Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Smart lady and not a victim in waiting
I’d like to see the liberals comment on that picture. To them it’s not really about keeping children safe, it’s about tyranny.
I will comment as a liberal and i would love to read your comments:
Who serves in the army?
In other words, that woman in the photo was drafted and she can: field-strip a rifle blindfolded and shoot properly. She also learned shoot or not to shoot. So if a school shooting happens, and the door bursts open, she won’t shoot and kill the shooter or a kid who is trying to escape.
I want that woman who was drafted in the military and compelled by the Israeli government to properly use a firearm. And unlike your conservative party who detest the draft, do you TRULY want a man or woman shoot a firearm with no formal training to protect your children?
Answer that
Have you asked yourself what amount of time does a soldier in any army spends in firearms training? Probably not. They spend very little. With a pistol? Almost none.
As a firearms instructor I can tell you that a woman can be trained to learn the basics of pistol safety and marksmanship in one to two hours. Women are amazingly accurate and scary cool under pressure. More “advanced” training may require another couple of hours and the rest is just repetition of what is already taught.
Shoot/No Shoot? That one is easy. If he has a gun/knife/pipe in the hand and it is about or is hurting people you care for, aim center of mass, gently press trigger, repeat till stopped. Use cover if available.
It may be a surprise, but it is much more difficult to operate a vehicle than to safely shoot a gun in self defense.
I will comment as a liberal and i would love to read your comments:
Who serves in the army?
In other words, that woman in the photo was drafted and she can: field-strip a rifle blindfolded and shoot properly. She also learned shoot or not to shoot. So if a school shooting happens, and the door bursts open, she won’t shoot and kill the shooter or a kid who is trying to escape.
I want that woman who was drafted in the military and compelled by the Israeli government to properly use a firearm. And unlike your conservative party who detest the draft, do you TRULY want a man or woman shoot a firearm with no formal training to protect your children?
Answer that
so which one is the real you?
I’m a liberal, I’ll bite. She’s not trying to protect them from Israel citizens, she’s trying to protect them from terrorists. Completely different situation and not something we should be using to justify arming schools here. Out citizens should be able to walk around in peace without worrying about getting shot. That is the ideal, and giving more people guns is not the way to achieve it.
“citizens should be able to walk around in peace without worrying about”:
-getting run over by a car.
-getting sick.
-being raped.
-being in a house fire.
-dying in a plane crash.
-being bitten by dogs.
-(fill the blank)
It is time to grow up and face reality. Bad things will happen. Crazy people will kill others because they can. It is up to you to be a corpse or be the bastard that fought back and survived.
The solution to dog attacks isn’t to give everyone a pitbull, the solution to house fires is not to give everyone a box of matches and the solution to gun violence is not to give everyone a gun.
This is a fantasy promoted by the NRA and a bunch of basement dwelling tough guys who would probably crap their pants if they were actually looking down the barrel of a criminals gun.
Average citizens should not have to arm themselves simply to go out and get the mail. How are our kids supposed to go out and play? Will there have to be an armed guard with kids whenever they leave the house? This is not realistic, nor would it be necessary if we had reasonable gun laws.
“who would probably crap their pants if they were actually looking down the barrel of a criminals gun.”
Dear PA2SK: If you are not scared when somebody points a gun at you, you are most definitely stupid. As one who has been in that situation several times, I can tell you I have been scared. I also figured out that luck would eventually run out if I stayed a victim so I decided NOT to be a victim anymore.
And luck did run out.
And I am still here.
I was right.
We have never asked to arm everybody as your side keeps propagating. You don’t want to carry a gun? Fine with me. Then again you have no right or power to disarm me and make me a victim.
I take that kind of crap very personal.
I’m not trying to disarm anyone. What I am saying is there are certain weapons that have no place among the civilian population. Stinger missiles don’t belong in the hands of average citizens, there is no practical reason for them to have them and they are too destructive. Same for 50 caliber machine guns, same for grenades and same for assault rifles. I don’t have a problem with people hunting but I see no reason for people to own weapons who’s primary purpose is to kill lots of people.
Also you still didn’t answer my question; how are you going to keep kids safe when they’re out playing? How can you be sure some crazed gunman won’t storm their schoolbus? How can you keep them safe when they’re walking to the store by themselves? In short, how are guns the answer to making sure our kids are safe 100% of the time?
-I’m not trying to disarm anyone.
Yes you are.
-certain weapons that have no place among the civilian population
-there is no practical reason for them to have them and they are too destructive.
Will you settle for little destructive?
– for 50 caliber machine guns
They are fun to shoot, expensive to feed though.
-and same for assault rifles
They are quite expensive and annoying to buy due to ATF paperwork. But if my budget ever improves.
– I don’t have a problem with people hunting
Me neither, but the Second Amendment is not about hunting. Time to get off the dead horsie, it is starting to stink and is taking you nowhere.
-but I see no reason for people to own weapons who’s primary purpose is to kill lots of people.
My guns must be highly defective, they never killed anyone after all the ammo they have burned. Should I get a refund?
-Also you still didn’t answer my question; how are you going to keep kids safe when they’re out playing?
100% covered all the time? Nobody can and that is not the question at hand.
-How can you keep them safe when they’re walking to the store by themselves?
Again, nobody can 100% (not even Mayor Bloomberg) but you teach them to be smart and hope it takes.
-How can you be sure some crazed gunman won’t storm their schoolbus?
Don’t let them take the bus.
– In short, how are guns the answer to making sure our kids are safe 100% of the time?
See, I don’t promise 100% of nothing when it comes to life. 18 years ago when the Gun Free Schools law was introduced, the politicians that pushed it GUARANTEED people that it would keep kids safe in school. But, Oh My! The shootings continued! Fancy that!
In 1993, the politicians were warned that the only thing they were creating were the perfect hunting grounds for the criminally insane. They were referred to the Israeli Model of arming teachers, but they decided that it was safer for the hen house to post signs saying “No foxes allowed.”
Apparently the foxes can’t read too well.
Understand that there are over 300 million firearms in the hands of civilians in the US. A minimum of 80 million gun owners. The AR rifle platform is now the most popular in the country. Guns are being sold at a rate of over 10 million a month. Yet less than 0.03% of guns are involved in murders. The idea that taking away my guns to solve other problems is as best stupid and at worst downright dangerous.
It would be like mandatory castration of every male to curb rape. Stupid idea and guys may have some strong words and actions if you decided to impose it.
PS: Let me go back to one of your points:
-there is no practical reason for them to have them and they are too destructive.
Do pray that the crazies never find out the best and much cheaper way to create a mass killing. That way once took the lives of 87 people under 5 minutes. Guns are inefficient means to commit mass murder, but they made them sexy in TV, video games and movies. We know better.