
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

CSGV: Blister in the finger.

In Spanish there is a saying that goes “Tapar el sol con un dedo” meaning to “Block the sun with a finger.” It refers to the futility of ignoring the inevitable.

That blister has to hurt.

PS: Jason, this weekend we are introducing some 20 women to the fabulous world of handguns, self-defense and independence. I’ll post pictures just for you.

UPDATE: I was just informed that we will have a grand total of 30 (Thirty) ladies taking the class. Ask me if I am proud as hell.

Light Blogging for a While.

I am not a good or even prolific writer. But I am supposed to be doing some writing for monies (not very much) and I am delayed as hell. Four articles in the works and none finished!

CSGV has been sucking up my few writing neurons so I have to re-target them to other things. Unless they piss me off way off the scales or the Zombie Apocalypse finally happens, I’ll be a bit scarce in the blog.

Other than that…carry on!

PS: This weekend is Memorial Day weekend and while most of the nation honors those who fell in defense of our country, down here we celebrate gansta “culture” while invading Miami beach with Crips & Bloods wannabes.

If you are coming down for the Weekend, stay the hell away from Miami Beach. Safer that way.

Bloombergtown (A.K.A. NYC) murders are up.

According to the FBI Uniformed Crime Report, murders and non-negligent manslaughter cases rose from 471 to 536, up 13.8 percent.

We in the Redneck States of America, Home to The Bible Reading, Gun Clinging Crowd, saw the biggest drop in violent crime with 7.5%.

All those anti gun initiatives are working so damn good in NYC that Pasha Bloomberg has the urge to export them to all the country. But you just wait, NY’s Murder increase will be blamed on us soon enough.

CSGV: Because they are open minded and willing to learn.

I regularly check the Facebook page of the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence checking out their latest bouts of idiocy. Today and as usual they did not disappoint me.  One trusting gun owning soul cordially extended an invitation to learn first hand about firearms (Click on pic to amplify):

I admit that I shook my head when I saw that post. I made a screen capture and went on to do other things. Just now I checked again and “surprise!”:

And these are the people that want to engage in reasoned discourse and want a rational conversation about guns.

Walgreens: Your security is a joke.

Walgreens joins many other companies who prefer a Dead Customer than a Suing Customer and call it “Security” (Don’t-mess-with-my-profits Security.) Jennifer posts about a response that she got from Walgreens Corporate and points out that video surveillance is not security but “archival or documentation technology” and does nothing to prevent crime.

Walgreens security is a joke. And ever since they stopped carrying certain snacks, I have stopped altogether using them. They are a high probability target because Bad Guys know they are soft and with a fgood chance to walk scott free.

Dear Walgreens Corporate Security Directors & Managers: When even 11 year olds armed with BB guns can rob your store with impunity , it means your Security plans FAILED.

Just in time for a new gun ban…

SCOTUS orders the release of up to 46,000 inmates. And California being California, you know they will release the worst of the worst leaving the guys who wrote bad checks behind.

But do not worry, I am sure CSGV, F VPC and the Bradys will gladly stand between Califonians and the Released Felons if they decide to rape/Murder/Kill.

You will not need a gun!

CSGV: Saving this one, hoping I don’t have to rub it in their faces.

Why save it?

“I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.”
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker in January 2006 after a Campus Carry measure was defeated in the Virginia Assembly. Seng-Hui-Cho proved Mr. Hincker’s statement was deadly wrong on January 16, 2007.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

George Santayana