telling Jews.

The Left hates you and only pretends to care about you when they can use violence against you as a brickbat against white people on the Right.

For your own sake and self preservation, give up on the Left, leave Blue areas, move to Red states, become conservative, and buy and carry a gun for self defense.

It’s the only sustainable future you have.


The people loudest about wanting to send troops to Ukraine are the ones most likely to flee from a fight

Two pieces of data:

A Quinnipiac poll.

Vast Majority Of Americans Say Ban Russian Oil, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Nearly 8 In 10 Support U.S. Military Response If Putin Attacks A NATO Country

As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country? A majority (55 percent) say they would stay and fight, while 38 percent say they would leave the country. Republicans say 68 – 25 percent and independents say 57 – 36 percent they would stay and fight, while Democrats say 52 – 40 percent they would leave the country.

A Rasmussen poll.


So, rich Democrats who are the ones most screaming for us to get involved in a war in Ukraine are the ones most likely to flee their own country during a war.

I suspect that this demographic has significant overlap with those with large investment portfolios containing Military Industrial Complex and Green Energy stocks.

I don’t support Putin and I hope Ukrainians give their invaders hell.

But you can see why I have no desire to send troops there.

They would be cannon fodder for rich Democrats to boost their stock values.

Understand that they hate us

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg:


TV comedian Stephen Colbert:


The latter is more interesting because The Late Show is supposed to be comedy for the people.  Public airwaves TV.

Yet Colbert is just as much of a sneering elitist as Buttigieg.

These people hate us.

They feel deep in their bones that they are better than us.

They yearn for the days if monarchies, where those at the top had unlimited wealth and power and ruled by divine right, while those below them were just obedient peasants and serfs.

The idea of America, that all men are created equal and all citizens are entitled to earn a quality life without their station of birth defining them.  They find this idea offensive.

It is not enough they they are rich, they need us to be poor.

If they are rich but we’re doing well, we have no impetus to be obedient serfs.

They need us to be peasants, ground into the mud, to make themselves feel more like kings.

Notice that wealth inequality increases wherever they have power.

That is why this talking point.

If you can react to $5 gas by buying a $60,000 Tesla, you are one of them.  If not, you are in the peasant class.

Things are not getting worse by accident or incompetence.

They are getting worse through maliciousness.

This is their revenge for America electing Trump in 2016 and thinking that life should be good for middle-class middle Americans and not just the connected rich.

They hate us and the feeling is mutual.


Governor Ron DeSantis really f*cked this one up


No, it’s not.

The official dessert of the state of Florida is Key Lime Pie.

Cuban style tres leches cake is an acceptable runner up.

Strawberry shortcake is some yankee bullshit from Philadelphia.

Governor DeSantis needs to issue an immediate retraction and correction to this disastrous policy.