Earlier this week, President Trump once more offered Federal Law Enforcement and National Guard to Portland so they would end the three months or so of riots and violent protests.  The Mayor of Portland replied by rejecting the offer with a very politically smug letter:

The hero of the Left! Bravo! How shall we reward his valor for standing against Orange Fascist Bad?

Invade the building where he lives, demands he defunds the police and renounce his position as Mayor.


They even threw a concert of very loud and not quite good metal in front of the building.

And they got to continue harass the other occupants with lights:

I am sure the neighborhood enjoyed the rather cute chants of the crowd, specially those with kids:

You can stop laughing now.


Building security called 911 for help.

Cops never showed up.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

18 thoughts on “Ted Wheeler not so good night”
  1. I have been railing about Dems for a long time. Their hypocrisy, their incompetence, their hubris, their utter disregard for everything that America stands for. But this letter, this brazenly shameless display of stupidity that, by its nature of having been written and published by the mayor of a major American city, is breathtaking. He actually believes this stuff despite his city burning to the ground every night for the last three months. And his constituents do as well. Amazing…

  2. Will the Mayor Beetlejuice NIMBY rule kick in here, or will he pretend that everything is fine, FINE!

  3. The truly sad thing? I voted for this schmuck, he was the least worst candidate in the field, running a fairly moderate, centrist campaign. The other fourteen candidates ranged from Bernie Bros to even an honest-to-no-god Maoist.

    Wheeler won with ~55% of the vote.

    1. Does he have an R opponent in the general election? If not, one should mount a write-in campaign.

  4. More undeniable proof that bending the knee to the commietards never solves anything and just makes things worse, just like giving in to pampered brats throwing a tantrum.

  5. And the people still living there will still vote for him or people like him. And the ones that move away will vote for people like him wherever they decide to move to.

    I wonder what your average Portland resident thinks right now. I suspect it’s something along the lines of they still fully support the riots, hate Trump and will vote for these idiots again. I don’t think these people can actually be saved from themselves at this point. Even if they are aware they don’t want to. The ones that are sensible are leaving but when they leave will vote down the line democrat. What’s best to just do is seal the state borders or at least the city and not allow them to leave taking their voting habits with them.

    1. “The ones that are sensible are leaving but when they leave will vote down the line democrat.”

      That’s because the concept of cause and effect is phobist*.

      *How do y’all like my portmanteau word that rolls up pretty much all the various slurs against us in just seven letters?

  6. There’s definitely a “Schadenfreude” part here — the bit about calling 911 and having no one show up.

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