
McDonald: Tired Old Arguments from the Miami Herald.

My dear local rag never fails to give me material when I need it.

OUR OPINION: High court’s latest gun ruling hurts communities

And the community organize in D.C. is doing such a great work. Just ask Louisiana, Texas and Florida.

Monday was a very good day for the National Rifle Association and a very bad day for the sensible state and local officials in this country who want to curb the level of gun violence in their communities.

The good folks who elated the NRA are the five U.S. Supreme Court justices who ruled that the Second Amendment’s guarantee of a person’s right to bear arms applies to state and local gun-control regulations….

You guys live in Florida, right? Not sending editorials via email from New York or something. Maybe you did not get the memo, but since 1987 no “local Official” is allowed to create gun control laws out of thin air. Only the Legislature is allowed to create or modify gun laws. And the same goes for many states with the terrible consequence that….nothing bad has happened.

This is the first time the high court has found that the U.S. Constitution restricts state and municipal gun-control powers, and it is a hard blow to communities struggling to eradicate gun violence.

Communities like Chicago where His Excellence Daley had absolute control and Law Abiding Citizens were unable to buy a handgun to defend themselves have not been having any luck curbing the gun violence. In fact, the criminals are happy as kids in a three-day pass to DisneyWorld because they have this vast pool of victims to choose, rob and murder. But why let the facts get stubbornly in the way?

Many local and state gun regulations will be fair game to legal challenges because the court majority was vague about how far the Second Amendment should be extended on gun ownership. Just as there are limits on citizens’ free speech there should also be limits on gun ownership — but what those limits can be is now pretty murky.

Please notice the sentence in italics: Limits on Citizens! The Miami Herald has no shame in telling you that it is OK to restrict your right to Free Speech yet there is no mention of them willing to abide by the same “principle.” This is a prime example of the elitism in the Media where you, the common folk is nothing more than an uncultivated common folks.

Can states still require background checks for weapons purchases? Can states outlaw sales of assault weapons while allowing pistols and rifles to be sold? Can cities or states put limits on transactions at gun shows? Where is the line to be drawn between the right to own a gun and the public’s right to feel safe?

At the Chicago City Limits?

… as Justice Steven Breyer pointed out in his dissent. He argued — correctly — that Chicago’s handgun ban had saved many hundreds of lives since its enactment in 1983, which pointed in favor of deferring to local elected officials in deciding how to control guns.

And how does Justice Breyer know this? Did the city of Chicago presented affidavits from potential murderers saying “I wuz gonna kill me some bitches, but since there ain’t no gun stores in Chicago, I decided that was not cool.”? Just plain unadulterated bovine post-digestive by-product.

In his opinion for the majority, Justice Samuel Alito wrote that, “individual self-defense is the central component of the Second Amendment right.” That is one view, to be sure. But by tying the hands of state and local governments in regulating firearms, who will be left defend and protect gun-toters’ potential victims?

As usual the Miami Herald mixes criminals with Law Abiding citizens. If we own guns, we are as bad as your local ganbanger. It would be too much of a stretch for the Herald bullshit slingers editors to actually check the darn numbers issued by Florida Division of Licensing Statistical Reports on Concealed Carry individuals and their crimes. The numbers are so damn low they are almost statistically irrelevant. But again, why bother with the facts. Facts make you think, facts make you challenge your standard narrative, facts are scary because they shake your little ivory tower built on the sand of Liberal politics.

It is more comforting having them uncultivated common folks die without the chance to defend themselves.

Have we forgotten the past? We forgot to tell it.

First I want to than Jay and his comments. It made me realize part of the problem we are having with all this Anti-NRA campaigns.

I think the issues is a lot of people have joined the Second Amendment cause and are unaware or do not know what was happening just 30 years ago.  Those of us who were alive and/or paying attention have failed to see that the new generation knows little about the near past or the atmosphere we were living in. It is our failure, we have not portrayed efficiently what happened and now the NRA has this image of always being all powerful, all knowing, all fixing. We know that was not the case and must remedy it.

