

Editorial: Chicago’s Gun Control a Failure? We need more Gun Control!

Editorial Hissy Fit Warning.

Chicago’s next mayor should use his bully pulpit much more to push through better gun laws, especially in Springfield. As we said before, Chicago and Illinois need a vigorous champion of common-sense gun control, someone as willing to be as identified with the cause as former Mayor Michael Bloomberg was in New York.

There’s not shortage of smart ideas to reduce the number of illegal guns. Illinois should license gun dealers and create stronger penalties for people who fail to report lost or stolen guns or disregard the state’s new background check law. Congress should require universal background checks, nationwide, and crack down on gun trafficking.

via Editorial: Chuy? Rahm? Who will be Chicago’s gun control champion? | Chicago.

So, even when they were given “special status” to do almost what they wanted about guns, crime is not going down (other than in possible cooked stats.) And their solution is to ask not only for more Gun Control but to have a major like Michael Bloomberg in NY…a NY that has seen an increase in the number of violent crime after the passage of the SAFE law which the politicians swore over a stack of Bibles, Bhagavad Gitas and Qurams, that crime was going to pretty much disappear?

And the killings will continue as long as the people keep voting for the same politicians that are sending them to the morgue.

And they will blame us.

Book Review: Deadly Force. Understanding Your Right to Self Defense by Massad Ayoob.

Deadly Force Massad Ayoob

When I got my copy of the book last week (thank you Gail), I saw that it was not a very big book (237 pages) and thought “well, couple of days of easy reading and then my thoughts.” Not the first book I reviewed, hopefully not the last and I always enjoy Mas’ writings.

I finished the book last night. It took me six days.

It took me six days because every time I finished a chapter,  I was forced to re-evaluate my knowledge and my preparations for the hopefully never-coming case of having to use deadly force to save a life (mine’s family, etc.) It was great to find that I was doing some things right, others could do with a little tweak and (shamefully)  some needed to be dumped because I was totally off the narrow path.

This book is not about how to shoot better or more accurate or faster. You have to do that on your own with a good instructor and practice. This book is how not to be a defendant or if you cannot avoid it, how to survive it.  Life is unfair, people lie (specially those who tried to wish you harm,) police is naturally suspicious and won’t believe you initially, evidence & witnesses will move or disappear, you may face a district attorney with a bone to pick, media will hate you: Are you ready to counter all that?

So far, my biggest “head-slap” has been “knowing what you knew at the time.” I don’t think I ever gave it a proper thought till this book and I am just realizing how lacking I am in that department. Welcome to prior documentation. Remember, it is not what you think, but what you can prove in court. Keep records of everything that you think it may even remotely help you avoid jail.

The book is also full of court cases, all of them teaching moments. It also has all of Massad’s blog posts covering the Zimmerman trial in one convenient location. This is perhaps the best part of the book: to read what went right and what went catastrophic in a trial makes for very incisive learning points.

I can keep writing about the book, but I would be wasting your and my time. Just go buy it now. Available in Amazon in Dead Tree and Kindle. For those into Barnes and Noble, they also have it in paper and electrons.

And do me a favor, when you are done reading the book come back and share with the other readers what you got out of the book.


Florida Legislature bill CS/HB 271: “True Origin of Digital Goods Act”

501.155 Electronic dissemination of commercial recordings or audiovisual works; required disclosures; injunctive relief.—  (1) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be cited as the “True Origin of Digital Goods Act.”

The way I am reading it, if you display any video in your site, even if it is YOURS and you are not making a profit or denying profit to anybody, you must also have your full name. address, etc available in the website.

I foresee very dull websites with lots of “open in new tab.” I figure YouTube and others will not like the excess draw of their servers. It takes fewer resources to load an embed that the whole page and that is not counting the people who will simply do away with videos.


Commonwealth’s Attorney: Murder charge stems from number of shots fired

DINWIDDIE — Ann Baskervill, Dinwiddie Commonwealth’s Attorney, said 18-year-old James Faison fired eight rounds at his father with a .45-caliber handgun, with six shots hitting the victim

via Commonwealth’s Attorney: Murder charge stems from number of shots fired – News – The Progress-Index – Petersburg, VA.

Got this one through Bearing Arms. The article is long and not well written; I looked for more info but it is not really all out there. I just simply cannot believe that a prosecutor on this day and age would use as reason to prosecute “he used too many bullets.” Tell me that the attacker shot after the victim had ceased to offer danger and yes, you are within the legal parameters. But you do not stop a 250 lbs man easily , specially if he was on the move towards you. I know many consider the .45 ACP the closest thing to a tactical nuke, but reality is that 200 grains worth of bullet will not bounce back 1,750,000 grains of human flesh. The physics is not there.

I am going to keep an eye on this one.


CSGV now joins the Limatunes “Bashing.”

If nothing, the fellows at the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence  are predictable:
CSGV Limatunes

And… comments!

Carolyn Bertolino I saw that. Psycho.
wrong movie
Steve Needham I sometimes feel like I went to sleep on one planet and woke up on another.
Ceti Alpah 5 called, go home.
Helen Witowski OMG!! I never thought i would live to see Humanity sink into total stupidity!!
You don’t check your mirror often, do you?
Sean Lohman Detisch Great combination! Wonder how many accidental discharges will occur!
Zero, next?
Elisa Norio Crminal minds
Good TV show!
Laura Kline The blood of dead and wounded parents and children will be on her hands.
Melodramatic much?
Holly Guinan Too stupid to contribute to the gene pool; problem about to be solved!
Well how cute! Wishing on a kid’s death! Humanitarian award coming up.
Deborah Nelson Geez. Iowa has definitely become another Texas.
Except during College Football season.
Sheila Anne I can only hope the class was poorly attended….. Fingers crossed for common sense!
Confirmation that she (and probably none of them) did not even bother to read the article.
Keith Funk Birth ’em and kill ’em…. welcome to the radical right wing…..
Why are Gun Control activists so violent?

Clarence Wright

Clarence Wright's photo.

Looking good there Clarence!

Nancy Peluso Stupid, ignorant woman will probably end up shooting her baby. Good grief, sterilize her so she will not reproduce again.
Re-reading The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour?
Pat Shafer How stupid are people getting? Why does she need a gun strapped to her back? This is just ridiculous!!!
I am pretty sure she carries at the 3-4 O’Clock position.
Bob King Gotta make sure that the gun is within reach for the kid too, just in case mom has her hands in the air while being robbed or raped.
Bob, you really don’t wanna go there with this particular Mom. And how is NOT having a gun help avoiding a rape or robbery?
Toni Summers Hargis I’d rather this than nothing at all. She’s saying she’s not encouraging mothers to carry guns but because more and more are carrying anyway, and not doing it safely, she is trying to teach them gun safety. Yes it’s awful that anyone should carry a gun next to a child but it happens and she’s trying ti mitigate the potential for injuries.
Voice of reason? BAN HER!
Bev Veals I’m sorry, but is there a certain look from inbreeding? Most of these guys look alike.
And the obligatory redneck joke makes its appearance. 
Carole North Living Will someone please plain to me what happens when an attacker takes the gun/baby away from the mom.
Not all women are stupid mental weaklings like you.
Joan Canganelli Dumb Amosexuals!!
I am still trying to figure out WTF that means.

So basically, if you have a gun, train or teach, you are crazy, unfit to be a mother, you are a sub-human and you should be either dead or at least sterilized.  If anything, these people are one of the reasons why we own and carry, why we fight for the Second Amendment.