The Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence is at it again. As good statists, they believe that no matter how egregious a violation of civil rights might be, as long as we have functioning courts, everything will be alright. Rounding up of citizens based on race and/or religion? Cool beans.  The massacring of the Native Americans by the government during the expansion of the West? That would be “nation building.”

Now it was the turn of the Japanese immigrants and the Nisei that were sent to “relocation camps” by orders of the Holy of All Democrats, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
GSCV roundup round 2


Now please note that CSGV states that the Japanese Americans were vindicated. What they do not tell you is that the vindication happened in the 1980s during the Reagan administration when an official apology and monetary compensations were awarded.

You see, as long as they eventually says “Oopsie! My Bad. Sorry!” and throw some cash your way, your rights can and will be violated in the name of a “greater good.”

It boggles the mind.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “CSGV still likes Concentration Camps for US Citizens.”
  1. That is not proper use of the word, “vindicated.” I bet those dumbasses were thinking of “abdicated,” or “vacated.” Still wrong; just wrong *and* stupid.

    If they had said, “Japanese-Americans were vindicated in the loss of their rights….” I might go along with it. But this is not what they said.

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  2. When a Republican president issues an apology for the actions of Democrats, that is not vindication, that’s demonstrating that Republicans have never been the monsters and bigots that Democrats say we are.

  3. […] Liberal Dems are quite ashamed of this particular action from their demi-god FDR and they will go bunkers if you bring it up. But that CSGV is acting all offended by the words of the mayor is particularly funny when we have record of Ladd and Company actually agreeing in principle and dismissing the Japanese Interment like it was o…: […]

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