Today three quarters of Americans firmly believe that the Second Amendment is an Individual Right just like the First or the Fifth or any other. Thirty years ago the numbers were reversed and the Second Amendment was seen only as something that had to do with them hunters-Bambi-Killers. The Gun Control act of 1968 was deeply entrenched and the idea of a Citizen being able to carry a pistol for personal protection was akin to having little green men from Mars land in your backyard. Actually there was a better chance of Martians landing than people accepting CCW.

Then crime, that had been on the rise steadily, shot up to the stratosphere with the Drug Wars.  Cocaine Cowboys were not an episode of Miami Vice but real individuals machine gunning competitors in the streets of Miami and dealers shooting customers in the great cities of this country. Add to this the assassination of John Lennon, the attempt on Reagan (that produced poster Boy Brady), mass shootings in California and some other incidents, a call came to restrict even more the access to guns. This was not just a simple media call like we are used to it, this was a ferocious crusade from every field of society but gun owners.

The NRA then was forced to switch from a “Field & Stream” type organization which was only worried about hunters losing their rights to hunt to an all out Second Amendment group. It was not a nice transition and it left many people disenchanted or downright pissed off and many quit or were set aside. Some of those are still out there in other groups which you can imagine. This also brought the attention of the Anti Gunners and the Media who promptly made the NRA their favorite punching bag. Every crazy bastard with a gun was an NRA member unless otherwise proven the opposite (but don’t hold your breath waiting for a correction from the press), every NRA member was a possible killer. Legislative influence in Congress? Are you fucking kidding me? What was that?

Being an NRA member was to be a combination nutjob-leper. For many police departments having an NRA sticker in your windshield was probable cause to do a felony stop on your ass. You never commented at work that you were a shooting aficionado and an NRA member because you might get fired (always other causes were mentioned) or you could expect never to get a raise or to advance in the corporate ladder. People went to the extremes of removing anything gun related from their lives in fear that their friends and neighbors would freak out and their children be ostracized. The NRA member was a sick individual that was better off in a prison camp even though we were the most law abiding citizens out there. You were associated with every neo nazi group there was, spit on, screamed on. Wearing an NRA cap meant to people you had your bedsheets and a cross to be burned in the back of your pick up truck. This is a no-shitter people, I am a Hispanic that speaks with an accent and never hid his origins but I was accused of belonging to racist groups that would target me in a millisecond. How is that for stupidity and hysteria?

In my opinion, the turning point came the days after April 19, 1995: The Oklahoma City Bombing. Once it was known that Timothy McVeigh had planted and detonated the explosives, the media went nuts and accused the NRA of being somewhat involved with the event. And then there was this picture:

Many anti conservative cartoons were based on this famous picture but the one that struck home for most of us NRA members was one that said “Thank You NRA.” By stroke of the pen of somebody wanting to cash political points in the midst of such a tragic incident, were officially associated with the nastiest motherfucker of that era (Do you remember after 9-11 some congresscritter trying to associate gun owners with Islamic terrorists? Same deal but it almost worked then). We were mad, but now we went ballistic. The floodgates opened specially after it was found out that firefighter Chris Fields was an NRA member and he was not very fond the image of the kid and of his image being used for cheap political fodder. The Internet that was barely making inroads in the Media was flooded with our kind denouncing such crass tactics. Phones messages and faxes flooded every  radio & TV station, every congressman’s office, every body and any body that was in position of some power.

But the Powers That Be at the time did not relent and neither did we. They were expecting us to keep being polite and we weren’t.  From the famous “Jackbooted Thugs” comment to the Wayne LaPierre statement: “I’ve come to believe he needs a certain level of violence in this country He’s willing to accept a certain level of killing to further his agenda” it was clear that the gloves were off and the tide had turned. But this was already 1,999 and by 2,000 is when the NRA had developed political power enough to influence presidential elections and put the fear of God in Congress. NRA members were not afraid to sow their colors as we were once, people were carrying weapons for self defense and some “crazy” individuals were talking about Open Carry and even not needing to have a permit to carry a gun!

