

CSGV: Trouble in Marketing Paradise.

A request was made by CSGV to its Facebook followers:

CSGV Moderate language

It seems that finally after several years of screwing the pooch and letting their followers do the same, somebody came along and slapped in the back of the head and told them to moderate their bull.

Unfortunately, some of the followers are less than thrilled about being censored. Funny if you think about it because CSGV has had no problem banning anybody on our side that decides to challenge them in their page.

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Of course, there are those who are very comfortable with censorship:

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Some pointed out the contradiction of the request:

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While others called them on their sensationalism:

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There is no doubt that they are gearing for the upcoming elections in November.  But with their proven history of disrespect not only for the Second Amendment but also the rest of the Bill of Rights, it is gonna be hard for them to appear and innocent doves of peace and freedom as the Internet never forgets.

These were the last three comments before posting. If they are not an indication of how messed up and contradictory they are on their own, I don’t know what else can be shown.

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It is not the gun, it is you.

So I had this conversation with a co-worker some time ago:

Co-Worker: My gun is a POS.
Me: What do you have?
CW: A (well known brand) compact, 9 mm.
Me: That is a damned decent gun. What’s wrong?
CW: The trigger sucks, it is not accurate. I just hate it.
Me: How many rounds have you put through it?
CW: About 150.
Me: Pardon for asking, what kind of firearms experience do you have?
CW: Well, I haven’t taken any classes.
Me: You know? small guns are for experienced shooters?
CW: Yeah, but I wanted something I could carry.
Me: Get yourself a nice used striker-fired mid-size gun, get lotsa ammo and take a class. And get a lot of trigger time.
CW: I know. But I really want to buy the new 9 mm sub-compact from (well-known brand.) Also I want to get the (well-known Uber Tactical German brand) in .45 ACP but that cost a lot.
Me: About as much or more than an used striker-fired gun, about 300 round and the cost of a class.
CW: Yeah, but it is so cool. Did you know that is the sidearm for (Insert Super Duper Tactical Team name here)?

It took me over a decade of shooting very regularly to be comfortable with a small gun and it was a surprise to me that I could shoot it decently.  But even then it took time to figure out how to shoot it well Amazingly, I am more accurate shooting strong-hand only than a two hand stance and that demanded that I had to adapt my way of thinking to it. It was not too hard as I was familiar (but not an expert) with shooting one-handed, but still required work.

If you are new at this shooting thing, get yourself a medium or full size strike-fired pistol, plenty mags, train & practice as much as you can.  You don’t have to get rid of your compact, but do not depend on it for life-threatening situation until you have the basics down so pat, you can transition to other makes and models of sidearms with little trouble.  One of the things you get to learn after training and lots of practice is the capability to self-diagnose almost immediately what needs to be changed in the way you operate a new gun: From the grip to sight placement to trigger pull and reloads. All of those are easier to learn with a full-sized weapon and then translate to medium and eventually compact and sub-compact guns, but you must not kid yourself thinking that you can do it after 6 months and 200 rounds of ammo at the square range.

And yes, I know that a compact gun is easier to carry and all the other excuses, but we are talking about a life-saving device and its main function is to save you, not accessorize you. I think it was Clint Smith who said that carrying  a gun is supposed to be comforting but not necessarily has to be comfortable. A pistol ain’t flip-flops.

There has to be something in their drinking water.

New research from a gun control group backed by former Mayor Michael Bloomberg finds the federal government is underestimating the number of children killed in unintentional firearm deaths.

The report from Everytown for Gun Safety looked at a one-year period beginning in December 2012, and found at least 100 unintentional shooting deaths in that time, or almost two a week. That’s 60 percent more than reflected in federal data.

via Feds underreporting accidental child gun deaths, study finds | TheHill.

So there is a conspiracy among certain parts of the criminal investigative process to hide those evil accidental children’s death by firearms. And how exactly do they accomplish that?  Sweeping under the rug? Losing paperwork? “Crashed” hard drives? Nope:

“When a child dies or is injured because a gun is left unsecured in a home, it’s not an accident,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action.

The report finds that local and state coroners and medical examiners tend to err toward classifying deaths as intentional homicides when intent is unclear, thus underreporting unintended shootings.

