
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Parkland Massacre could have been reduced or stopeed.

The Florida sheriff leading a state commission on the Parkland high school massacre says there were multiple opportunities to stop Nikolas Cruz during the attack – if only someone had confronted him with a gun.
Sheriff Bob Gualtieri of Pinellas County, citing surveillance footage taken from inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, told a New York Times reporter Thursday that Cruz had to stop firing his AR-15 rifle several times in order to reload.

Via Rob Morse

That is not going to be liked much by the Intelligentsia that told us somebody with a gun shooting at the little ass would have not made a difference or make it even worse. . I checked all the major local TV stations and the Miami Herald and not visible in their front pages.

I wonder why.

Oh yeah, there will be reckoning.

The local fecal aviary catcher reprints a WaPo article and you just know they agree with it.

Whether this is even politically intelligent is unclear. Setting a clearer standard on disinformation would invite a torrent of criticism, but now that these companies have removed Infowars, they are due for a reckoning someday. They might as well dislodge themselves from their collective crouch and start running offense.
It would mean recognizing the enormous amount of control they have over the online ecosystem, as well as detailing how they plan to exercise that influence. It means determining a robust framework for removing disinformation (beyond what comes from Russian trolls), and articulating what that framework looks like. It probably also means staffing up to make sure that plan operates well in practice, and perhaps even creating appeals processes for those dissatisfied with the companies’ decisions.

Facebook, Twitter need to get tough and police ugly disinformation

My first comment is: Does this mean pretty disinformation will be allowed?

What strikes me as funny is that the author firmly believes the Big Social Media companies have total control which is nothing more than forgetting history: Newspapers are no longer the pillars of information, TV is slowly dying with cable coming right behind them.  American On Line, once the ruler of the internet and the connections among people is nothing but a Dad joke anymore.

Every time content has been tried to be controlled, humans find a way to bypass it. The Soviets were an incredible repression machine and yet they could not stop Samizdat, what makes these idiots think that in Free Market USA somebody will not come along with something new and better to make their plans obsolete?

And in the meantime, people are bypassing the restrictions of those platforms and thumbing their noses at the overseers. I can’t post the link to CodeIsFreeSpeech.com in Facebook? Good luck chasing a meme:

Can they eventually come up with an alogarithm that can detect this me and delete it? Yes, but it  will cost time and money while memes are cheap.

Americans will find a way to flip the middle finger and bankrupt you in due time. We don’t have Railroad Barons anymore, do we?

Florida: Democrats’ attempt to screw with Stand Your Ground is defeated.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida Democratic lawmakers have failed to force the Republican-controlled Legislature to repeal the state’s contentious “stand your ground law.”
Democrats asked Secretary of State Ken Detzner to poll legislators on whether they would support holding a special session to amend or repeal the law. The law allows people to use deadly force without retreating if they believe they are in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm.
The move required three-fifths of House and Senate members to vote yes.
The vote isn’t officially over, but results released Thursday showed Democrats falling short in the Florida House. Forty-nine House members have voted against the special session request, while 39 voted yes. The Senate currently is tied 14-14.

Florida Democrats fail in bid to repeal ‘stand your ground’

Good to see that Self-Defense is still something somewhat sacred in Florida.

Thanks to MiniMe for the heads up.

Portland Mayor outraged by Antifa actions in City Hall.


There is an old Spanish saying “Cria cuervos y te sacaran los ojos.” Raise ravens and they will pluck your eyes out.

The City of Portland has long given Antifa the latitude to pretty much what they want because they are supposed to be fellow politicos of the Left. But predator cannot be controlled and they will eventually demand their pound of flesh extracted from your backside simply because they are bold enough to do so.

This is your cute little monster, have fun chasing it down and bringing it under control.


Dallas Mayor pleas guilty to federal corruption charges… and the answer is YES!

DALLAS – Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway has pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges.
U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Erin Nealy Cox said Caraway admitted in court Thursday morning to conspiracy to commit honest services wire fraud and tax evasion.
“Today is a day of both reckoning and reconciliation for the city of Dallas and its citizens. I am pleased to announce a major victory in the battle against public corruption,” she said
Between 2011 and 2017, Caraway allegedly accepted more than $450,000 in bribes and kickback payments from Robert Leonard, the president of the technology company Force Multiplier Solutions. In exchange, he promised to and voting in favor of a program to put the company’s stop-arm cameras on Dallas County Schools (DCS) school buses, according to court documents.

Dwaine Caraway pleads guilty to corruption charges

And yes, he is member of Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns. I already lost count how many have been arrested or had to quit for their “sterling” conduct.

Hat Tip Rob Morse’ Slow Facts.