So Jay, the Sunset Provision in the AWB was a stroke of genius in an otherwise ghastly bill during absolutely anti-Gun anti-NRA times. The NRA had the faith than even though we would have to wait ten years, it would bear fruit and it did. And they hate us for it, we fucked up their master plan with one little expiration date. If the NRA hadn’t “signed in” with the AWB, it would still be the law of the land. That simple.

We live in an instant society and I understand people want all things perfect and now, but the reality is that sometimes you must fight wars by attrition and not by Shock and Awe. Maybe for the new generation we are moving at a snail’s pace, but for us old farts the changes we have seen in the last 5 years alone are nothing short of a frigging miracle.

This is such a poor and short summary and only from my point of view. If you have memories of what was to be an NRA member then, please share them in the comments section.

Why are Anti-gunners so bigoted?

Not to give Carl Hiaasen any ideas, but this has the makings of a good novel: Frustrated by government that allows rampant overdevelopment, eco-conscious gun-range enthusiasts protest by taking aim at tourists as they sit on their balconies watching Everglades sunsets.

Sun Sentinel columnist Michael Mayo (Don’t get me started) commenting on the development of a hotel (allegedly a Marriot) and office complex half a mile north of the Markham Park Range. For enlightened people, “journalists” sure are easy to repeat bigoted and profiling characterizations.

But we knew this already.

The “Absence of Malice” Files: Life in Prison for $4 worth of socks.

Appearing in Drudge is the following headline from the Sun Sentinel: Life in prison for stealing $4 package of socks. It instantly evokes the mishaps of Jean Valjean and his horrible sentence of 19 year for a loaf of bread, the injustice of a out of control justice system and society’s inability to deal with crime. Of course, after reading the article one must ponder if “reporters” Barbara Hijek and spent the weekend watching a marathon of Twilight and Glee because the culprit, one Dean Rockmore was found guilty of not stealing $4 worth of goods but brandishing a gun to the Security Officer trying to stop him. Rockmore is a repeat offender with goodies in his record like Arson, Aggravated Assault on a Firefighter/Paramedic, trafficking stolen merchandise, violently resisting arrest with violence & forgery. His incarceration history goes back all the way to 1981so we are not talking about an innocent man driven by circumstances, Bush and the War in Iraq.

The jury seemed to reason along the same lines when they took under an hour to send Mr. Rockmore to spend a vacation in the custody of the State of Florida and Circuit Judge Margaret Hudson decided to make such vacation permanent.

Now why Barbara Hijek and What a douchebag of a newspaper.”

One must agree.

“Blood will run in the streets of Charlotte! Wait, What do you mean less crime?”

Via the NRA we find out that during the NRA Convention, crime in the area was down 45% compared to the same week the year before. According to the, not only the convention was the biggest in Charlotte’s history, the only issue was traffic congestion on Friday. There were no reports of people suffering from Road Rage and shooting their guns wildly while in traffic.

It was not suppose to happen that way damn it! Them NRA Redneck were suppose to be wild, host a KKK party, burn some crosses and shoot innocent people at random!

Oh well! 😉

Hat Tip to Sebastian

“Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”

By now you should be aware of the controversy regarding Comedy Central and the censorship of an episode of South Park portraying Mohammed and the threats by some Islamic moron from Brooklyn named Abu Talhal und Falafel et Camel or something like that who posted in his now defunct website that “”We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.” The site displayed picture of the corpse of Theo Van Gogh as added visual reference.

The bending over of Comedy Central was their own and the South Park producers Matt Stone and Trey Parker were not involved. Actually they sounded kind of pissed by Comedy Central’s actions and its bout of Political Correctness in a station who has no qualms on letting programs insult other religions.

So in response of these threats and Comedy Central’s sudden testicular vanishing, the “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” has been set for May 20, 2010.

This should be interesting. I can already hear the cries of racism and intolerance from CAIR and the bowel-less pundits everywhere. Heck, I might get creative myself just to see them anguish and pissed.

Hat Tip to Conservative Scalawag.