“Our analysis confirms that the official data significantly undercount the scale of the phenomenon,” according to the report, entitled “Innocents Lost.”

Wait..what? These are the same idiots that have been screaming about how awful is that accidental shootings are called that instead of having Law Enforcement/ District Attorney press charges, but when they are tagged as intentional homicides they complain too? 

Somebody please help me understand the mental process they use instead of logic. Do they need those deaths to be classified as accidental to keep their marketing alive?  Because I could swear that intentional homicides are way much nastier and collects more prison time than a simple accidental shooting.


Birds of Gun Control Feather……

Dante Williams, 19, and his accomplice Jawan Craig walked into the Waffle House restaurant and “terrorized” the customers in 2012 intent on robbing it at gun point. Upon being approached by Williams, gun in hand, one of the patrons, Justin Harrison – who also had a concealed weapon on him but had an actual permit for it – shot Williams in self-defense, killing him “almost instantly,” ….

Williams’s cousin Tamika McSwain is saying that although what he did was wrong, he shouldn’t have died and is calling for stricter gun laws. In the video, she specifically cites Harrison in her argument, asserting that tougher regulations for the acquirement of concealed weapon permits may have prevented her cousin’s death.

via Family of Man Shot While Robbing a Waffle House Calls for Stricter Gun Laws.

Although this sound like a bit from The Onion, apparently it is not.  So, it was OK for her cousin to illegally obtain a firearm and use it to commit a crime, but Mr. Harrison’s use of his legally carried gun stopping Critter Cousin and his friend is proof positive we need more gun control. Get it?

Trust me when I tell you that many in the Gun Control side of the issue fail to see the Nova-sized contradiction coming out of the brain pan of Tamika McSwain.

Criminals’ Benevolent Association anyone?

A newspaper editorial that probably will send people to jail or the morgue.

There was a time when newspaper editorials were suppose to be thoughtful pieces of writing addressing some important point for the local audience. While the rest of the paper was supposed to deal with the facts of a story, the editorial page was the opinion outlet for the collective mind of the newspaper about some major issue. And yes, maybe I am romanticizing a bit.

But now, with every story, most “journalists” immediately editorialize and color with their own personal bias an event. Instead of just telling readers what happened, they also want to control what they should think and feel getting in what once was exclusive turf of the Editors.  Of course, the editors kicked it quite a few notches and we have seen editorials that are nothing more than outright propaganda for one subject or another and with guns, they have been close to inciting hate.

But this editorial by the Sun Sentinel has gone a bit too far.  Let’s go over it. First, the nice part:


But that’s one of the pieces of legislation Gov. Rick Scott signed into law last week. The law, which takes effect immediately, allows people to fire warning shots in certain circumstances.

The governor also signed into law the so-called Pop Tart bill, which makes it legal for children to play with simulated guns in school without facing punishment. Another bad law, but the warning-shot bill is worse.

At the behest of the National Rifle Association, Florida lawmakers continue to broaden the latitude given shooters under the state’s controversial “Stand Your Ground” law. Instead of getting rid of that law, or clarifying it, or watering it down, state lawmakers continue to give it more ammunition.

via Florida’s newest shoot ’em up gun law – Sun Sentinel.

So the editorial clowns at the SS don’t mind having third graders handcuffed and taken away like felons because they were being kids and were playing & pretending to have guns.  This is bad in their opinion which leads us to believe that common sense was eliminated from the paper’s budget. And it is not unexpected that they have Stand Your Ground because…you know… it’s bad…it is a bad law… M’kay? Nothing new here. Let’s go on.

The warning-shot law was inspired by public outcry over the 20-year prison sentence given to Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville. Under the state’s 10-20-Life gun law, a judge had no choice but to give her the maximum punishment after she fired a gun at her abusive husband during an argument.

Alexander did not injure anyone with her shot, and was granted a retrial by an appellate court. But that didn’t stop the NRA and the Florida Legislature from pushing to make warning shots legal in certain circumstances, without fear of a minimum mandatory sentence.

Now, I am not sure where the misnomer Warning-Shot Law came from, but the newspapers, assorted media and many pundits who apparently have not read the law had no problems repeating it.  It does not matter that the words or the concept of Warning Shots is nowhere on the law, but we all know about repeating a lie a thousand times.  From here on, it gets creepy and I almost say criminal:

Warning shots? Most police agencies won’t use them because it’s widely considered a dangerous practice. But now civilians have that right.
Warning shots? How long before a vigilante uses one to justify his or her actions?.

They won’t be able to. The principles associated with self-defense must be present: Ability, Opportunity and Jeopardy. To say that you can shoot for no damned reason is a lie.

Warning shots? The spent bullets could pose a threat to animals, children and anybody picking up the shells.

I am scratching my head with this one. spent bullets and spent casings are just pieces of metal with no danger to anybody. hell, a regular round is not a threat to anybody on its own unless you are talking about artillery rounds which even in the depths of the Pork ‘N’ Beans neighborhood are very unusual to find in the wild.

For better or worse, we already have Stand Your Ground to protect people who feel they have to use deadly force to protect themselves or their families. Allowing for warning shots is just another way to give someone the opportunity to use lethal force when none may be called for.

Do I detect an advanced case of schizophrenia here?  At the beginning of the article, SYG needed to be clarified, watered down or eliminated, but now suddenly it is a good law?

In addition to the potential for unintended injury and death from warning shots, you can be sure the law will bring about lawsuits from folks injured by warning shots

They must be confusing civilian shooters with some members of South Florida’s PDs.

or whose children were alarmed by warning shots, or who witnessed their pet dog become extremely ill by eating the spent shells of warning shots.

I understand that the temptation of using the “Do it for the Children!” is too much to resist, but if the dog is so hungry it chews on pieces of brass, there is animal cruelty somewhere in there that needs to be addressed. Who wrote this thing? Michael Vick?.

And what happens when someone decides he wants to fire a warning shot during Fourth of July revelry, or someone who has had one too many beers decides he’d like to fire a warning shot, just because he can?

Did the Sun Sentinel just misinformed its readers that the Florida Legislature has made legal to shoot a firearm in celebration of the Fourth of July?  It is still illegal you bunch of morons! But somebody is gonna half-read this piece and say “Hey cool! We can pull out Daddy’s old revolver and just do our fireworks!” and end up in jail. This is The Sun Sentinel’s version of Joe Biden’s Shotgun advice that has already guided a couple of idiots to spend time behind bars.

Far-fetched? This is Florida. It will happen.

No crap! you are telling people they can! Are you guys like making sure there will be something happening so you can publish more stories? Sort of seeding the ground for more in-depth editorials? Are you trying desperately to come up with events so your jobs are not put in the chopping block for lack of newspaper sales?

Legalizing warning shots simply gives people another excuse to fire their weapons.

And again they will rather publish a lie..excuse me, they are misinformed and made an honorable mistake… Absence of Malice.

One of the most frustrating things we do as responsible shooters is to help the newcomers understand the nuances of being a responsible gun owner. There is plenty crap floating out there being my two top ones “you can carry in a car as long as you make three movements to get the gun” and “If anybody has a knife within 21 feet, you can go ahead and shoot them.” That a newspaper editorial board appears to be too idiotic or irresponsible and adds one more and possibly very deadly piece of misinformation is despicable.

And as always my advice to anybody: Do not depend on cops to know the laws about guns and do not the depend on the media to tell you the truth about gun laws. Both are mistakes that will be paid with large amounts of cash, loss of freedom or loss of life.

Always Read The Law.

CSGV still likes Concentration Camps for US Citizens.

The Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence is at it again. As good statists, they believe that no matter how egregious a violation of civil rights might be, as long as we have functioning courts, everything will be alright. Rounding up of citizens based on race and/or religion? Cool beans.  The massacring of the Native Americans by the government during the expansion of the West? That would be “nation building.”

Now it was the turn of the Japanese immigrants and the Nisei that were sent to “relocation camps” by orders of the Holy of All Democrats, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
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Now please note that CSGV states that the Japanese Americans were vindicated. What they do not tell you is that the vindication happened in the 1980s during the Reagan administration when an official apology and monetary compensations were awarded.

You see, as long as they eventually says “Oopsie! My Bad. Sorry!” and throw some cash your way, your rights can and will be violated in the name of a “greater good.”

It boggles the mind.